"Qing Yang?" Ye Fang looked at the familiar person crying in the moonlight.

This face is 70% similar to Yu Ge, but Ye Fang would never mistake the two.

Different ages, different temperaments, and even different dressing styles.

Lan Qingyang slowly walked over, took a closer look, and confirmed again that it was really her brother-in-law who had disappeared for five years.

She cried even more sadly, and tears rushed out one after another. She looked sad, thinking of her deceased sister, thinking of the bitterness during this period, and all her emotions poured out.

Lan Qingyang is not a pretentious person, and she doesn't like to cry.

If she were weak, she might have had the current popularity in the past five years without any background.

But she met someone who shared memories with her and loved her sister, so she couldn't stop crying and her emotions collapsed.

Everyone else was stunned and at a loss.

Why did Lan Qingyang cry so sadly? And he called Mr. Ye his brother-in-law?

Countless questions emerged in the minds of Lan Qingyang and others.

Lan Qingyang cried softly and walked to Ye Fang, her shoulders shaking uncontrollably.

Looking at Lan Qingyang, who was still a child in his memory, now has grown into a mature girl of 1.7 meters tall, Ye Fang sighed that time flies.

Calculating, Yu Ge is 27 years old this year, Qingyang should be 24 years old. She is also a grown-up girl who has passed two zodiac years.

"Don't cry."Ye Fang raised his hand, patted Lan Qingyang's shoulder, and whispered to comfort her.

Why was Lan Qingyang crying?

Ye Fang could probably empathize with her.

When he saw Lan Qingyang, he couldn't help but think of Yu Ge, and naturally recalled that bitter time.

Qingyang was Yu Ge's close sister, and Ye Fang knew how good their sisterhood was.

It was normal for her to be so sad.

The audience in the live broadcast room exploded:

"What's going on? My goddess Qing Yang knows Mr. Ye?‘

"Are these two people old acquaintances?"

"Why was Qing Yang crying? And why did he call Mr. Ye his brother-in-law?"

"I didn't hear it clearly just now, did you call him brother-in-law?"

"I don’t know why, but goddess, please don’t cry, it makes me sad!"

"Goddess, don't cry!!!"........

Finally, Lan Qingyang calmed down, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and looked up at Ye Fang.

"Brother-in-law, why are you here?"

"You suddenly disappeared in these five years. Did you go to Manyuan Village?"

Lan Qingyang only wanted to solve the mystery of the past five years at this moment, and did not pay attention to the occasion.

Ye Fang nodded slightly and said,"I came here directly after leaving Kyoto. This piece of land was bought by someone when Yu Ge and I were together."

At that time, he decided to get engaged to Yu Ge after graduation. Yu Ge said that she hoped that no matter how busy or tired she was in the future, she would have time to have a quiet and beautiful place for her to breathe.

It would be best if there were large tracts of fruit orchards for her to pick and taste.

Xishuangbanna is the place where the most fruits are produced, and the scenery is also excellent. Ye

Fang chose Manyuan Village and found an agency to buy the land.

Thinking of bringing Yu Ge here for vacation when they get engaged to give her a surprise.

It can be regarded as another home for the two of them besides Kyoto.

But before she could tell her the news, she fell ill and then died....

Ye Fang chose to stay away from Kyoto, where there were many acquaintances, and came to this place he had never set foot in but had longed for.

He didn't want to face the comforting but pitiful eyes of those who knew about his and Yu Ge's past.

Ye Fang doesn't need pity.

He also doesn't want to face Kyoto, which is full of memories.

The memories of the last six months were so painful that Ye Fang couldn't bear it at the time.

He didn't tell her about the twists and turns, but just explained it briefly to Lan Qingyang.

Lan Qingyang remembered what her sister had said, and looked at the environment here and the layout of the small courtyard, and instantly understood.

Her eyes were deep, and she sighed,"Brother-in-law is thoughtful. I feel sorry for my sister."..."

If her sister were still alive, she would definitely be a happy person!

Then, Lan Qingyang looked at the five little girls who were clinging to Ye Fang's side, looking at her with a wary look.

This wary look was like seeing a stepmother who might take her father away.

Lan Qingyang was embarrassed, and his heart was full of doubts, but he remembered that many cameras were still facing him at this moment, and it was not the time to ask. So he gave up the idea of asking questions.

From their conversation, others roughly guessed their relationship.

Peng Peng whispered to his sister:"It seems that she is Miss Lan's sister. I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence!"

"I think so."’Zhang Zifeng nodded his head, feeling a little complicated.

Lan Yuge was Mr. Ye’s deceased girlfriend, but she had always existed in other people’s words. Suddenly seeing Lan Yuge’s biological sister, he was instantly pulled into reality.

At this moment, Zhang Zifeng felt that Mr. Ye was a little strange.

Perhaps it was someone who knew about his and Miss Lan’s past who appeared.

There were memories and feelings between them that could be communicated without words.

Maybe because of this, Zhang Zifeng suddenly felt strange and alienated.

Redina looked at this scene with her beautiful eyes, and was very surprised. Miss Lan’s sister is a member of a popular girl group?

The sisters of the Lan family are amazing!

However, when Mr. Ye faced Lan Qingyang, he naturally showed concern, which made Redina a little envious.

But this kind of concern was very natural, which made Redina feel at ease.

Naturally, it means that he really treats her as a sister, and this kind of concern is only because of Miss Lan.

Guan Tonger looked at the conversation between the two curiously, thinking in his heart...

Will this sister and brother-in-law....

"Qingyang, do you know Mr. Ye?"Although Mr. Huang guessed the relationship between the two, in order to pull the atmosphere back and let the audience not pay too much attention to this matter, he still pretended to be stupid and asked

"Yes!" Lan Qingyang wiped away her tears and smiled embarrassedly:"I was too excited to see my relatives just now, and I couldn't control myself."

Then she explained to the camera:"Sister...Mr. Ye used to be in a relationship with my sister, so I call him my brother-in-law."

After all, she is an artist now, so she still has to be careful about her words and deeds.

What's more, this is the man my sister loved. She has never thought about it in her heart, and she doesn't want to have an indecent scandal with her brother-in-law.

That would make her feel sorry for her sister who is still alive.

"That's right, I didn't expect Qingyang to be Miss Lan's sister, what a coincidence."

Teacher Huang smiled and nodded. At this time, dozens of meteors streaked across the sky.

Guan Tiantian exclaimed,"The meteor shower has begun!" She pointed at the meteors excitedly.

Others also looked over.

They saw meteors flashing bright white light streaking across the sky one after another, dragging long tails, which was instantly beautiful.

Ye Fang said to Lan Qingyang,"Come with me,"

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