"Uncle Lu!" Director Lao Wang was confused at first, and then he noticed Mr. Lu's reaction and was shocked. He quickly raised his hand and supported the old man who almost fell to the ground.

Teacher Huang and Teacher He also lent a hand in shock. The old man was already in his sixties or seventies, and he must not hurt his body.

But at the same time, everyone was very suspicious.

This is a famous painting worth 30 million!

If it is fake, it is not a small matter.

The audience in the live broadcast room was shocked:

"Isn't Mr. Lu a collector? Could he have made a mistake?"

"I was like, how could a kid carry a famous painting worth 30 million?"

"Oh my god, my heart is beating fast"

"How is it fake?????"

"Fake? How did Mr. Ye know that? ? ? ?"

"Damn, why is it fake!"

"Is Mr. Lu okay?"

"This is fake, I vomited blood"

"Does Mr. Ye know about ink painting?".......

Countless question marks popped up in everyone's heads, but Mr. Lu managed to keep himself steady. He immediately took out a magnifying glass and carefully compared it with the painting.

"Impossible, the details are all correct, it's the style of that master...."

"How could it be fake?"

Mr. Lu muttered to himself, as if possessed by a demon.

But the aura in the painting did not shock his heart as it did when he first saw it. It became softer and more childish.

It was like a mature old man and a simple and pure kindergarten child.

Two opposite styles.

When Mr. Lu first saw this painting in the restaurant, he just took a few hasty glances and decided that this was the painting he wanted.

At that time, he was afraid that Qianqian would accidentally damage this white moonlight in his heart.

So after a few panic glances, he carefully rolled up the painting and put it in his bag.

But now, looking carefully, although Mr. Lu did not want to admit it, this painting was indeed not the previous one.

If it were not for Ye Fang's reminder, Mr. Lu would not be able to see the difference.

How could this be?

"It's amazing, who can copy it exactly, even I am shortsighted..."

Mr. Lu looked at all the details, and was shocked and disappointed.

He thought he and Bai Yueguang had reunited, and his heart, which had been lost, was full of excitement.

Now he looked carefully and found that it was fake, and his heart fell to the bottom again.

The painting is a good painting, but after all, it is not the original author, so it lacks artistic conception and meaning.

Seeing that Mr. Lu admitted that the painting was copied by others, everyone couldn't believe it.

A painting worth 30 million has become a fake?

Who can stand this?

At this time, Tang Qianqian, who had washed clean, followed the four little ones and rushed out, making a lot of noise happily.

The noise of the children interrupted everyone's thoughts, and they subconsciously looked at the children.

Five little Lolita, who were equally delicate and exquisite, came over with laughter.

Among them, the little girl wearing thick glasses washed off the dust on her body, revealing her delicate white skin and delicate facial features.

Put on Guan Tiantian's princess dress, a living Barbie on earth

""Qianqian is so cute!" Zhang Zifeng opened his eyes wide. Is this still the little cat from before?

Sure enough, a child who inherited Mr. Ye's genes would only be super good-looking....

Guan Tong'er secretly sighed in his heart. Qianqian was just like the other four little ones. She was beautiful like an elf that had fallen to the earth, extraordinary and otherworldly.

She was just a little silly, which made her look even cuter.

The audience in the live broadcast room was shocked:

"Oh my god! Is Qianqian also so beautiful?"

"These five kids standing together directly raised the appearance of the scene!"

"It's so cute! So cute!"

"Ahhhh! I want to have a daughter like this!"

"After taking a bath, I feel like I am glowing!"

"It’s over, I’m doomed!"

"Even though I have thick lenses, I still think it’s super cute!"

"Woohoo, this is so cute!".......

The five little ones standing together were simply stunning in appearance!

For a moment, no one could take their eyes off them. What kind of beauty would these five little ones have when they grow up?

Tang Qianqian followed her sisters and ran to Ye Fang. Tang Qianqian noticed that her father was staring at her, and her cheeks blushed a little embarrassedly.

"dad..."She called out again softly, her voice was soft.

""Good boy." Ye Fang patted Tang Qianqian's soft black hair.

Although Tang Qianqian looked silly, she was very happy.

She finally met her dear father.

Seeing everyone looking at this painting, Tang Qianqian's eyes also shifted to this painting.

""Qianqian, why did you sell the fake painting to Grandpa Lu?"

Suddenly, Ye Fang's tone became serious, but still gentle, without any reprimand, just with the intention of teaching.

If Qianqian really sold the fake painting to others, it would be deception, which is a fundamental problem.

But apart from teaching, Ye Fang did not intend to punish anything.

First, he had no right to punish, and he did not think that he was the one who could control her just because he was Qianqian's biological father.

Second, even if Qianqian really cheated Mr. Lu, he had a way to compensate Mr. Lu.

But his eyes on Tang Qianqian were still gentle.

Seeing that Ye Fang misunderstood, Mr. Lu hurriedly opened his mouth to explain:

"What a misunderstanding, what a misunderstanding. Qianqian didn't say this was a real painting. She just wanted to use this painting to pay for a meal."

"I misunderstood. I wanted to buy this painting."

Mr. Lu's explanation also made others feel relieved. After all, no one wanted a beautiful and lovely child like Qianqian to deceive others.

Tang Qianqian was almost scared just now. She understood the twists and turns. She looked at Mr. Lu with innocent and puzzled eyes.

"Grandpa Lu, this is a copy, not the original painting."

Tang Qianqian's words made everyone who had just breathed a sigh of relief stunned again.

This painting...Did she copy it?

Just now, Mr. Lu was still sighing that the copyist's painting skills were superb, comparable to the original, but lacked momentum. Here, he learned that Qianqian was the copyist.

Doesn't it mean...Qianqian's Chinese painting skills are very high? ?

But she...She is just a five-year-old child!

For a moment, everyone fell into deep thought.

Ye Fang smiled at Qianqian and said,"Did you draw this picture?"

Before Tang Qianqian could speak, Guan Tiantian, who was impatient, was afraid that her father would misunderstand Qianqian, so she hurriedly said,"I will testify!"

"Qianqian is very good at drawing and has won many awards.!"

"But Qianqian, why do you want to imitate other people's paintings?"

"You are obviously very good at drawing!"

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