Wen Yaoyao felt that this conversation was really too awkward.

Except for the cute Tang Qianqian who was relatively quiet, the other four children were in turmoil!

Wen Yaoyao held her forehead with her hand. On the plane, she was still thinking about how to let her father and mother meet. Who knew that the first person to meet her father would be Aunt Tang?

Sure enough, man proposes, God disposes, and plans cannot keep up with changes.

Liu Youyou was very depressed. Why was it not her own mother who met her father first?

Now she lost the opportunity!

Guan Tiantian looked disappointed and aggrieved. Why was it Qianqian's mother?

Yang Anan was relatively calm because her mother was in Kyoto and she felt that there was a chance.

However, she suddenly felt that Aunt Tang's dress was like those ostentatious vixens in TV dramas....

The four children all had the same idea in their hearts: to stop the two from coming into contact and keep their distance!

Tang Yanran was embarrassed, but her first reaction was to hold her daughter and observe her.

After making sure that the child was intact, she looked at Ye Fang embarrassedly.

"Mr. Ye, Qianqian has caused you trouble."

"As a mother, I didn't take good care of my child and ran so far to disturb you."

Although Tang Yanran said this, she still felt sad.

Her daughter had never traveled with her, and Ye Fang came later and took the lead.

He seemed to have a good relationship with her daughter. Her beloved daughter, who had been pregnant for ten months and had gone through a near-death experience before giving birth, actually ran away with someone on her own initiative.

How could she not feel bad?

However, after all, she had received higher education, and she felt sad, but she still had to understand the truth.

Ye Fang didn't know Qianqian's background, but he still doted on her, which showed his character.

"It doesn't matter. I am Qianqian's father by blood, so I should also fulfill some responsibilities. I also like Qianqian very much."

Ye Fang said with a smile in his eyes, and the gentle light in his eyes fell on Qianqian.

Tang Yanran looked at the elegant and gentle smile of this man, and her heart almost skipped a beat.

When she was selecting seeds in a private institution, she fell in love with his appearance at first sight. As a person engaged in the beauty industry, she cares a lot about the face.

In addition, Tang Yanran has been a school beauty since she was a child.

She fell in love with Ye Fang's face at first sight.

Although she was prepared in her heart, when she faced him in person, the feeling brought by her senses still amazed her.

It must be said that this man...So handsome!

"Mr. Ye, thank you for loving Qianqian like your daughter...."At this point, he felt something was wrong, and then he said,"I mean, he treats her so well."

Qianqian is his daughter.

What am I talking about?

Tang Yanran wanted to dig a hole to get in.

"It doesn't matter."Ye Fang smiled gently, without any joking intention.

At first glance, Tang Yanran's impression of Ye Fang changed.

""Mom, where are you going?" Tang Qianqian hugged Tang Yanran's swan neck and asked cutely.、

"Mama has a beauty live show....Oh, right!"

Tang Yanran thought of something serious and said to Ye Fang:"Mr. Ye, there is something I hope you can help me with."

"What's up?"

"Today I have a new product launch live broadcast, I need a male model to do makeup on the spot, oh yeah, forgot to introduce myself, I am an international makeup artist, and I also started my own makeup brand"

"Mr. Ye, your facial features are very well proportioned. I would like to ask you to be my male model."

"Is it convenient for you?"

Tang Yanran finished speaking in one breath, her heart pounding.

This makeup launch is very important to her and the company.

This batch of makeup is an attempt to become a mass brand. If it succeeds, the company will move to a higher level.

But what worries Tang Yanran is that the two are not related....

And that awkward relationship....

Without waiting for Ye Fang to answer, Tang Qianqian said in a soft and cute voice:"Dad, are you going~"

Her moist, sparkling eyes were full of expectation....

How could Ye Fang refuse?

Besides, it was not an excessive request. Besides, Tang Yanran was Tang Qianqian's mother, so he should help her with this little favor.


Ye Fang smiled and nodded, just one simple word.

Tang Yanran's eyes lit up and she nodded happily:"Thank you, Mr. Ye, come with me quickly~"

"Dad, my stomach hurts, I want to poop..."

At the critical moment, Wen Yaoyao pinched Guan Tiantian's arm. Guan Tiantian got nervous and lied.

After saying that, Guan Tiantian's face turned red.

She is also a five-year-old child, and she still has a sense of shame!!

The excuse of pulling stinky stinky is fine when she is one or two years old, but now she really can't find an excuse!

But the four little sisters are counting on her to stop it.

Dad can't go with them. If they get close to each other, if they develop feelings, the four of them will not even be able to compete!

Thinking that their father will be snatched away by Aunt Tang, they are all anxious.

"Uh." Tang Yanran was stunned. Why is Tiantian a little different today?...

Poop? ?

But Tang Yanran looked at her watch and saw that she didn't have enough time. She was so busy that she had to work on time.

If she was any later, she would be late for the live broadcast.

She picked up Guan Tiantian and said,"Tiantian, be good, bear with it, and go to the scene to poop.""

"Mr. Ye, hurry up and catch up."

Wen Yaoyao looked at Aunt Tang, who was wearing high heels and holding Guan Tiantian under her arm with one hand, looking like a female man.

Aunt Tang, you are really strong....

A group of people got on the car. Tang Yanran urged the driver a few words. He kept accelerating when he saw the right opportunity and arrived at the press conference in ten minutes.

"Woohoo, put me down..."Guan Tiantian, who was still held under Tang Yanran's arm, cried out in grievance.

Tang Yanran then remembered that she was still holding the child, and quickly landed and pointed to the location of the bathroom.

"Go and solve it quickly, you are wronged, kid."

Tang Yanran comforted him with a few words.

At the scene, the media reporters and cameras were already set up, and the live broadcast was about to begin.

Many viewers in the live broadcast room also poured in.

"Mr. Tang, you are finally here!"The person in charge was relieved when he saw Tang Yanran wipe the sweat from her forehead.

"Don't worry, everything is under my control."Tang Yanran pushed her hair behind her ears and gave the person in charge a handsome smile.

The person in charge was very upset, he was almost late!

"This is the male makeup model. Take Mr. Ye to change clothes!"Tang Yanran handed Ye Fang to the person in charge, then tidied her clothes and put on some simple makeup. She smiled at the mirror, turned around, and walked onto the stage.

Today, only success is allowed, not failure!

With Mr. Ye's help, the on-site effect will definitely be better!

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