After the two of them finished their pleasant negotiation, Chen Yixun smiled and praised:"Senior sister is still so beautiful!"

The princess also laughed and said politely:"Junior brother, your hairline is also"superior""、"

The hairline was lifted, and the scalp covered by the hat suddenly felt cold. The smile on Chen Yixun's face suddenly disappeared, and there was a bit of resentment.

"Sister, I am praising you."

"I am praising you too."The princess took a sip of tea and answered leisurely.

Teacher He, who was sitting next to him, secretly sweated in his heart. His mood was like riding a roller coaster.

He was nervous when the two were tit-for-tat, and in the blink of an eye, they were in harmony again. Teacher He's heart was just relieved.

In the blink of an eye, the queen's words almost made him spit out a mouthful of tea.

The queen is still a maverick, and she praises people so differently.

If Teacher He didn't know the princess's temperament better, he would think she was insulting people instead of easing the atmosphere.

The senior sister and brother are both in the hands of the same agent. They have been friends for many years. It doesn't affect the friendship to insult each other from time to time. On the contrary, Chen Yixun was secretly relieved.

Finally, he made peace with the senior sister.

But Teacher He, as the atmosphere of Xiangyui, really wanted to quit at this moment.

He couldn't pull back the atmosphere of the senior sister and brother, and couldn't get a word in. Whoever wants to come can come!

Teacher He shouted in his heart.

The audience in the live broadcast room laughed:

"My god, this pair of queen sister and brother are so interesting!"

"His temperament changes too quickly. I can't keep up with their pace at all!"

"Teacher He: Ye Fang, come here, come here. I really can’t control this pair of siblings!"

"Feel sorry for Teacher He for a second"

"Teacher He was in a bad mood today, and he didn't enjoy his early morning meal."

"Seeing that Zi Feng and Tong Er had already hidden away, they were already scared!"

"You know what, the aura of the Queen Sisters and Brothers is extraordinary!"

"Teacher He looked like he was about to cry!".....

Ye Fang completely ignored the conversation between the two and kept his eyes straight ahead.

If for no other reason, this pair of siblings are too noisy!

After Guan Tong'er and Zhang Zifeng washed the dishes, they sat in the shed to cool off.

It was almost noon, and the midday sun in Manyuan Village had begun to show a bit of scorching heat, so it was still cooler in the shed.

Guan Tiantian was particularly happy today, and she kept hugging her father's neck with her chubby little hands and refused to let go.

Seeing Guan Tiantian being so annoying to Ye Fang, Guan Tong'er thought of the misunderstanding she had caused in the morning, and covered her white forehead with her hands, feeling a headache. She only hoped that her grandfather was not watching the live broadcast room, otherwise she really didn't know how to face him when she got home.

Guan Tong'er waved to Guan Tiantian:"Tiantian, come here quickly, don't disturb Mr. Ye all the time.、"

"I don’t want to!" Guan Tiantian shook her little head, her little hands clenched tightly and refused to loosen, and she snorted:"Daddy is my daddy!"

Meaning, daddy likes to hold her, so he didn’t bother her.

Ye Fang looked at Guan Tong’er and smiled:"Miss Guan, are you afraid that I won’t treat Tiantian well?"

Tiantian is his daughter after all. Although they met for the first time yesterday, blood is thicker than water. When he came into contact with Tiantian, he felt that this child was different.

But Guan Tiantian’s guardians are Guan Tong’er and Guan’s family after all, so it is normal for them to worry.

Guan Tong’er waved her hands awkwardly:"No, no, I just think it’s not good for Tiantian to be so old and always stay in Mr. Ye’s arms."

In fact, she just didn't want to be seen by grandpa, so she couldn't explain it clearly.

If grandpa didn't see it, she could still fool him!

When she goes home in two days, she will quietly take Tiantian back, and maybe nothing will happen!

But Guan Tong'er thought too well.

Guan Tiantian is the designated successor of the folk art by Grandpa Guan, so she is naturally very important.

Now Guan Tiantian is still in the distant Manyuan Village. Can she not keep an eye on the live broadcast room at all times?

But what Guan Tong'er absolutely couldn't imagine was that Grandpa Guan's ideas had gradually changed.

It was not as decisive as she imagined.

"Tiantian is my daughter, it is normal to pamper her, Miss Guan just need to rest assured."

Ye Fang had a faint smile on his face, and he looked at Guan Tiantian in his arms while speaking, with tenderness in his eyes.

Regardless of whether Tiantian and the other three little ones were born with his knowledge, they were indeed his daughters, and he liked the four little ones very much, so naturally he would not bother them in the future.

He used to love Yu Ge as much as his life, and he could get into the Peking Opera for her, and he would also be silent for five years because of her death.

He locked himself in this land and no longer asked about anything, but now, the appearance of the four little ones has quietly changed Ye Fang's mood.

Especially when Director Lao Wang found him and expressed his hope that he would join Xiangwang's invitation, Ye Fang found that he did not dislike it at all, but felt that it was just right. He could take this opportunity to live with the four little ones openly, and integrate into this lively and warm new environment.

But this does not mean that he will forget Yu Ge.

Instead, He wanted to commemorate his beloved in a new way.

When he had no interest in everything and his heart was filled with gray and black desolation, four cute daughters suddenly appeared.

It was like a bright color emerging from the black and white life.

A small sapling suddenly grew in the dead place in his heart.

He wanted to follow his heart and show his true doting and fatherly love to his blood daughters.

But before that, he might also need to dispel the doubts in their families' hearts.

After all, they were his beloved daughters, how could he suddenly hand them over to a novice like him with confidence? Where's Dad?

Ye Fang thought about it, and suddenly whispered to Guan Tiantian, who obediently loosened her tightly clenched hands and sat aside.

A look of surprise appeared on her soft and cute face.

What does Mr. Ye want to do?

Guan Tong'er, Zhang Zifeng, and Redina looked at him curiously at the same time.

Redina knew that Mr. Ye was a sensible and good father.

Although he had just met his four daughters yesterday, the fatherly love he wanted to give them was not shallow.

He probably wanted to do something to make Guan Tong'er feel at ease, right?

Ye Fang stood up neatly, walked to the director Lao Wang, and asked with a smile:"Are there any musical instruments in the Mushroom House? Any musical instrument will do."

Any musical instrument will do?

Director Lao Wang was stunned at first, then realized something, a look of surprise appeared on his face, and he immediately nodded and said:"Yes! There is Dahua's guitar! Come on, press it for Mr. Ye!"

Immediately told the assistant to fetch the guitar. ps: Thank you all for your gifts, messages, and comments. Thank you for your support. The author updated a little late today, but will stick to it four times a day!

Please keep supporting me!

Students who are about to start school, I wish you happy learning hehehehe

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