There are three delicate little girls in front of me.

Teacher Huang, who is known as an old fox, can tell the difference between these three little girls at a glance.

They have fair skin and black and shiny hair, which is different from those playful and simple children in Manyuan Village.

In addition, they are dragging suitcases, which can be judged as children from Manyuan Village.

But three children who look four or five years old appeared in Manyuan Village alone without their parents.

In addition, one of the little girls is wearing famous brands and the LV children's bag on her hand is a limited edition. Teacher Huang, who has studied luxury bags with his wife, can recognize at a glance that it is very valuable.

These are not what ordinary children can have.

"These three children don't look like locals. They all carry luggage and there are no adults around them."

Teacher He, who was also observing carefully, whispered to Teacher Huang beside him.

Teacher Huang nodded in agreement and said:

"Let's go up and ask."

As a father, Mr. Huang naturally worried about these three little girls.

The two decided to go up and ask about the situation. They called the photographer, Zhang Zifeng and Peng Peng and walked towards the three little girls.

The audience in the live broadcast room speculated:

"Did he run away from home?"

"The three little girls don’t look like locals. They are so dangerous!"

"I don’t know what the parents are thinking. What if such a cute child gets kidnapped?"

"Stop talking about the people above, I want to kidnap them now!"

"I looked at the three pretty little ones, then looked at my ugly child and kicked him away!"

"To the person above, a child’s appearance is determined by the genes of their parents, you should blame yourself!"

"The little girl carrying an LV bag is a little rich woman!"

"Teacher Huang and Teacher He are so kind!".......

Soon, Mr. Huang and his group caught up with the three little ones. Yang Anan noticed someone coming and watched with a wary look.

He found that the other person seemed to be someone who appeared on TV, so he put his heart at ease.

""Children, are you locals?" Teacher Huang smiled kindly, squatted down, and asked softly.

Teacher Huang controlled her volume for fear of scaring the little ones.

Guan Tiantian, who was innocent, replied in a baby voice:"Uncle, we are not locals~"

The uncle in front of her did not look like a bad person, so Guan Tiantian smiled sweetly.

The soft and sweet voice almost touched everyone's heart.

Zhang Zifeng's heart was melted. These three little ones are so cute!

As expected, they are not locals. Teacher He and Teacher Huang looked at each other, and then asked with concern:

"Why are you here alone? Where are your parents?"

What little kids they are! They are so pretty and well behaved. If they were kidnapped by criminals, it would be very difficult to find them back!

The parents of these three children are really careless!

"We are here to find Daddy!" Yang Anan, who had been quiet all this time, tilted her head and answered crisply.

""Yeah! Looking for daddy!" Guan Tiantian nodded her head and answered in agreement.

It seems that they have lost their daddy!

Teacher Huang was worried about letting the three children wander aimlessly in Manyuan Village. What if they got lost and walked into the woods and encountered danger?

They happened to meet them, so they had to help.

Teacher Huang and Teacher He looked at each other and smiled,"Then let us accompany you to find your dad, okay?"

Guan Tiantian's eyes lit up and nodded,"Yes, yes! Thank you, uncle!"

She bowed very politely, which made Teacher Huang, Teacher He and others smile with relief.

Guan Tiantian felt that they were children, and it was too difficult to find their father in such a big Manyuan Village. If they had adults to help, they could find their father faster!

But Yang Anan was a little worried.

Mom is a big star, and she must know the uncles, sisters and brothers in front of her.

What if they recognize her and notify her mother?

Guan Tiantian, this big fool! Why did she agree so casually?

But she couldn't say the concerns in her heart! She could only worry in her heart.

Yaoyao didn't care. Her mother was not a star or a public figure, so she didn't worry about being recognized.

How to find Dad as soon as possible!

Besides, with these uncles here, they can help stupid Tiantian carry the heavy luggage, killing two birds with one stone!

The barrage in the live broadcast room was full of praise:

"Teacher Huang is such a nice person!"

"The father of these three little ones is so careless! I hope they can be found soon!"

"Teacher He’s tone is so gentle!"

"If you can’t find one, please be my goddaughter! I want such a lovely daughter!"

"Wow, so cute!"

"Your smile makes me intoxicated".......

Guan's courtyard.

Guan Youlan lowered her eyes, not daring to look directly at the old man Guan's doubts.

"Youlan, what’s the matter with the father that Tiantian is looking for?"

"Uh, hahahaha..."

Guan Youlan didn't know how to answer. She looked at her daughter in the camera with a sad look in her beautiful eyes.

My daughter, you are trying to kill your mother!

How can I explain this to you?

"Explain it to me clearly!"Mr. Guan suddenly became dignified, and Guan Youlan trembled all over, unable to resist.

"Actually, Tiantian actually has a father!!"

Guan Youlan closed her beautiful eyes, her face turned pale, and she was so shocked that she obediently told the truth.

"Did not you say...Is he dead?"

Grandpa Guan suppressed his anger and asked in a low, old voice.

Back then, the reason why Guan Youlan was able to give birth to Guan Tiantian safely in the Guan family was because she lied that the child's father died in a car accident, which made everything legitimate.

But now, her daughter has completely betrayed her.

Guan Youlan can only tell the truth of the matter obediently.

When she was engaged to marry a man she didn't love, she was upset and came up with a bad plan.

She found the relevant underground agency and bought a seed to conceive Guan Tiantian.

The fact is, she didn't get pregnant because of love, but she spent money to buy the opportunity to get pregnant.

And the father that Guan Tiantian is looking for is the provider of this seed.

Hearing this, Grandpa Guan could no longer tolerate it, and a roar of anger resounded throughout the Guan family courtyard.

"It's just nonsense!"

Instantly, all the descendants of the Guan family bowed their heads, and no one dared to look at Grandpa Guan.

Guan Tong'er, who was watching the fun, secretly gave his aunt a thumbs up.

"Aunt, you are so bold to come up with such a way to avoid engagement. You are worthy of being Guan Tong'er's aunt!".....

At the same time, Yang Anan looked at the mobile phone interface and followed the instructions on it, and stopped at the door of a farmyard.

"Dad is in there!" Yang Anan shouted excitedly.

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