Mr. Lu seemed to be immersed in memories, his expression was full of memories, beauty, and sadness.

"Uncle Lu, what did you remember?"

Director Lao Wang asked doubtfully. Mr. Lu was a good friend of his father and had watched him grow up since he was a child. He was also very curious about Uncle Lu's affairs.

Director Lao Wang heard about Uncle Lu's past from his father and knew a general idea.

But there were some details that Uncle Lu was reluctant to mention, and his father would not ask much.

But why is this legendary figure in the collecting world, a wealthy man with nearly 10 billion assets, still single?

This is something that Director Lao Wang still can't figure out.

Unexpectedly, Uncle Lu took the initiative to mention the past. Director Lao Wang wanted to listen.

Everyone looked at Mr. Lu. This painting was painted by Mr. Ye. Why did it evoke the old man's memory?

There was tenderness in Mr. Lu's eyes. He looked at the painting and murmured to himself、

"My first wife was born in Nanjiang, and the scene is very similar to this painting."

It seemed as if his memory went back to decades ago, when he was still a young man in his twenties.

By chance, he met the daughter of a very respected calligrapher. During that visit, he saw a figure in a white dress sitting in front of an easel painting in a small courtyard.

Her long black hair was loosely tied behind her with a white hairband.

Her back was slender and her temperament was gentle. Her slender hands held the paintbrush and painted on the white paper.

On the white paper, the painting was of butterflies and bees flying in the garden.

The bright colors formed a sharp contrast with her white dress.

She heard the doorbell and slowly turned her face. It was a gentle and beautiful face, which was also the origin of his lifelong love.

Later, the two met and fell in love, and entered the palace of marriage.

After that, the two would stay for a while at her mother's house in Nanjiang every year.

The scenery in the painting is very similar to the scenery of Nanjiang Town, quiet and beautiful.

Seeing this scenery, Mr. Lu also recalled that sweet youth.

The audience in the live broadcast room sighed:

"I didn’t expect that Mr. Lu had such a romantic past when he was young!"

"I instantly had an image in my mind: she must be a very beautiful lady!"

"Mr. Lu is also a man with a story!"

" The scenery of Nanjiang is really beautiful"

"What a perfect match!"

"It must be very happy!"

"I also want to have such love!"

"So romantic and so happy!!!"

"Mr. Lu must love his wife very much!".........

Zhang Zifeng held her face with her hands, imagining the love story from decades ago, with a look of yearning.

She was at the age of first love, and she had a lover in her heart, so she would also yearn for love.

Redina's eyes could not help but glance at Ye Fang, but she only���In an instant, he quickly dodged.

Guan Tong'er's pretty face was full of envy.

She was in her early twenties and had never encountered such love, so she would have fantasies.

Others all sighed that Mr. Lu's love was enviable.

"My wife and I stay in Nanjiang for a few months every year. This scenery reminds me of that time...."

If those things hadn't happened later....

Mr. Lu did not continue to talk about what happened later.

But what? Zhang Zifeng had a puzzled look on her face and wanted to continue listening.

Director Lao Wang also knew the reason why he paused here. Seeing that Mr. Lu’s expression was not very good, he hurriedly changed the subject:

"Yes! This painting seems to be the scenery of Nanjiang!"

""Has Mr. Ye been to Nanjiang?"

Director Lao Wang brought the topic to Ye Fang, and everyone's attention was instantly diverted to him.

Mr. Lu put away his complicated emotions, and asked with a kind smile:"Mr. Ye can paint the scenery of Nanjiang so realistically, I guess he has been to Nanjiang, right?" The five little ones all looked at their father in unison.

They had spent the past five years without their father's company, so they were full of curiosity about the places their father had been to.

The princess remembered that Mr. Ye had released a song called"Nanjiang", and wanted to know the background story of the song, so she pricked up her ears to listen.

Ye Fang looked at the painting and smiled,"What a coincidence, Mr. Lu's beloved wife and I were born in the same city,"

"This town is a memory of my childhood. Whenever I feel depressed, I will stand on the roof and enjoy the view."

"I didn't expect that this painting has such a predestined relationship with Mr. Lu. It can be considered as an accident."

Ye Fang's answer aroused Mr. Lu's curiosity:"Mr. Ye is from Nanjiang? That's really a coincidence,"

Guan Tiantian tilted her head and asked in confusion:"Dad, didn't you study in Beijing? Why are you from Nanjiang?"

This is also what the other four little ones are confused about.

They have all seen their father's information, but they also have many things they don't know about their father's past.

Ye Fang smiled gently and glanced at Guan Tiantian, and replied:"I don't know where I am from. I grew up in an orphanage in Nanjiang, so I can be considered a Nanjiang person."

Grown up in an orphanage?

Mr. Ye is an orphan?

This news made everyone's face change. Guan Tiantian didn't even know that her father grew up in an orphanage. It

's been shown in TV dramas that children in orphanages don't have the love of their parents, and they are very pitiful and lonely.

Guan Tiantian never thought that her father grew up in such a pitiful environment.

Her eyes quietly turned red, her nose felt sour, and a look of pity and heartache appeared on her little face.

This was something no one had expected.

Wen Yaoyao pulled Guan Tiantian and told her not to cry at this time.

This little girl is a natural crybaby, but her father's expression didn't show any sadness.

The parties involved didn't show any sadness, so what if others cried sadly?

What's more, there is a camera facing them now.....

If Tiantian starts crying,���It would be bad if my relaxed father felt uncomfortable.

Guan Tiantian understood what her sister meant and held back her tears. She just looked at her father nervously with red eyes.

Director Lao Wang didn't expect that the question he asked casually would bring up such an unpleasant past.

She said embarrassedly,"I'm sorry, Mr. Ye, I shouldn't have asked"

"It's okay, it was a long time ago."

"I am living a good life now."

Ye Fang stared at the painting and smiled,"Just now I was reminded of my childhood...."

"Mr. Ye...Is he an orphan?" Mr. Lu asked with an inexplicable look. ps:

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