"I believe many people have seen the movie Parasite, which was a low-budget movie that received high box office.》!"

"It is still a miracle in the film industry and has won many awards, including the Best New Director Award, etc. Some people say that if popular stars can be invited to star in the film, the box office will surely reach new heights again!"

"There is also Brother Ye’s self-composed song"Preference" sung on the campus stage during his college years, which won him countless fans!"

"But unfortunately, that song was the one where Senior Brother Ye openly confessed his love to his girlfriend, which made us, the senior sisters and junior sisters, envious...."

"The boy in white is the prince charming in the dreams of countless girls."

"Junior Brother Ye doesn't care how popular he is. He just wants to take that opportunity to tell those senior and junior sisters who are pursuing him that he has a girlfriend!"

"Ye's love and preference for his girlfriend are all written in that song."

When netizens saw this, they all smiled with envy.

This kind of college campus love story between a handsome man and a beautiful woman, a talented man and a beautiful woman, is something that anyone can imagine.���Once expected.

But how many people can really realize it?

Even if the protagonists in the story are not them, it does not prevent them from being moved, envious, and blessing.

This article is very well written from the perspective of a passerby junior sister, perfectly portraying the story of an enviable fairy couple.

When Teacher He saw this, he couldn't help but smile.

What a loving couple!

The"Parasite" mentioned in the article also evoked memories with the teacher, and his heart trembled slightly. He didn't expect that the director of the miracle movie was Ye Fang.

Ye Fang hadn't graduated from university six years ago, right? He could shoot such a good movie.

If he hadn't immersed himself in Manyuan Village because of the pain of losing his girlfriend in the past five years.

Instead, he followed the original route and developed well in the director industry. What kind of achievements would he have now?

Teacher He didn't dare to fantasize about it carefully, because he would feel a little surprised and a little unbelievable.

After all, Ye Fang is only twenty-seven years old now.

"It turns out that Ye Fang had already started composing songs when he was in college?"

"Even after so many years,"Preference" has been covered by many singers. I didn't expect that the original was also written by Ye Fang."

Teacher He was secretly surprised and suddenly looked forward to it.

If Ye Fang can get out of the haze and develop as a director again, what kind of brilliance will Ye Fang shine in the future?

He couldn't help but look up and glanced at Ye Fang, who was smiling and taking care of the four little ones for dinner, just like an ordinary dad.

Who could imagine that such a peaceful and gentle man should have such a great achievement?

Teacher He didn't continue to think about it and continued to read the post.

The previous article described Ye Fang's strengths and his love with Lan Yuge, but the atmosphere in the latter part gradually made people silent.

"Everything changed five years ago after a school-wide physical examination."

"The school organizes physical examinations every year, and it was during that physical examination that leukemia was diagnosed...."

"Acute chronic myeloid leukemia, a tormenting disease that makes people wonder how long they can live."

"When the news came, all the teachers and students in the school were in disbelief and felt sorry."

"Senior Sister Lan is a cheerful and helpful girl. Everyone who has come into contact with her likes her very much."

"I think this is also the reason why Senior Brother Ye likes Senior Sister Lan!"

"But God played a huge joke on such a good girl!"

"Later, I rarely saw Brother Ye in school. I heard that Sister Lan was actively receiving treatment in the hospital, and Brother Ye was accompanying her all day."

"But in the following six months, Sister Lan took medicine and underwent chemotherapy, barely maintaining her life.、"

"But I heard that her condition was getting worse and worse. The side effects of chemotherapy were too great. Hair loss, impaired stomach function, and vomiting were daily occurrences."

"Later,...I went to visit Senior Sister Lan with my classmates and saw her sitting on the hospital bed."

"Wearing a hat, his face was pale, his delicate and beautiful face was bloodless, and he was so thin that he looked out of shape."

"Recalling the energetic, lovely and beautiful Senior Sister Lan, I cried after I was discharged from the hospital."

"Sister Lan looked very weak, but she still smiled and talked to us about interesting things in the hospital, and asked us if there were any interesting things in school."

"Everyone was talking to Senior Sister Lan with a heavy heart. I think Senior Sister Lan didn't want us to see her in pain."

"Senior Sister Lan is just like that! She will face everything positively and firmly."

"But when we left, I happened to see Brother Ye standing outside the ward with moist eyes."

"Later, we went to attend Sister Lan’s funeral. Her smile was forever frozen in that black and white portrait."

"I heard that it was painted for her by Senior Brother Ye himself.".......

Beach villa.

Looking at the message sent by this younger sister who had just entered the entertainment industry, Liu Tianxian paused while typing on the keyboard.

She knew that it was not good to post the information she had found and this younger sister, who was the first time sister in the article, on the Internet in the form of an article without his consent.

But Liu Tianxian was shocked by Lan Yuge's strength as she went deeper. She was moved by Ye Fang's infatuation.

She hoped that more people would know and understand Ye Fang's story.

Of course, she also had her own selfishness!

But this selfishness was only because she was Youyou's mother....

At this point, she was a little unable to write. Her fair, delicate face was filled with a complicated expression.

I wonder how Ye Fang and Lan Yuge spent the last period of chemotherapy?

It must have been very painful....

Otherwise, why did Ye Fang spend five years and still not get out?

Thinking of this, although Liu Tianxian did not witness the end of that love, she felt pain in her heart when she imagined it. She took a deep breath and felt better.

Then she continued to type on the keyboard and finished writing this article.

She needed to make Ye Fang more famous and establish a good image in a short period of time, because he was Youyou's biological father.

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