The melodious piano sounded, and everyone looked up at the sound.

Under the moonlight, among the sunflowers, on the delicate swing entangled by flower vines, sat a beautiful little girl.

Wearing a pink princess dress, she really looked like a little princess from a fairy tale in the night.

Her ten chubby fingers flexibly tapped on the black and white piano keys.

Her body swayed back and forth with the movement of her fingers, as if dancing.

Her smart eyes were gently closed at this moment, with a faint, peaceful smile on her face, as if immersed in the world of music.

The playing technique was skillful and serious.

It was like a little elf, wandering in the world of music.

This scene stunned everyone.

That was Guan Tiantian, they could recognize her.

But they felt that this child was very strange, because she played very well, surpassing her peers and even adults.

Liu Youyou had long been accustomed to Guan Tiantian's strength in music.

Seeing that Daddy's eyes stayed on Guan Tiantian, he felt a little sour in his heart.

Tiantian is competing with herself for favor!

But everyone agreed to fair competition, and Liu Youyou had no choice but to be jealous.

However, Tiantian's piano level seems to have improved again!

Everyone was surprised and calmed down.

The barrage in the live broadcast room floated:

"Wow! Tiantian can really play the piano!"

"The playing is really good, not like the level of a five-year-old child at all"

"It seems like the whole world has quieted down!"

"I like sweetness so much!"

"Wow! So cute like a little elf"

"This is so cute!"

"This is a trick to trick me into having a baby!"

"I want to be Tiantian’s stepmother!"........

As the prelude ended, she began to sing

"I heard that Snow White is running away and Little Red Riding Hood is worried about the Big Bad Wolf. I heard that the Mad Hatter likes Alice and the ugly duckling will become a white swan.

I heard that Peter Pan never grows up and

Jack has a harp and magic.

I heard that there is a candy house in the forest and

Cinderella lost her beloved glass slipper."

Guan Tiantian amazed everyone as soon as she opened her mouth. Teacher Huang and others widened their eyes.

No one expected that Guan Tiantian, who looked delicate and the most like an ordinary child among the four little ones, could play the piano so skillfully and had such a beautiful voice.

Her singing calmed everyone's hearts.

Yang Anan and the other three little girls who were originally jumping around, sat down involuntarily and listened quietly.

Guan Tiantian inherited Ye Fang's musical talent, and with the influence and teaching of Grandpa Guan, She is a little famous in the Chinese circle and is called a musical prodigy.

But only in the circle, Guan Tiantian's background is well hidden.

To the outside world, she is only said to be the granddaughter of a distant relative adopted by Grandpa Guan.

At this moment, she sang the popular song"Fairy Tale Town", which aroused some people's thoughts.、

"This song sounds so familiar..."Teacher He muttered to himself that he knew most of the stars in the entertainment industry.

He didn't recognize her at first, but after hearing Guan Tiantian's voice, his memory gradually came back.

"How come you are so familiar with it? You sing really well!"Teacher Huang praised with an ear tilted, looking at Teacher He

"I remember it!"Teacher He suddenly realized, and his eyes gradually showed surprise and surprise.

Everyone looked at Teacher He, wondering what Teacher He remembered.

"There is a folk art inheritor in the music world, Mr. Guan, do you know him?"Teacher He looked at Guan Tiantian again, and after adding her surname, he was very sure of it, and began to whet everyone's appetite.

"I know."After all, Mr. Huang has been in the industry for more than 20 years. When he mentions Mr. Guan, the first person he thinks of is his eldest granddaughter, a popular actress.

But Peng Peng and Zhang Zifeng, two young children, don't know yet. They tilt their heads curiously, whetting their appetite.

"Guan Tong'er is the eldest granddaughter of Grandpa Guan."Teacher Huang revealed part of it. Now everyone knows this popular little flower who is still very popular!

Redina, who knew everything a long time ago, smiled at Teacher Huang and Teacher He.

"Then pinch it?" Zhang Zifeng asked curiously, blinking his big eyes.

"Grandpa Guan also has a little granddaughter, who is only five years old, but is already proficient in many musical instruments. She follows Grandpa Guan to learn traditional folk art and has a strong musical talent."

"He is called a musical prodigy."

While Mr. Huang was speaking, his eyes stayed on Guan Tiantian who was playing happily.

Seeing is believing. This child's musical talent is indeed terrifyingly strong.

"Mr. Huang, what do you mean?....Tiantian is the musical prodigy?"

Peng Peng still didn't understand, but Zhang Zifeng had already understood what Teacher Huang meant. He looked at Guan Tiantian in surprise, who was playing the music like a fluttering butterfly.

"It should be correct."Comparing the surnames and the news about the disappearance of the music prodigy Guan Tiantian this morning, everything matched up.

Teacher Huang is indeed an old fox!

Teacher He gave Teacher Huang a thumbs up with a look of appreciation.

The audience in the live broadcast room came back to their senses from their surprise, and the barrage exploded.

"Holy shit! Tiantian is the missing musical prodigy!"

"Yes! This morning I received the news that the musical prodigy disappeared!"

"I remembered! This morning I saw news about a missing musical prodigy and a child star. How did these two kids end up in Manyuan Village?"

"This voice is so ethereal and beautiful!"

"Love it, Tiantian is actually a child prodigy!"

"This is the song sung by an anonymous original singer on the Internet. It’s super popular. I didn’t expect Tiantian also likes it!"

"I love both this song and Tiantian!"

"Wow! Xiangwang helped solve the case!"

"This is so cute!!!!".......

Guan Tiantian is already cute, and I wonder how many audiences' hearts she has captured with her talent show. After figuring out Guan Tiantian's identity, Teacher Huang and Teacher He secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

When they contact Tiantian's family tomorrow, they can also feel at ease.

Guan Tiantian must be the apple of the Guan family's eye. If she is really missing, how anxious will the Guan family be?

They have never figured out the origin of the four little ones, and this matter is also a big stone in the hearts of the two teachers. Now that the stone has fallen, they can also enjoy Guan Tiantian's singing and playing with peace of mind.

Suddenly, the sound of the piano has an extra layer!

The two musical sounds overlapped, and the texture of the music was sublimated!

Everyone who was discussing looked up.

They saw an extremely warm picture.

A tall, upright back, leaning on the left side of the petite figure, with gentle eyes, staring at the little princess beside him with pampering.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his slender, bony fingers fell on the piano keys.

He played in sync with the little princess's rhythm and sang the chorus for her.

The two smiled at each other, coordinating harmoniously and naturally, as if they had performed this thousands of times before.

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