Sure enough, there were disagreements in the live broadcast room.

In addition to some viewers who supported Director Lao Wang's decision, it also caused dissatisfaction among more viewers.

After all, many of the viewers who watched this show are fans who like the new members.

And Ye Fang was just an amateur who suddenly appeared yesterday. He showed his talent in the live broadcast room and brushed a wave of presence, and he was about to become a long-standing member.

For those viewers who don't like amateurs, it's difficult for them to adapt.

Director Lao Wang looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room with a very serious face.

He knew that such an effect would be caused a long time ago, but as a director, he couldn't just look at the present but look at the long-term.

Last night, he visited and disturbed Mr. Ye.

First, he told Ye Fang about his request, and then talked a lot with Ye Fang.

If it were in the past, Ye Fang would definitely refuse at the first time.

He doesn't care about fame and fortune, and he doesn't lack money.

But just before the director met him, he learned about the life experience of the four little ones from Redina.

These four well-behaved and lovely girls are all his blood, his biological daughters.

If Yu Ge was still there, Ye Fang knew that there would be no waves in his heart, and he would not do anything for the four little ones.

Because at that time, Yu Ge was his whole world.

But now, Yu Ge is gone, and he has locked himself in this lonely world for five years.

The appearance of the people who yearn for him gradually made him feel the warmth from strangers.

And the encouragement of the audience in the live broadcast room.

Ye Fang seemed calm on the surface, but the waves in his heart were not small.

Since Yang Mier asked him to take care of Yang Anan, he couldn't make a big fuss to keep Yang Anan by his side.

He has been accustomed to the quiet and lonely pace of life, but Anan is five years old, at the age of being lively and active. Can she get used to the life in the sunflower courtyard?

Ye Fang looked at the director's sincere expression, and finally thought about it and agreed.

It would be the most appropriate for him to become a member of the yearning.

In this way, Anan can also live in the mushroom house and be lively with everyone.

And he doesn't dislike this group of kind-hearted stars who bring him some warmth.

Change your lifestyle!

Not for fame and fortune, not for debuting as a star.

I just want to make my life better and more positive. If Yuge is watching from heaven, she will feel more at ease.

Unexpectedly, Ye Fang would agree so quickly. Director Lao Wang was so excited that he endured it all night and waited until this moment to announce the news of Ye Fang's joining.

Seeing Teacher Huang's surprised expression, a look of pride appeared on Director Lao Wang's face.

The commotion in the live broadcast room Director Lao Wang just asked his assistant to ban some excessive keyboard warriors.

As long as the other remarks were not excessive, Director Lao Wang would let them do what they wanted.

He can block, ban, and kick out the live broadcast room, but he cannot control the public's speech.

The yearning guests have always been celebrities, successful and famous people from all walks of life.

The appearance of Ye Fang, an amateur, is bound to cause a wave, but Director Lao Wang firmly believes in his choice.

And he is looking forward to seeing the reversal in the future.

And those in the live broadcast room who like Ye Fang are overjoyed.

"You are right, Lao Wang, you have done something great this time!"Teacher Huang glanced at the proud Lao Wang.

If Mr. Ye can become a member of the team, then let him be proud for a while.

Director Lao Wang snorted rather proudly, and the smile on his face could not be hidden.

The appearance of Ye Fang brought the atmosphere of the Mushroom House to a small climax, and then Teacher Huang asked curiously:

"To be honest, I thought Mr. Ye would not agree to it because of his personality. I had this idea yesterday, but I was afraid of being rejected by you, so I didn't dare to bring it up."

Ye Fang has lived in Manyuan Village for five years. He is quite strong, can cook, and plays the piano very well.

Most importantly, he has a lot of monkey wine hidden in his house. The taste of the best monkey wine is still unforgettable.

If Ye Fang can become the family member he longs for, maybe he will have a chance to drink monkey wine again.

But Ye Fang's elegance was a little distant, and he was indifferent to fame and fortune. Teacher Huang was afraid of being rejected and did not bring it up.

God knows, Director Lao Wang and he found Mr. Ye last night in tacit understanding, and got the other party to agree!

He was very curious about the reason. After all, it was hard to use money to convince a man who could not even afford the sky-high price of monkey wine. It is unlikely that a hidden tycoon who shares casually.

Not for money or fame, then what on earth could convince him?

Director Lao Wang couldn't explain it either. After all, Ye Fang agreed before he even stated the conditions he had prepared.

He also said that he would not take a penny, but just liked the atmosphere of the Mushroom House.

Seeing that Director Lao Wang couldn't answer, Teacher Huang shifted his gaze to Ye Fang.

The others were also full of doubts.

Only Redina had guessed the reason in her heart, with surprise and emotion on her face.

Ye Fang didn't keep anyone in suspense, and walked to the three little ones and to An An with a smile.

"Actually, I did it because of An'an."

Yang An'an was stunned by the sudden happiness.

Dad chose to stay in the Mushroom House because of her?

She always thought that her father was good to her just because he was a good person, but now her father was looking at her with gentle and doting eyes.

She was so happy!

Yang An'an hugged her father's neck with her lotus-like white wrists and got into his arms like a spoiled child.

Ye Fang picked up Yang An'an.

It happened that Redina was standing beside Ye Fang and Yang An'an. At this moment, she looked at Ye Fang with a grateful smile in her beautiful eyes.

In Zhang Zifeng's eyes, all this seemed to have become a happy family of three.

Her body trembled slightly a few times, and her heart suddenly hurt as if it was pinched hard by countless hands.

Mr. Ye agreed to Sister Xiaodi's confession.... them...Together?

Although I already had such a guess in my mind, I felt really uncomfortable when I saw the three of them in the same frame.

Teacher Huang still didn't quite understand what Ye Fang meant and waited for his next answer.

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't understand this scene:

"What's going on? Why is it because of An An?"

"What does this have to do with An An?"

"I'm confused and don't really understand what it means."

"Xiaodi’s smile is so sweet!"

"Apart from anything else, the picture of the three people in the same frame looks like a happy family of three!"

"Wow! The looks of these three people together are really pleasing to the eye"

"Why do I suddenly feel that Xiaodi and Mr. Ye are a good match?"


Ye Fang smiled at Yang Anan, who was smiling sweetly in his arms, and slowly explained:

"Yesterday I denied that I was An An's father"

"But last night, I found out through some information that I am An An’s biological father."

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