Ye Fang did not blame Guan Youlan, but she was too embarrassed to stay in the kitchen. She could only walk out very embarrassedly.

Seeing the five little ones blinking their big eyes at her, Guan Youlan felt frustrated for the first time.

She had never cared about the daily chores, but today she found that she couldn't even wash a bowl....

Thinking about how I have no strengths and was brought up in pampering,

Tiantian is still young and doesn't need me to teach her anything, but when she grows up, I won't be able to set a good example for her....

Thinking of this, Guan Youlan realized for the first time that her life direction was wrong.

She thought that having a child, taking good care of the child and accompanying her to grow up would be enough.

But look at it now, Tiantian and Mr. Ye have never met, but she only hopes to stay by his side. Is it really just because she lacks a father?

More importantly, it is Mr. Ye’s countless advantages that attracted Tiantian, right? It’s so cool to have a superman father who can do everything.

Just like when I was a child, I admired my father as a quyi inheritor very much....

Even though her father spends very little time with her, in her little world, Grandpa Guan is a superman, the greatest existence.

Then she looks at herself, like her mother, a woman who is raised in the boudoir and never leaves the house.

Apart from giving birth to Tiantian, she has never given her any positive education.

And in the past five years, Tiantian has lived the same way as herself, raised in the boudoir and rarely steps out of the house.

She used to think this was the best life. She doesn't have to worry about life, and she has the best food, clothing and daily necessities.

Now she understands that no matter where a child is born, he needs a role model in his growth.

Guan Youlan, who has been confused for half her life, began to reflect on her life for the first time.

A few minutes later, Ye Fang walked out of the kitchen, took off his apron, held Tang Qianqian in his arms and sat down.

"Dad, you've worked hard. Have some water. Wen Yaoyao obediently brought a cup of hot water to Ye Fang.

"Okay, thank you Yaoyao." Ye Fang took it with a smile on his face.

This scene of a loving father and a filial daughter made Guan Youlan think deeply.

At home, Tiantian always loved to make trouble and cry, and she had never been so considerate to her.....

Maybe there is something wrong with my own education method.

""Mom, we want to go to the amusement park. Come with us."

Guan Tiantian suddenly pulled Guan Youlan's slender wrist and said in a pleading tone.

After that, she looked at Ye Fang behind her and said,"Dad, can mom go with us?""

Of course not!!

Wen Yaoyao, Liu Youyou, and Yang Anan shouted at the same time in their hearts. Ye

Fang thought that the mother and daughter had just met. If they parted immediately, Tiantian would definitely be reluctant to leave.

So he smiled and nodded and said,"Miss Guan, if you don't mind, let's go to the amusement park together.""

""Okay." Guan Youlan hesitated for a moment, but she was reluctant to part with Guan Tiantian immediately, so she nodded reservedly.

It's over!

The three little ones were worried at the same time, but Tang Qianqian still had a cute expression.

But when she heard that they were going to the amusement park, her eyes lit up.

After packing up, they walked out of the community.

In the underground parking lot, there was a seven-seater commercial vehicle. Ye Fang took out the car key and unlocked it.

"This is...Mr. Ye, your car?"

After seeing Ye Fang's expensively decorated large flat, this ordinary brand of commercial vehicle was beyond Guan Youlan's imagination.

"No, this is the car Miss Tang rented for me, so it's convenient for me to take care of my kids these two days."

Ye Fang smiled and shook his head, explaining where the car came from.

This car is for temporary use, it's spacious and comfortable, suitable for taking care of kids.

But if Ye Fang bought it himself, he wouldn't choose this car, the safety factor is not high enough, but his driving skills are enough.

Let's buy a car when we return to Manyuan Village

"It's Yanran..."Guan Youlan murmured to herself, feeling that she had missed something.

That naughty girl Yanran was on the same front with her a few days ago.

Now she not only admires and respects Mr. Ye, but is also so thoughtful?


I'm afraid she is selfish!

But think about it, Mr. Ye is handsome and single, and he is the biological father of the children.

If he has a good impression, it is a natural thing.

The business car drove out of the underground parking lot and headed towards the amusement park.

After dozens of minutes, they arrived at Kyoto's most prosperous and lively amusement park.

For convenience, Ye Fang put on a mask in advance. Liu Youyou was fully armed. There was no way, because she was a child star?

It was enough for other children to simply wear a small yellow hat to cover it up.

""Mom, I want to ride the carousel!"

After checking her ticket and entering the amusement park, Guan Tiantian's attention was instantly attracted by the carousel at the door.

There were many children riding on it, most of them accompanied by their parents.

Guan Tiantian pulled her mother's soft hand and shouted, Guan Youlan nodded with a doting look and said,"Okay, Mom will ride with you."

The daughter's favorite thing to play is the carousel, and Guan Youlan often accompanies her, fearing that there will be safety problems for the child.

After getting her mother's consent, Guan Tiantian was still not satisfied, and suddenly pulled Ye Fang's hand again.

"Dad, can you accompany me to play too?"

Guan Youlan was stunned. Tiantian asked her to accompany him and Mr. Ye to accompany him.

In the eyes of others,...Isn't it the appearance of a family of three?

For a moment, she was a little panicked and wanted to open her mouth to stop him, but she held back.

She had no conflicts with Mr. Ye. If she showed resistance at this moment, she was afraid that Mr. Ye would misunderstand.

Guan Tiantian was the best at acting like a spoiled child, so Ye Fang was naturally defeated and nodded with a smile.

He turned around and told Wen Yaoyao, who had the most mature personality, to keep an eye on her sisters and that he would be back soon.

After doing all this, Ye Fang, Guan Tiantian, and Guan Youlan walked towards the carousel.

Yang Anan was so angry that she blew her beard and glared:"Stinky Tiantian, why didn't I see that she was so powerful?"

Guan Tiantian seemed to have heard her words and suddenly ran to Yang Anan.

She took out a children's mobile phone from her pink purse:"An'an, take a picture of me and my parents~ Make sure it's nice~"

After that, she stuck out her tongue, looking weird and cute.

But it made Yang Anan very angry.

This stinky Tiantian was here to make her angry on purpose!

Seeing Guan Tiantian happily sitting on the carousel with her father in the camera, she was so angry that her mouth was crooked.

But she could only accept her fate and record them.

Guan Youlan sat on the other side of the carousel, feeling a little jealous.

Usually she and Tiantian sat on the same carousel, but now she was sitting alone.

""Mom, that uncle is so handsome! I want him to be my dad." A little girl's voice sounded beside her.

Guan Youlan couldn't help thinking, Mr. Ye is so popular.

"Stop it, he’s that aunt’s husband and he can’t be your father," the little girl’s mother’s words of education made Guan Youlan’s cheeks turn red instantly.

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