In his previous life, this song was an unsurpassed classic. It was also because of this song that he successfully entered the mainland market in his previous life.

And this song was also Ye Fang's favorite love song.

When the melody of the prelude slowly sounded, the defenses of the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly collapsed.

The emotions in the heart, those stories, all flowed slowly with the music.

The prelude alone made people have the urge to redden their eyes.

Everyone quieted down.

Teacher Huang and Teacher He did not continue to speak, but slowly sat back in their seats, listening to the song quietly.

The princess also closed her eyes, ready to listen to Mr. Ye's third song.

The moment Chen Yixun heard the first note, his body was struck by lightning, and his whole body was stiff.

His eyes involuntarily looked at Ye Fang's fingertips, and his fingers played smoothly.

This prelude instantly hooked all his emotions!

He had a hunch that this would be an unusual song!

" If those two words hadn't trembled,

I wouldn't have felt bad. No matter how I said it, it would just be a breakup.

If there were no requirements for tomorrow, holding hands is like traveling. There are thousands of doors

, and one person has to go first.

Since the embrace can't stay, why not leave when leaving?

"Enjoying while crying"

The low voice with vicissitudes of life touched the singer's heart.

The rhythm just now was very fast, but now it has completely slowed down, a completely different style, a combination that is so compact that it makes people a little breathless, but this song, long and distant, touches the softest place in people's hearts.

Hearing this song, everyone's heart trembled, and it evoked the sad emotions of countless people.

Zhang Zifeng's nose was sour, and her bright eyes were full of mist. She didn't know why her eyes were wet.

But this song makes people want to cry.

She has imagined many scenes, sadness and helplessness filled her heart.

When an actor's empathy is stronger than that of ordinary people, and people live in the world to feel the seven emotions and six desires.

Redina's eyes were soft like water, listening quietly, watching silently.

Mr. Ye is a man with a story, and his songs can also be sung into people's hearts quietly.

That's right, it's the song"Ten Years".

When Chen Yixun heard the lyrics, the whole person was completely He was impressed by Ye Fang's talent.

Not to mention how well the song was written, but just hearing the lyrics had already melted into his heart.

This song, like the previous one, was simply written for him.

As soon as he heard it, Chen Yixun had a strong idea in his heart that he wanted this song!

But it was also hard to believe that after Mr. Ye wrote two such good songs, he could still create this song on the spot.

He couldn't know his requirements and ideas in advance, right?

But the magical thing was that as soon as he opened his mouth, it was what Chen Yixun wanted.

Chen Yixun was terrified when he thought about it, and could only sigh that Mr. Ye had a very strong vision of people and a very strong ability to create.

Other singer-songwriters write songs according to their own styles, experiences, and preferences.

But Mr. Ye is completely different. He can write songs according to the requirements and styles of different people.

It was as if he knew what he was thinking in his heart.

This gave Chen Yixun goose bumps all over his body, his hair stood on end, and there was horror in his eyes when he looked at Ye Fang.

The audience in the live broadcast room was very quiet and shocked

"Mr. Ye is so amazing! One song after another!"

"This song is so nice and very suitable for Chen Yixun!"

"The songs written by Mr. Ye are all so nice!"

"It's over, it's over, I have completely fallen in love with this drunk man"

"Why does it feel like Mr. Ye is even more powerful after getting drunk?...."

"A completely different Mr. Ye, I like it!"

"Stop talking, just try your best to get Mr. Ye drunk from now on!"

"I like this song so much, what should I do?"


"Thinking out a song in one second? ? ? ? Are there such amazing singer-songwriters in China?"

"I don't know what to say anymore"......

Teacher Huang's eyes were full of surprise:"This young man Ye Fang is so amazing!"

"Another good song."Teacher He shook his head secretly, feeling extremely excited.

Such a great man like Ye Fang was willing to live in the remote Manyuan Village for five years.

Who else in the Chinese music scene can match his talent for singing and songwriting?

Too strong!

It's really outrageous!

Is this really a 27-year-old young man?

"Ten years later, we are friends and can still greet each other, but that kind of tenderness can no longer find a reason to hug. Lovers will inevitably become friends in the end.

It was not until I became friends with you for many years that I realized that my tears were not shed for you, but for others."

This song has resonated with the emotional world of both middle-aged and young people.

After Ye Fang's unique singing, the messy mood and the bitter cycle are sung.

I believe that this song will be very popular in the future!

Chen Yixun can feel that this will become a love song that surpasses the classics.

But he has a bigger worry in his heart. Can he sing to Ye Fang's level?

But it doesn't matter, as long as he can have the right to sing this song, he will be satisfied!

After all, a great man like Ye Fang cannot be surpassed by everyone. If he can surpass him, it means that he is not great enough!

Mr. Ye is really a god!

Everyone was in tears, but Guan Tiantian was very excited.

She also likes songs and music. She used to regard many singers and musicians as role models for learning.

But after today, Dad is the biggest and most powerful idol in her heart.

The guiding light that illuminates the road of her future life!

Ye Fang was drunk at the moment, and he was very unconscious, but it was precisely because he was not sober enough that he could show his truest appearance.

He wanted to vent, to vent hard.

He completely immersed himself in these songs and performed them in the most complete way.

His emotions were also vented, without the usual restraint and concerns. After a song was finished, his fingers paused.

After a pause of several seconds, applause suddenly rang out at the scene, and everyone couldn't help but stand up and applaud!

There were shocked and excited smiles on their faces.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also crazy.

Ye Fang's chest rose and fell slightly, he slowly exhaled, and then showed a comfortable smile.

"Yixun, is this song okay?"

""Yes! Very good!!!" Chen Yixun was so excited that he clapped his hands in response.

Teacher Huang smiled and wanted to praise Ye Fang, but before he finished speaking, he heard a"bang"!

Everyone looked over and saw that Ye Fang, who had just stood up, had fallen to the ground!

Ye Fang looked at the starry night sky that was constantly spinning, and a smile appeared on his face.

As long as you are satisfied, that's fine.



"Ye Fang!"

"Mr. Ye!"

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