"Mushroom house?" The little girl nodded, but she didn't know where it was.

But following this old man, at least she could fill her stomach.

She thought about spending the day first, and then find a way to contact the other little sisters tomorrow.

Thinking in her mind, she curiously poked her head out to look around, and saw a small yard full of sunflowers. She couldn't help but take a second look.

This small yard is really beautiful...

Looking closely, there is a beautiful piano, a small pavilion and an artificial lake in the yard.

The swing looks very fun....

My thoughts drifted away, but I was brought back by Mr. Lu's words.

"Nephew Wang."

The little girl came back to her senses and looked around curiously. She saw a square-faced man trotting over and greeting Mr. Lu respectfully.

"Uncle Lu, you are finally here. I have already remembered to send someone to look for you."

Director Lao Wang said with a smile.

Uncle Lu is his father's friend for decades, and they are as close as brothers.

His father told him some time ago that Uncle Lu wanted to come and relax, so he reserved a guest quota for him.

Director Lao Wang respects and loves Uncle Lu very much, not only because Uncle Lu is kind and amiable, but also because the old man is not an ordinary person.

Another thing is that after hearing the story of Mr. Lu from his father, Director Lao Wang respects this old gentleman who values friendship even more.

When he learned that Uncle Lu was coming yesterday, he took the initiative to send someone to pick him up at the airport, but was rejected by Uncle Lu. He had been waiting since morning. It took more than two hours from the airport to Manyan Village, but it was noon and there was no sign of Uncle Lu.

When Director Lao Wang was secretly anxious, he finally saw Uncle Lu coming late and walking slowly towards the Mushroom House.、

""I'm sorry to have made you worry, nephew. I'm not in a hurry, so I came here slowly."

Grandpa Lu said with a smile.

Everyone in the Mushroom House stretched their necks curiously to watch.

Zhang Zifeng originally planned to pick up the guests, but when she saw Director Lao Wang rushing over, she didn't go.

She didn't know the old man, and it would be awkward to run over. It should be someone the director knows, right?

Teacher Huang asked in confusion:"Is he a friend of Director Lao Wang? An old man?"

"This old man has a good temperament."Teacher He has good eyesight and said secretly after taking a look.

Ye Fang looked up and then continued to close his eyes to rest.

This is the director's friend, so naturally they don't need to bother to greet him. Ye Fang is still having a headache at the moment.

The audience in the live broadcast room is very curious:

"Who is this old man?"

"Is this a friend of the director?"

"This old man has such a good temperament and is so elegant!"

"Is it my illusion? I feel like she has a similar temperament to Mr. Ye."

"The lenses of this little girl's glasses are so thick!"

"The little girl looks so cute!"

"This is the first time I see a director being so respectful? Who is this old man?"

"I can feel that this old gentleman’s identity is not simple!"

"There's a new guest.~".......

This mysterious old man attracted the attention of many viewers, and others were also curious and guessing.

Wen Yaoyao inadvertently glanced at the old man and the little girl behind him, her face paused, and she rubbed her eyes to make sure she was not mistaken....Tang Qianqian?

Wen Yaoyao shook Yang Anan, who had the best eyesight, and said,"Anan, look at that little girl."

"Qianqian?" Yang Anan looked carefully and asked in a low voice with some disbelief.

"It seems true..."Wen Yaoyao confirmed it.

Why was she so surprised?

Because the little girl looked dusty, not like Tang Qianqian who had mysophobia?

That's right, Tang Qianqian was one of their sisters, the youngest one.

And Tang Qianqian had a very big habit of living clean.

But this little girl covered in dust.......

"I said I couldn't contact Qianqian, I don't know how she came to Manyuan Village, who is that old man?"

Yang Anan said to herself in confusion, and when it came to this, Liu Youyou wanted to beat Yang Anan up.

"It’s all your fault. You didn’t tell us the exact location. Qianqian must be lost like me!"

"Is that so?"Yang Anan rubbed her chubby little head aggrievedly.

Wen Yaoyao is the oldest among the seven little ones, and she loves her sisters the most.

Seeing Tang Qianqian looking pale and obviously having suffered, a look of heartache appeared on her soft and cute face.

But she didn't dare to say anything now. She didn't know with what identity Qianqian came to Manyuan Village, and what was the relationship between the old man and Qianqian? She could only wait quietly to see what happened.

Guan Tiantian opened her mouth to shout, but Wen Yaoyao covered her mouth with her hand:"Tiantian, wait a minute"

""Woo woo woo?" Guan Tiantian whimpered, her face full of confusion.

Why couldn't she call Qianqian?

All seven of them had come as agreed, and she finally saw Qianqian. She was still worried about whether Qianqian had suffered.

There was no other way. The seven of them lived in different cities, so they couldn't start from the same place, and it was difficult to find a good opportunity to run away from home.

So it was difficult to match the time, just like Tang Qianqian, who acted alone.

Wen Yaoyao had been worried these days, and seeing Tang Qianqian, the stone in her heart relaxed a little.

But now is not a good time to recognize each other, wait and see!

After all, the identities of the seven of them are not simple.....

When Wen Yaoyao first saw her father, her rationality was overwhelmed and she just wanted to recognize her father.

At this moment, her IQ gradually returned and she knew to look at the overall situation.

The actions of the four little ones were not noticed because everyone's attention was on the old man.

Mr. Lu exchanged a few words with the director Lao Wang, looked at the mushroom house in front of him with a garden, pets, and fruit and vegetable fields, and smiled with satisfaction:

"Brother Wang is right. This place is really suitable for relaxing."

As for the place where they will live for the next two days, Mr. Lu was very careful.

""Uncle Lu, let's go and meet some friends." Director Lao Wang greeted with a smile and helped Mr. Lu take his things.

Mr. Lu nodded slightly, took the little girl's hand and walked forward.

Director Lao Wang glanced at the quiet and silent little girl.

Who is this?

Director Lao Wang grew up under the care of Mr. Lu. He knew that the old man had no children, let alone grandchildren.

He guessed that it was a friend's child.

Director Lao Wang did not ask much, but smiled and said:"Uncle Lu brought a little friend here, and it happens that we have four children in our Mushroom House, so they can keep him company."

Four children?

Tang Qianqian was puzzled. She looked up and saw four familiar people.

"Grandpa, I found my family."Tang Qianqian said calmly

"found it?"

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