Early in the morning, Ye Fang woke up from his sleep.

He turned his head and looked at the five girls sleeping beside him. Their quiet and lovely sleeping faces added a bit of warmth to the bedroom decorated in cold colors. A doting smile appeared on the corner of Ye Fang's mouth. He got up gently, washed up, and then took the key and went out. In the vegetable market near the community, there were already many vendors selling vegetables just after dawn.

Most of the people who came out to buy vegetables at this time were elderly people or full-time mothers.

The vegetable market was very lively.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Ye Fang felt that he had not seen it for a long time.

In Manyuan Village, he never lacked ingredients. Every day, the villagers who were on good terms with him would deliver fresh ingredients to his home.

Ye Fang only needed to pay, and he would usually give more to thank the other party for running errands.

The villagers liked this outsider neighbor who never left the house but was very generous.

After all, in Manyuan Village, except for some fruit farmers who could make some money, most of the villagers were left-behind elderly people who grew some vegetables for their own consumption and had no source of income. It was a great honor to be able to earn some vegetables from Ye Fang.���It is a very good thing to supplement the children's expenses.

Therefore, Ye Fang has never set foot in such a busy place as the vegetable market in the past five years.

For a while, he was still a little uncomfortable.

Ye Fang began to select ingredients. There are five children in the family. They are in the growing period and their appetite is not small.

More dishes need to be prepared, but with Ye Fang's cooking skills, even if all ingredients are used, he can make a full banquet.

Ye Fang never bargains. He just weighs and pays the price quoted by the vendor.

For this generous customer, the vendor is also happy to give more side dishes.

Half an hour later, Ye Fang finished shopping and walked home with large and small bags.

Estimating the time, the children who are at a lively age should get up.

Taking the elevator and walking to the door of his house, Ye Fang just took out the key and raised his head, and saw a graceful woman standing in front of his door.

"Who are you?"

Ye Fang asked in a low voice.

If he lived alone, he wouldn't care who the other person was.

But there were his five little darlings in the house. Ye Fang was alert in his heart, but indifferent on the surface.

The graceful woman was wearing a white long skirt, and a white hair tie tied her long black hair loosely behind her head.

When she turned around, she showed a beautiful face that was whiter than that of an ordinary woman.

Guan Youlan was not sure if she had found the right place, but when she saw the man carrying vegetables in both hands and holding the key in his mouth, she knew she had found the right place.

This is really Ye Fang's home.

It's just that the man in front of him was wearing casual pajamas, his hair was not neatly tidied, and he was full of life.

Is he really the handsome and gentle"great god" in the live broadcast room?

I have a different feeling.

When I first met him, I felt that he was alone in his life, with melancholy and smile in his eyes.

But now, his Danfeng eyes are shining brightly, as if there is something more.

What is more?

Guan Youlan didn't think much about it. She was awakened by his voice. She nervously pulled her hair behind her ears and said,"What?"、

"My name is Guan Youlan, I am Tiantian’s mother..."

Guan Youlan's voice trembled slightly, and she took a small step back involuntarily.

She seemed to be nervous and a little embarrassed to see Ye Fang.

The man in front of her was the daughter she had carried for ten months....Blood father.

Guan Youlan was annoyed by her discomfort.

When she came here, she fantasized about asking him why he didn't let his daughter contact her when she returned to Kyoto.

But when she really saw this tall man who was half a head taller than her, she became timid again. She could only state her identity very cautiously.

"Are you Tiantian's mother?"Ye Fang stared at the woman in front of him calmly, as if he wanted to confirm the truth of this matter through her expression.

According to Tiantian, her mother never left the house.

How could she suddenly find his doorstep?


Just as Guan Youlan was trembling and a little overwhelmed by his gaze, the door behind her slowly opened.

A petite figure rubbed her eyes and said in confusion:"Dad, are you back?"

The appearance of Guan Tiantian broke the awkwardness at the moment.

The moment Guan Youlan heard the voice, her expression changed and her eyes lit up.

Ye Fang took in all the changes in Guan Youlan. At this moment, there was no doubt that he already knew that Guan Youlan was Guan Tiantian's mother.

Only a mother would have such a subtle reaction



Guan Tiantian had just woken up and was still in a daze. The moment she saw her mother, her little body trembled and she woke up instantly.

Who could tell her how her mother could be here?

Was she exposed??

But at the same time, Guan Tiantian's little heart was full of longing for her mother. She had been growing up by her mother's side since she was born and had never left.

This time she was away for more than ten days. Guan Tiantian was not used to it and missed her mother very much.

But she was afraid that her mother would blame her, so even if she returned to Kyoto, she didn't dare to contact her mother. With this sudden encounter, Guan Youlan suddenly squatted down and took the worried and frightened Guan Tiantian into her arms. She always blamed the child in her heart in a thousand ways. The first time she saw the child, she just wanted to hold her in her arms.

Guan Tiantian felt her mother's familiar and warm embrace, and her eyes turned red.

She couldn't help crying

""Wow, mom, don't be angry. Tiantian knows I was wrong."

Guan Tiantian began to confess her guilt, sobbing and whimpering. Her voice was soft and pitiful, and tears fell down in big drops.

"But Tiantian doesn't dare to look for you..."

"Tiantian is afraid that her mother and I will be angry and scolded...."

Guan Tiantian said this in a wronged tone. Ye Fang felt very distressed when he saw her pitiful appearance.

There was nothing he could do. His little girl was crying like this, and Ye Fang was unable to comfort her.

After all, Guan Youlan had carried her for ten months and brought her up to this age.

He, the father sent from heaven, couldn't say too much at this time!

How could Guan Youlan not feel distressed?

He let go of Guan Tiantian and watched her tears falling. The blame in his heart completely dissipated.

"Don't cry, don't cry, mom doesn't blame you"

"Really?" Guan Tiantian's tears stopped as soon as she said she would, and she blinked her big red eyes and looked at her mother suspiciously.

She ran away so far away, and her mother didn't blame her?

She didn't quite believe it.

Guan Youlan herself didn't believe it, but when she saw her child's tears, everything was gone.

She was a soft-hearted mother, not a free and hard-core mother like Wen Xue. She had a mature and unique set of educational concepts.

Guan Youlan's educational concept was to prepare delicious food for the child when he was hungry, to comfort the child gently when he was in pain, and to make all the mistakes for the child not count if he cried.

"Really." Guan Youlan nodded, looking distressed.

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