The comments in the live broadcast room also said:

"Mr. Ye, don't go!"

"It's not time to rest yet. I don't want to miss seeing Mr. Ye."

"Do you want to go to bed now?"

"Mr. Ye just said he was going back for a trip, but he didn’t say he wouldn’t come!"

"Hahahaha, I guess he wants to go back and feed those fishes"......

In response to Mr. Huang's question, Ye Fang smiled helplessly and said,"I slept in the Mushroom House last night, and I haven't changed my clothes yet. I'll go back and pack them up."

"Oh!" Teacher Huang suddenly realized. It made sense. Ye Fang was a clean young man. He hadn't washed himself all day and all night. He smiled and nodded,"Okay, okay, you go first. You must come later.""

"Okay." Ye Fang nodded slightly, took a step forward, and suddenly thought of something, and said:"There is a meteor shower tonight. According to the angle, the viewing effect is better from where I am. Do you want to go?"

"Is there a meteor shower tonight?"Teacher He became interested and asked

"Right, right, right!" Zhang Zifeng's chubby face was full of excitement when he mentioned this:"There is a meteor shower tonight. I received the news this morning. I heard that it is rare to see such a meteor shower in a century."

""The sky over Manyuan Village is clear tonight with few clouds, maybe we can see it clearly!" Redina said with a smile.

Guan Tiantian jumped and shouted,"I want to see it. I want to go to the Sunflower Courtyard to watch the meteor shower!"

"I want to go too!" Yang Anan stood up quickly:"I haven't seen the meteor shower yet!"

They are all children living in a bustling city. Naturally, their vision is not as broad and clear as the sky in Manyuan Village, so it is difficult to see a real meteor shower.

But in Manyuan Village, any kind of sky phenomenon can be seen clearly. Even the usual sky is full of stars, bright and beautiful.

Watching a meteor shower in such a sky must be great!

Thinking of this, several young children are already looking forward to it, and Teacher Huang is also a little excited. He looks at Mr. Lu, the oldest person present.

"Does Uncle Lu want to go and take a look?"

"Okay, I'll join in the fun.、"Mr. Lu smiled kindly.

He also wanted to see Mr. Ye's small yard.

So everyone agreed, and Ye Fang left the mushroom house.

Walking slowly along the flower path to the sunflower yard, looking from a distance, the lights in the small yard were not on, and the sunflowers that faced the sun during the day were now drooping.

Even though the small yard was beautifully maintained, it now showed a little loneliness and desolate feeling.

In the past, Ye Fang had never seen this difference in his own small yard.

But today, he saw this different feeling.

Ye Fang couldn't help but think, has his mentality changed? Or is the sunflower yard lonely?

Yes, this is just a lonely world that belongs to him, in his heart.

The sunflower yard is lonely, and hasn't he erected a high wall in his heart, and he was trapped alone in it?

Now, he suddenly has five more daughters, and he has experienced family affection, and there are people in the mushroom house who make him feel warm.

Naturally, he is like a sunflower, facing the warm sun and feeling the light.

Looking back at the sunflower yard where he had trapped himself for five years, the contrast came to his mind.

Smiling and shaking his head slightly, he pushed open the fence and entered.

After not coming back for two days, the yard was still clean and tidy. He threw the fish food into the small pond, and several koi swam over immediately to eat the fish food.

Ripples appeared on the water, reflecting the starlight and moonlight, which was very beautiful.

After standing in the small pavilion for a while, Ye Fang glanced at the sky.

The meteor shower had not appeared yet, so he took this opportunity to take a shower and change into clean clothes.

He was not a germaphobe but he loved cleanliness. This was a habit he developed when he was with Yu Ge. After washing his hair and taking a shower, changing into a pure white T-shirt and black casual pants, Ye Fang wiped his hair and walked into the yard.

Suddenly, a white light with a long tail streaked across the sky.

The speed was very fast. If you don't pay attention, you may not be able to see it clearly even if you see it, because it was too sudden.

""It's coming." Ye Fang whispered.

He took out his cell phone and called Teacher Huang to inform them that the meteor shower had begun.

Teacher Huang said that a guest had suddenly arrived and they needed to wait a few minutes before coming over.

Ye Fang estimated the time of the meteor shower and made sure they would not miss the most exciting part, then hung up the phone.

He walked into the small pavilion and sat down. With his bony hands supporting his face, Ye Fang quietly stared at the starry sky, waiting for other meteors to appear.......

Mushroom House、

""Teacher Huang, Teacher He, hello."

A girl in a sports long skirt suit and a pair of clean white shoes walked into the yard dragging a suitcase.

Her black hair was tied up in a high ponytail, making her look very energetic. Her youthful, young and beautiful face was full of smiles.

But at this moment she frowned and said,"I'm too late, sorry!"

"It doesn't matter!"Teacher He smiled and helped her take the suitcase, thinking about the meteor shower that was about to begin.

Who knew that at such a critical moment, a guest would come.

I have to greet him and arrange a place for him to stay!

Peng Peng was anxious in his heart. He took the suitcase and used his strength to quickly move it into the bedroom on the second floor.

Lan Qingyang was a little confused. This way of entertaining people was really rushed!

"Are you hungry?"Teacher Huang asked politely, which was a common phrase for greeting guests.

His eyes were fixed on the sky, afraid of missing a shooting star.

Lan Qingyang noticed that everyone looked a little strange, but the hunger in her stomach made her feel like she had seen a savior.

"Teacher Huang, you are so nice. You know I am hungry! Is there anything to eat?"

She is cheerful and generous. She doesn't hide anything. She just says she is hungry.

Teacher Huang's smile froze.

He just wanted to be polite, thinking that she must have eaten at this late hour. Who would have thought that she really hadn't eaten.

Everyone's smile froze.

"Ahem, there's food!"

Teacher He was smart. He quickly ran into the house, found some snacks, and stuffed them into Lan Qingyang's hands.

""We are going to our neighbor's house to watch the meteors, shall we go together?" Teacher He asked directly.

The five little ones stamped their feet anxiously, because the meteors wait for no one!

They all wanted to see the beautiful meteors!

"Meteor shower? Teacher He, if you had told me earlier, I would have gone too."Lan Qingyang was just opening a snack and taking a bite when he heard the meteor shower. His eyes lit up.

He put down his backpack and walked in front. When he saw that the others hadn't caught up, he turned back and urged them to hurry up.


""Puff!" Teacher Huang smiled helplessly:"This child is really impetuous!"

Several people set out, walked along the flower path, and came to the sunflower yard.

Lan Qingyang looked at the sunflowers in the yard, his expression a little dazed.

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