"What do you mean by harboring evil intentions? Is it not okay for me to like it here?"

The princess looked at Chen Yixun leisurely, with a calm face, feeling that there was nothing wrong with her.

Chen Yixun choked on his mouthful of water, and found that he could not refute it at all, but he always felt that if his senior sister became a neighbor of Mr. Ye in the future, he might never have the opportunity to cooperate with her again.

He got a good song, and he hoped to continue to cooperate with Mr. Ye in the future.

Of course, he didn't get it for nothing, the copyright contract had been drafted, and he would sign it with Mr. Ye when he woke up.

Chen Yixun was speechless for a while, and said with a little anger:"Okay! Then I want to be a neighbor of Mr. Ye too!"

"Oh? There are not many houses around here. When I went for a walk this morning, I happened to see one. I asked and found out that it was for sale."

The princess raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at Chen Yixun with a smug look on her face.

Chen Yixun took a quick look and found that the houses closest to Mr. Ye were the Mushroom House and another one.

And that house should be where the senior sister passed by in the morning.

In the morning, the senior sister asked him to go for a walk together, but he refused because he was too lazy to move.

Now thinking back, there was a teasing hidden in the senior sister's smile!!!

Deliberately! Knowing that he would not go with her!

Chen Yixun is very upset now. Why didn't he go with her at that time?

"Senior sister, you!" Chen Yixun's face turned blue with anger, and he felt a little aggrieved. No matter how he calculated, he couldn't beat his senior sister!

If he wanted to find a house for sale in other places in Manyuan Village, it would definitely be very far away from Mr. Ye.

When he thought that his senior sister lived closer to Mr. Ye than he did, the sense of competition from last night came to his mind again, and he felt that he had lost!

"Why..."He sighed in frustration. He looked dejected.

Teacher Huang, who was making lunch in the kitchen, saw this scene and didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She smiled at Teacher He beside her and said,"This senior sister and brother are addicted to it!"

"Hahaha, maybe it’s the way they get along with each other!"Teacher He said with a smile.

The audience in the live broadcast room burst into laughter:

"Hahahaha! This pair of siblings is so funny!"

"Where is her usual cool and aloof look?"

"Killing me!"

"The Queen will be Mr. Ye's neighbor in the future? This is amazing!"

"Wow! In order to cooperate, the princess actually wants to buy a house in Manyuan Village"

"I look forward to seeing the princess more often in the future!"

"Wow! I also want to be Mr. Ye’s neighbor and have free meals with him!"

"Stop dreaming upstairs!"

"I feel...Houses in Manyuan Village will be in short supply!"........

In the yard, two Shiba Inus were playing with a small ball with Peng Peng, and the little black duck on the mud was still looking into the distance and thinking about life.

In the distance, the midday sun illuminated the land of Manyuan Village, and the fruits in the fields exuded a fragrant fruity aroma.

The sun poured down between the blue sky and white clouds.

Such a scene looked quiet and beautiful.

Ye Fang took a deep breath of fresh air, and the midday heat hit him. The four little ones were full of energy and rushed out.

"Teacher Huang, we are here to help!" Wen Yaoyao spoke in a baby voice, and then shouted seriously.

She and the other three children had agreed that they would live in the Mushroom House for a long time in the future, and they could not eat and drink for free every day.

Their thinking is not that of ordinary five-year-old children. They already have their own self-esteem.

If it is just one or two days of free food and accommodation, it will be fine, but if they continue to live like this, they can't always think of themselves as guests.

Things that should be done at home should also be done here!

The four little ones rushed into the kitchen, saying that they would help.

The smile on Teacher Huang's face was as bright as a chrysanthemum:"Oh, you kids are not even as tall as my legs, and you know you want to help?"

"They are all good kids, but you guys, just have fun outside."

"No, we have to help!" Guan Tiantian said softly, with a very tough attitude.

Teacher Huang couldn't beat the four serious kids, so he assigned them some small things like peeling garlic and peeling fruits.

The four kids took the work and sat in a row on the stairs seriously to complete their tasks.

Teacher He looked at the four kids with a smile, and felt that the heat in Manyuan Village became a little fresher.

He really liked these four children and wished they would stay in the mushroom house forever.

If the children went home one day, Teacher He would definitely be disappointed for a while.

Ye Fang took a breath of fresh air, looking at the well-behaved appearance of the four children with eyes full of fatherly love and satisfaction.

It must be said that he had never taken care of these four children, but the family education was very good.

The genes may be given by him, but family education still needs supervision.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also warmed:

"The four little ones are really well behaved 1"

"Such a young child knows to help. Look at my little brat who only knows how to eat and drink. I am so angry."

"It's really frustrating to compare yourself with others! My younger brother is already 18 years old and he just lies there doing nothing every day."

"This is really not an ordinary child!"

"Although they grew up in a privileged family, they didn’t develop princess syndrome. I’m curious about who the mother of these four little ones is!"

"So cute, these four little guys"

"How hardworking! I hope I can give birth to such a sweet little girl!"........

Feeling that the hangover headache was much better, Ye Fang walked into the yard.

Princess, Chen Yixun noticed Ye Fang coming out and immediately turned around. Chen Yixun asked with concern:"Mr. Ye is awake? How do you feel?"

"Much better." Ye Fang smiled and nodded, sitting down beside the three of them. Yang Anan, who was rubbing her temple and peeling garlic, noticed this and ran over with her short legs, putting her little hand on Ye Fang's temple.、

"I just need to press it for dad.~"

""Good girl." Ye Fang felt warm and nodded with a smile.

Seeing this scene, the princess enviously said,"Mr. Ye's daughter is very well-behaved and considerate. She is so lucky.""

"Yes, it is my great fortune to have them.、"

Ye Fang glanced at the three little ones in the distance and Yang Anan who was massaging him seriously, and his heart softened.

Teacher He walked out of the kitchen with a smile and put a bowl of soup on the table:"This is specially made by Teacher Huang. Drink it and you won't feel any pain.""

"Thank you, Mr. Huang," Ye Fang took the bowl of soup and thanked Mr. Huang who was looking at him from a distance.、

"Drink it quickly!" Teacher Huang raised the green onion in his hand and nodded with a smile.

After drinking the hangover soup, the headache was instantly relieved.

At this time, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room was constantly increasing because of Ye Fang's appearance!

Director Lao Wang looked at the sudden burst of data and sat up from the recliner, widening his eyes:"What's going on?"

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