Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 878 Zhen Huan Body

"Ah ha ha ha, my teeth are broken!"

On the phone, Lu Yu'er talked about the four comics and laughed unkindly, "I feel so bad for the dancing girl. I'll lose a lot of money if I collide with you..."

Lu Yuer and Hongchenwu are old rivals.

Although Lu Yu'er can always be one step ahead of the other party, the other party can occasionally put a lot of pressure on her.

Now that "The Legend of Zhen Huan" has almost crushed "On the Water Side", Lu Yu'er's heart is filled with shock. After all, "On the Water Side" is also very good, otherwise it would not have been sold under the siege of "The Legend of Zhen Huan" It has sold more than 30 million copies.

However, Lu Yuer felt relieved when she thought that works like "Sherlock Holmes" were all written by Luoyang.

In a competition with such a monster, Hongchenwu's defeat is not unfair. "The Legend of Zhen Huan" at the same time was too dazzling. The quality of "On the Water Side" is somewhat dwarfed by the comparison with "The Legend of Zhen Huan". In "The Legend of Zhen Huan" Under the power of Luoyang, even if he fights Luoyang in person, the result will probably be disastrous.

This is also the reason why when Luoyang publishes martial arts, other martial arts masters will avoid it.

Stopping her random thoughts, Lu Yuer said seriously: "There is still a long time left in this month, and "The Legend of Zhen Huan" is expected to be a phenomenon!"

Although the first week of surge has passed, as long as a few million copies are sold steadily every day, "The Legend of Zhen Huan" is still very hopeful to sell 100 million copies before the end of this month; "Red Dust Dance" The same goes for "On the Water Side". The sales volume of more than 30 million is not the end. Before the end of the month, it may reach 50 million.

"I hope it's phenomenal."

Luoyang smiled and said that both he and Lu Yu'er knew what it meant for "The Legend of Zhen Huan" to reach a phenomenal level. The standard for a romance to become a classic of the times is to have ten phenomenal movies.

This was the wish of the deceased Lu Bing and also the wish of Lu Yuer.

In the final analysis, Luoyang wrote romance to help the master and apprentice realize their wishes. Luoyang did not say this explicitly, but Lu Yu'er knew it and was always secretly grateful to the other party.

The days of June are passing day by day.

The sales of "The Legend of Zhen Huan" have finally declined.

This is a very normal market law. Even if the sales volume of "The Legend of Zhen Huan" can increase unexpectedly in a short period of time, it will gradually decline in the long run. Moreover, Luoyang's appeal in romance is indeed not as good as that of martial arts. If Luoyang writes martial arts, it will achieve Phenomenal level is relatively simple.


Although the sales volume in reality has inevitably declined, "The Legend of Zhen Huan" has not lost any popularity on the Internet, and there has even begun to spread a trend of writing about Zhen Huan.

Here's the thing.

Many fans who have read "The Legend of Zhen Huan" feel that in the novel "The Legend of Zhen Huan", all the characters' lines are high-end and classy, ​​antique and full of charm, and they began to unknowingly add Zhen Huan in their language. Pass on language characteristics and form a new language.

This new language has many classics, such as:

"Hey, the cake you bought today is excellent. The thick cheese paired with the rich mousse is the best. I'd like to taste it a few more times. Even though I'm getting fatter, I still live up to the kindness. "

"The style of this new shirt that I got today is excellent. The Suzhou embroidery material and the simple tailoring are the best. I would like to buy a few more pieces. Although my wallet will suddenly lose weight, it won't matter. Unfavorable."

"I just realized that I drank too much tea tonight and had no intention of falling asleep. If I do this for a long time, my skin will be damaged. Drink a cup of milk before going to bed the next day to sleep peacefully. It is also good for sleep quality. Although drinking tea with friends is good, but You have to stop in moderation to live up to your kindness.”

"I've been bored lately, so I went online and just met a handsome guy online. He's very good-looking, and his conversation is very humorous. I really hit it off, and we made an appointment to meet at the door of KFC. But I never thought it was him. A woman pretending to be a man even tempted me to come out, which made me feel so embarrassed. I secretly thought that I would spend less time online and spend more time with my boyfriend, so that I could live up to my kindness. "

What [my palace]...

What is [not living up to the kindness]...

What else [can't be better]...

These words are words that appear frequently in "The Legend of Zhen Huan".

It does look antique at first glance, but now it has been used as a prank by some netizens, and it has been spread more and more widely on the Internet. More and more bored netizens have begun to study this interesting language, and this language is also It was named [Zhen Huan Body] by many Zhen Huan fans.

Luoyang also didn't expect that [Zhen Huan Ti] would become popular in this world.

You must know that the popularity of [Zhen Huan Style] in the previous life was due to the popularity of the TV series "The Legend of Zhen Huan". The dialogues between the characters in the play are full of literary and artistic tone, the tone is neither urgent nor slow, the tone is neither surprising nor sudden, calm, generous and detailed In addition to taste, it also caused netizens to imitate it, so this way of speaking was called [Zhen Huan Style]. In this generation, "The Legend of Zhen Huan" only released a novel, and the TV series had not yet come out, but it actually gave "Zhen Huan Style" to It turned out red, which was really unexpected.

As for the "soft persimmon" stalk, it doesn't get as much attention as before.

After all, the romantic dispute between Luoyang and Hongchenwu is just the most conventional competition in the book market. Luoyang itself and Hongchenwu have no grudges, so Luoyang will naturally not continue to mention this embarrassing plot. Hongchenwu is even more She won't mention it anymore. After all, she was very embarrassed when she picked a soft persimmon and found out that the soft persimmon was the big devil himself.

The two parties involved remained silent, and the heat dissipated naturally.

What is popular now is [Zhen Huan Ti], which is indeed more interesting than "soft persimmon".

Liu Qin also felt the heat of [Zhen Huan Body] on her meager body. She said to Luoyang: "Just now, I had a thought during the lecture. Looking at the gloomy and dull day, it disturbed my appetite a bit. , It’s really disturbing. I don’t know what I can do to make this ghost feel better, but I can’t let myself be so petty and let you down!”

Luoyang: "Speak humanly!"

Liu Qin replied weakly: "How about eating Shenma for lunch today?"

"Hahaha, speaking in human terms, these three words instantly make [Zhen Huan Ti] unable to hide!"

"23333, even though I know you two are showing off your affection, I still laughed in disbelief!"

The interaction between the two made many netizens burst into laughter. They did not expect that this [Zhen Huan Ti] could even have a dialogue version. The three words "speaking in human language" are a big killer. For a time, there were even more imitators on the Internet. too much.

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