Looking more closely, the river shrimps that Ye Fang picked up were almost the same size, even their heads.

This made Teacher He applaud:"Mr. Ye, you have a good eye! It turns out that I am old!"

Peng Peng exclaimed:"I didn't have this kind of eyesight and speed when I was young!"

Others also applauded, their eyes full of surprise.

I always feel that Ye Fang's cooking is not like cooking, but more like a performance, sometimes it is dazzling and full of surprises!

But for Ye Fang, this is a daily operation like eating and drinking.

Ye Fang just smiled back faintly, then picked up a small brush and began to clean the twenty shrimps, not letting go of every little detail, and cleaned them carefully.

After cleaning the river shrimps, he put them on the chopping board. At this moment, the river shrimps looked very stretched.

Ye Fang saw the opportunity, held the river shrimp with his slender five fingers, and quickly opened its back. After taking out the shrimp line, he turned his wrist and the black line on the front abdomen was also taken out at the same time.

Then the shrimp head was removed at the same time, and the whole shrimp shell was peeled off, and the river shrimp was still stretched at this moment.

Because Ye Fang was fast enough, the river shrimp had no time to react.

Put a clean river shrimp into a clean plate.

This series of actions shocked others, and they felt very satisfied.

It was as if they had just experienced the perfect processing of a river shrimp.

Ye Fang's smooth flow seemed to be very enjoyable.

The princess sighed:"I haven't tasted Mr. Ye's cooking skills yet, but this method of processing river shrimp is very professional."

Chen Yixun's eyes were very bright:"I can't wait to taste the phoenix tail shrimp now!"

Zhang Zifeng had seen Ye Fang's cooking skills a long time ago, but when he saw him beautifully processing the river shrimp, his slender palms made people unable to look away!

Redina swallowed secretly. Could she say that she was hungry now?

Thinking of the delicious food she had eaten yesterday, she felt even hungrier at this moment.

Peng Peng had been busy all day, catching river shrimps and chopping wood. He felt tired and hungry at the moment, staring at the river shrimps in Ye Fang's hand. He just hoped that Ye Fang could cook the river shrimps quickly so that he could taste them!

"I'm so hungry. I want to eat shrimps...."Peng Peng wailed like a zombie.

Teacher Huang glared at Peng Peng and said,"You only have shrimp in your eyes?"

"No!" Peng Peng shook his head violently, causing Teacher Huang to smile:"You still have a conscience.、"

"I still have my eyes on every dish made by Mr. Ye!" Peng Peng replied without hesitation, which made Mr. Huang stunned.

Mr. He and others laughed when they saw Mr. Huang's confused and angry expression.

""You little rascal!"Teacher Huang took off his slippers and threw them at Peng Peng.

Peng Peng dodged hurriedly, looking aggrieved:"Teacher Huang, why did you throw them at me!"

"You heartless brat, I've been cooking for three years, and you forgot about me when Ye Fang came?"

Teacher Huang gnashed his teeth in anger, even if he didn't have any credit, he must have worked hard!

Before Ye Fang came, Peng Peng was the most supportive and ate the most during meals.

People who love cooking enjoy the happy expressions of diners when they eat the food the most.

Now, Peng Peng's eyes are full of Ye Fang's dishes, and his dishes have become forgotten?

Peng Peng heard it and immediately realized that he was wrong.

Even if he wanted to eat the dishes made by Mr. Ye in his heart, he couldn't ignore Teacher Huang's face on the surface, and he had to pretend.

He realized the problem, and hurriedly picked up Teacher Huang's slippers and took them back to him.

"Mr. Huang, I'm just kidding. I grew up eating your food."

"If I don't eat for a day, I won't have the energy to chop wood!"

Peng Peng's flattery skills are very strong, and Teacher Huang finally smiled.

"Well, I like to hear that."Teacher Huang said with a smile, and finally regained some expression.

Ye Fang had already processed all 20 river shrimps. The crystal clear shrimp meat matched with the white plate seemed transparent.

And each shrimp tail was surrounded by a circle like a petal, forming a blooming flower.

The shell of the tail was slightly tilted, which was very cute.

Peng Peng no longer had the energy to listen to Teacher Huang. His eyes were attracted by the beautifully presented prawns.

After Teacher Huang finished speaking, he found that Peng Peng did not cooperate. He was so angry that he blew his beard and glared. When he was about to get angry, his eyes followed Peng Peng's eyes.

He saw the pink flower-like prawns.

"Oh my goodness, these river shrimps are processed so well!"

"Yes! The cleaning technique is also amazing!"Teacher He also praised it. He was very pleased with what he saw just now!

"Let the shrimp tail relax, which is convenient for complete removal of the shrimp thread. The back is also well opened, the thickness is consistent, and the depth is similar. It's amazing!"

Chen Yixun's eyes have been on Ye Fang's hand movements.

Now that he has come closer, Chen Yixun can't help but marvel.

Look at each of these river shrimps, they are handled in the same way, and it is almost impossible to find the difference.

He wanted to ask Mr. Ye:"Do you have a little obsessive-compulsive disorder?"

Without obsessive-compulsive disorder, can it be handled so perfectly?

He has never seen shrimps made by top masters in the United States that are handled to such a detailed level!

Western food is famous for its exquisiteness, but when it comes to exquisiteness, Ye Fang's prawns are absolutely better than those of the top Western chefs in the United States.

The princess looked at Chen Yixun with approval:"It seems that Junior Brother is a real foodie?"

"Isn't that right? For food, I can fly around the world!" Chen Yixun said with a proud smile.

Ye Fang listened to their discussion and just smiled indifferently. He didn't like to be distracted when cooking.

In fact, he did this in everything he did. It was his nature.���, only when you are sufficiently focused on anything can you achieve enough success.

Ye Fang picked up an egg and tapped it gently on the edge of the plate.

With a crisp sound, the outer shell of the egg cracked, and then he peeled off the eggshell, raised his hands slightly, and the transparent egg white spilled out.

It spilled on the twenty prawns on the plate, while the egg yolk was perfectly preserved in the eggshell.

Pour the egg yolk into a bowl separately, then take out the salt and sprinkle some evenly.

His technique was free and easy, but also meticulous.

Surprisingly, not a single drop of egg white and white salt was spilled outside the plate, and they all fell where they should fall.

This technique is unique!

"Awesome!" Teacher Huang couldn't help but applaud, as if he was watching an acrobatic show.

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