Yang Mi is a fish that slipped through the nine-year compulsory education

“After nine years of compulsory education, how difficult is it to write a script?”

Shen Yi looked at Yang Mi with a look that said, “You seem to have never seen the world.”

“This is difficult, okay!”

Yang Mi glared at Shen Yi.

You knew he was talking nonsense again!

There is always no right way to go!

[Resentment Value +15]

“That only means that you slipped through the nine-year compulsory education.”

Shen Yi shrugged.

“Damn you!”

Yang Mi rolled up her sleeves and couldn’t help but want to hit someone.

[Resentment Value +27]


You have to take care of Shen Yi, he will harm other little girls when he goes out with his mouth.

Can’t let this happen!

If they were chased into the company, wouldn’t their company’s image as an artist be ruined?

[Resentment Value +30]

“Don’t be angry, boss. The most important thing now is to quickly show this script to major producers, directors, and film and television companies.” “Hurry up and find a

producer so that this drama can be realized.”

Shen Yi hehehe A smile.

Quickly remind Yang Mi to get down to business.

Yang Mi snorted and stopped arguing with Shen Yi.

I intercepted clips from “Three Lives, Three Worlds, Ten Miles of Peach Blossom” and sent them to the email addresses of major film and television companies and producers.

Yang Mi has been in the entertainment industry for so many years and has a wide network of contacts.

The message was sent, but there was no immediate reply.

This matter cannot be rushed, it will take time for people to read the script!

The two of them returned to the hotel first.

Early the next morning, there was a knock on the door of Shen Yi’s room.

“No need for room service.”

Shen Yi shouted to the door with a very impatient tone.

This is so early in the morning!

In order to do business, you don’t care about other people’s lives, right?

“What the hell is room service?”

Yang Mi was slightly startled when she heard Shen Yi’s voice.

“It’s me Shen Yi! Open the door! I have good news for you!”

Then he continued to knock on the door.

“You bitch! What a torment!”

Shen Yi heard Yang Mi’s voice and stood up helplessly to open the door.

“What a stain! What did you just do?”

Yang Mi said dissatisfied.


Shen Yi was sleeping soundly!

Being woken up like this, I felt a little angry when I got up.

“Are you shitting?”

“Don’t believe it? Then go and smell it.”

“Shen Yi! You’re so disgusting!”

Yang Mi’s eyes widened, she quickly covered her nose and looked at Shen Yi with disgust.

[Resentment Value +50]

“Boss, why are you looking for me so early in the morning?”

Shen Yi yawned with his messy hair on his head.

“Didn’t I send emails to major film and television companies and producers yesterday? They all responded to me today!” ”

They are all very interested in this script! They want to talk to us about investment!”

Yang Mi initially felt that the script Very good, there will definitely be people willing to invest.

However, I didn’t expect so many people to be interested.

“Ah? That’s it?”

“Is there anything else? If nothing else, I will continue to sleep.”

Shen Yi yawned again and prepared to lie down and continue sleeping.

“Hey! Are you still in the mood to sleep?”

Can you still sleep?

If it were her, she would be more energetic now!

“What else?”

“By the way, call me for dinner.”

Shen Yi didn’t care whether Yang Mi was still here or not, and just lay back on the bed.

“Hey, get up quickly! We have important things to do now!”

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“So many companies are interested in this script, which one should we choose?”

Yang Mi pulled Shen Yi up from the bed and held her hand in her hand The notebook was thrust into his hand.

Force Shen Yi to turn on his phone!

“Why is it still about me? My role this time is just the screenwriter.”

“Shouldn’t the rest be considered by you, boss?”

Shen Yi was about to cry but had no tears.

“It’s up to you to decide which company is better for your script.”

“Hurry and take a look! Their emails are all here.”

Yang Mi couldn’t let Shen Yi fall asleep like this!

Shen Yi is the screenwriter and knows best how to make this drama the best.

It is very important to find the most suitable film and television company.

Shen Yi sighed helplessly.

All right.

Then take another look.

In order not to be fired by Yang Mi, I have paid so much!

Be sure to reward yourself well afterwards, and be so angry with Yang Mi!

Shen Yi started to check the emails they responded to.

The email stated the intention and the price.

Some offer a high price to buy out, and some offer a low price, and then give some insignificant rights to Yang Mi.

For example, in terms of casting, Yang Mi can decide on some minor supporting roles.

Of course, you can’t ask for this kind of thing. When the time comes, you can choose some kind of monster, and no dog will even look at the photos.

Those who bought it out at a high price were just trying to get the ownership of the script.

Shen Yi would definitely not agree to this.

Since you have chosen to cast a wide net, you naturally need to find a company with the greatest sincerity.

Soon, Shen Yi passed a lot.

Fortunately, Yang Mi cast her net over a large area, leaving three-fifths of the emails unread.

Perhaps it was because Yang Mi had not replied for a long time. Some people couldn’t wait and started calling Yang Mi.

Yang Mi directly turned on the speaker phone.

“Hello, Boss Yang, I am Wang Zuo, the producer of Fengqi Film and Television. Our general manager is very interested in the script you sent yesterday. We offer a buyout of five million. What do you think?” Yang Mi looked at it

. Shen Yi, asked for his opinion.

Shen Yi shook his head and signaled Yang Mi to refuse.

“I’m sorry, your bid is too low, I won’t consider it.”

Yang Mi decisively refused.

Just after hanging up the phone, another call came in.

“Hello, Boss Yang, I am the general manager of Zhi Shang Entertainment. I am very interested in your script. I wonder if we can cooperate?” “I will offer you

10 million for the screenwriting fee! Or share it, and you can leave some supporting roles. To the artists in your company.”

Ten million!

Yang Mi’s eyes widened when she heard the price.

This is already a very high price in the film and television industry.

“Tell him, you have to be the protagonist.”

Shen Yi wrote this script for Yang Mi, asking her to be the protagonist, but in the end, she was only given a few supporting roles.

But the sincerity is okay.

The bid was quite high, and there was talk of a share.

Yang Mi nodded and told Shen Yi what he wanted.

“I can’t decide on this yet. We have to hold a meeting to discuss it.”

The man thought for a while and said.

Zhi Shang Entertainment has strong qualifications and has its own artists. They prefer that this role be played by their own artists.

Shen Yi can understand this, and we can only see if we can discuss it later.

If the protagonist hadn’t given it to Yang Mi, no matter how high the offer was, he wouldn’t have agreed.

After a while, someone called again.

“Hello, Boss Yang, I am the assistant to the general manager of Fenghe Film and Television. Our general manager is very interested in your script. I wonder if he is interested in cooperating?”

This person’s attitude is really bad!

The title is not you, but you!

Shen Yi remembered seeing Feng He’s bid in the email just now.

I want to buy it out for only three million.

It’s clear that I want to get a bargain.

Shen Yi directly helped Yang Mi press the hang up button.

“Feng He Film and Television is quite famous in the industry, why did you die without listening to what others said?”

Yang Mi asked doubtfully.

“I just read the email they responded to. The price is too low and the attitude is bad. Why are you talking to him so much nonsense?”

Shen Yi said without raising his head.

Yang Mi blinked and held her face with one hand.

Seeing so many people vying for Shen Yi’s script, I suddenly felt a sense of accomplishment in my heart!

This is an artist from her company!

Although Shen Yi was originally signed because Jiaxing’s financial situation did not allow her to sign a better one.

However, she now feels that it is more profitable than signing back to be the first place!

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