"Sister Redina, you are not allowed to take my dad away!"

Yang Anan pouted her lips, aggrieved and angry, declaring her sovereignty.

Dad can only be her dad, and cannot be taken away by others!

Although she can only share her dad with her sisters, if she can get the most love from her dad this time, she will win the bet with her sisters! Then dad will be her dad from now on!

But she doesn’t want to have another sister Redina as her enemy.

Then her chances of winning will be greatly reduced!

But Redina was confused by this nonsensical sentence, and blinked her big exotic eyes.

"An An, what are you talking about? Why would I take your dad away?"

"You were staring at Dad just now! Humph!"

Yang Anan said angrily.

It was as if Redina was a vixen who wanted to take away her father, a bad woman.

Redina thought of her fleeting thoughts just now, her cheeks flushed, and her eyes flashed with guilt.

She didn't expect that the child's mind was so sharp. She just made up something in her heart, and Anan could detect it.

But she didn't think of snatching Mr. Ye away at all!

Although Mr. Ye was quite handsome

"Ahem, I just want to see what An An's father looks like, to check for you."

Redina coughed twice to cover up her inner feelings, using her acting skills to hide her inner feelings, and instantly got away with it.

"Really?" Yang Anan blinked and stared at Redina, half believing and half doubting.

But he couldn't tell anything from Redina's face, so he finally chose to believe it.

With a smile on his face, Yang Anan asked doubtfully:"Sister Redina, does my mom know?"

"Got it." Redina nodded solemnly, which frightened Yang Anan so much that her face turned pale. She stared at Redina nervously:"Then, did Mommy ask you to take me back?"

Looking at the cute and nervous Anan, Redina pinched her nose and smiled:

"An'an, don't think so badly of your mom, she just wants you to be happy."

Yang An'an couldn't understand what Redina said. She knew that her mom was good to her, but she had a dispute with her mom about her dad.

Since then, she has never expressed her longing for her dad to her mom.

She thought that her mom would hate her for looking for her dad, so she secretly planned everything, hacked into her mom's computer, found the core information of private institutions, and found the system of the Malaysian company and her dad's information.

Then she planned everything with her friends and came to Manyuan Village to find her dad.

But she didn't expect that her mom would know so quickly, nor did she expect that sister Redina would come to find her in person.

In her little world, she only thought that her mom would be angry and let sister Redina take her away from Manyuan Village.

Looking at Yang An'an's confused look with her little head tilted, Redina gently stroked Yang An'an's long black hair and explained softly.

"Your mother asked me to come and see how your father is doing, but she didn't ask me to take you back."

"She also hopes that you can be happy and enjoy the feeling of having a father."

Although Sister Mi is resolute and has the image of a strong woman in the company, she has always been tough and soft-hearted to her only precious daughter.

If Sister Mi had her usual personality, she would have been furious.

But she called her, hoping that she could take the opportunity of work to get to know Mr. Ye.

According to Sister Mi, if Mr. Ye is a good person, it is okay for An An to stay with Mr. Ye for a while.

Just this point overturned Redina's previous understanding of Sister Mi.

Since she is here, she should make the best of it.

She also observed Mr. Ye carefully to see if he was as elegant and gentle as he seemed.

"Really?"Yang Anan opened her eyes wide, her eyes were bright, and she looked like a firework.

"Of course."Redina smiled and nodded. She had no reason to lie to her.

Yang Anan was so happy now. She got her mother's support, so there was no pressure at all!

But thinking about it, the guilt in her heart came out again. Her eyes were filled with mist, the excitement on her face dissipated, and tears fell down.

"It was me. I was disobedient and ran away so far without telling my mom."

"It made Redina sister run so far to find me"

"It also made my mom worry about me...."

Seeing the little glutinous rice dumpling crying, Redinan felt so distressed that she frowned and wiped her tears helplessly.

""Don't cry, An'an. You rarely cry normally."

Yang An'an has a strong character, and she is not as pretentious as other girls of her age.

But after seeing her father, she cried several times, which made Redi feel distressed.

"Okay, An An, don't cry anymore."Looking at the anxious look of her elder sister, Redi, she made An An laugh.

She smiled and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes with her lotus-like little hands, and then she regained her mood.

""So, sister Redina, how do you plan to observe my dad?"

Yang Anan thought of something and asked cautiously.

No matter what her dad is like, she wants to stay with him, and even wants to take him back home.

The best thing is that dad and mom can become a real family.

But for now, staying with dad is the most important thing. But sister Redina said that she was asked by mom to test dad, so what if dad fails the test?

Yang Anan was very nervous and wanted to test Redina's attitude. Redina was slightly stunned. She didn't expect that little Anan could think of this level. She really deserves to be the gene chosen by sister Mi!

Pinching her white and tender nose, Redina said with a smile:"You little girl, you are really smart!"

"Um..."Redina thought for a moment and said seriously,"Let's see his ability to live first! If his ability to live is too poor, how can he take care of you?"

"Besides, he doesn't know you exist yet, I have to tell him about this."

No matter how much they think about it, what if Mr. Ye doesn't want to take care of An An? Isn't that overthinking?

Redina's words woke Yang An An up, and her heart was lifted again.

Yes! Dad doesn't even know she exists!

When the two of them walked into the yard with their own thoughts, they saw a tall figure wearing an apron.

"Mr. Ye wants to cook?"

Redina asked suddenly when she saw this.

Teacher Huang said with a smile,"Yes! We want to make the Dai ethnic group's braised chicken feet tendons. I don't quite understand what braised means. It happens that Mr. Ye knows how to do it, so I'll trouble him to teach me.""

"I think you want to take advantage of this opportunity to be lazy, Mr. Huang!"Teacher He said with a smile.

Teacher Huang blushed and was about to explain, but Redina suddenly had an idea and hurried to the kitchen.

"I'll help too!"

Said to test Mr. Ye's ability to live, this opportunity has come, hasn't it?

Redina thought happily.

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