"Oh, OK." Redina looked at her phone and found that it was already eleven o'clock in the evening.

At this time, Zi Feng, who slept in the same room with her, must have noticed that she didn't go back.

If she stayed any longer, it would be difficult to explain.

Besides, she had already said her business, and it would be inappropriate to stay any longer.

She stood up quickly and walked out with her long legs.

Ye Fang stood up and walked out together, sent her to the gate of the yard, and after making sure that Redina had walked safely to the mushroom house, he turned back to the house.

After washing up, she fell asleep......

In the bedroom, Zhang Zifeng checked the time on her phone. It was already eleven o'clock, but she still hadn't fallen asleep.

Why hasn't Sister Xiaodi come back yet?....

Zhang Zifeng was a little uneasy. She was just beginning to fall in love and didn't know why she felt so complicated.

But she felt very uncomfortable.

Suddenly, footsteps were heard outside the door. Zhang Zifeng immediately closed her eyes and pretended to sleep. She squinted her eyes slightly and saw Redina walk into the bathroom quietly to wash up, and then tiptoe to bed.

With the faint moonlight, she saw a smile on Redina's face, and a faint pink on her cheeks.

Sister Xiaodi seemed very happy....

Could it be...Mr. Ye has agreed to be An An's stepfather?

Thinking of this possibility, Zhang Zifeng felt a little sour in her heart, and she felt very uncomfortable.

She couldn't describe this feeling. She closed her eyes and didn't dare to look at Redina sleeping with a smile.......

Overnight, the next morning.

Zhang Zifeng hadn't slept for two hours when she heard the noisy voices of the children.

She opened her eyes and saw four little puddings sitting on the bed with dark circles under her eyes, looking energetic. They found their father yesterday and spent the whole day with him. The four little ones were in a very good mood and naturally had a sweet dream.

A good sleep will naturally make you energetic the next day, and the children are energetic. They can't wait to open their eyes at dawn.

The four of them discussed that after breakfast, they would go to their father's yard to play with him.

If they were not worried that their father hadn't gotten up yet, they would have wanted to swing in the sunflower yard right now.

Guan Tiantian especially likes the sunflower yard, which is beautiful and has a piano that is very valuable and very comfortable to play.

Of course, the most important thing is that there is a father there.

Redina still wants to sleep in bed, after all, the daily shooting is too tiring, the schedule is full, and she hasn't had a vacation for a long time.

This time, I thought that I could get up later when I came to the Mushroom House.

But the chirping of the four little ones woke her up completely.

Rubbing her sleepy eyes, Redina patted Xiao An'an's shoulder in a daze:"Xiao An'an, be quiet for your sister, let me sleep a little longer"

""Sister Xiaodi, get up quickly! The sun is shining on your butt!"

Yang Anan jumped and started to make trouble.

After all, she was only five years old and still had the heart of a child.

Redina frowned and whispered,"Be quiet, I'll tell you good news when I wake up!"

Good news? What good news?

Yang Anan cleverly thought of last night, when Sister Xiaodi said she would go talk to her father about her affairs. She instantly quieted down, and made a quiet gesture to the other three little ones who were making trouble, with a sensible tone.

‘Let's be quiet! Sister Xiaodi and Sister Zifeng still need to sleep! The three little ones quieted down, and Yaoyao tilted her head in confusion and said,"You are usually the most naughty, but you are so weird today!""

"Who said that!" Yang Anan's cheeks turned red, and she retorted guiltily:"We are not three or four-year-old children anymore, we can't be disobedient!"

""Well! Yes!" The most delicate Guan Tiantian nodded her head in approval.

She was the most obedient of the four.

The four little ones tiptoed out, deciding to go outside to play and not disturb their two sisters.

Zhang Zifeng fell asleep again in a daze, and Redina continued to take a nap.

In the early morning, Teacher Huang had returned from her morning run. She changed her sportswear, washed it, and dried clothes in the yard.

The four little ones rushed out to the yard, making the yard, which was always quiet at this time of day, seem a lot more lively.

Teacher Huang smiled at the four innocent children and wanted to get closer to see what the children were talking about.

As soon as he got closer, he heard Xiao Anan say,"Yesterday I hacked into Uncle Xiao Ma's system and found a lot of information about Dad."

"Really? Uncle Xiao Ma's company system is so bad?"Yaoyao shook her head, with a hint of disdain in her expression:"My group's system is still better. Mommy hired a top foreign security engineer to maintain it."

"Humph, I will hack into your group's system later and show you who is more powerful!"

Yang Anan crossed his arms unconvinced and prepared to fight.

""I'm going to my dad's house to practice the piano later. I learned both of his new songs yesterday!" Guan Tiantian said excitedly, as if she had just learned how one plus one equals something.

Liu Youyou said sourly,"I won the Best Actor Award for my new play. I'll give the trophy to my dad and make him happy."

The children were still comparing with each other. This scene looked very ordinary to them.

It seemed that every conversation between the children in the past was like this.

Teacher Huang, who was standing aside and listening attentively, froze with a smile on his face.


Teacher Huang turned around decisively and left, rubbing his ears.

He is old and his ears are also in trouble.

How could this be a daily chat for a five-year-old child?

Shouldn't he chat with his daughter about what cartoons he has watched recently, what homework the teacher assigned at school, and how many big red flowers he got?

The audience in the live broadcast room were coming in one after another, and they were all shocked to see the children's conversation.

"Damn, why do I feel like these four kids are showing off?"

"Tell me? Is this a normal conversation between five-year-olds?"

"Is Youyou going to win another award?"

"Tiantian is indeed a musical prodigy. She learned those two songs so quickly?"

"What is the black system? Is An An playing a role in a TV series, and are the children running a home?"

"Group??? Did I hear it right? Who is Yaoyao’s mother?"

"Teacher Huang, don't go, keep eavesdropping!"




"It's over. I think my brain is not working well anymore."

"I must have understood this wrongly, right? This must be the case, right? ? ? ?"


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