Eight glasses of wine, a toast to life

Ten minutes later, the singing competition began.

As soon as the music started playing, the audience’s enthusiasm was instantly ignited!

Everyone went on stage one by one in order to compete in singing.

In a villa.

“Are you here in Shenyi?”

Yang Mi was applying a facial mask and looked at Reba who was sitting on the sofa.

They made an appointment to watch Shen Yi’s show together today.

“Not yet! It will be him soon!”

“Sister Mi, move faster!”

Reba urged.

“Come on, come on!”

Yang Mi quickly applied the essence and ran to the sofa to sit down.

Because I was busy with work before, I had something to do every time I did a live broadcast.

I can only watch the recording the next day. I happen to be free today, so I naturally have to watch the live broadcast!

“I feel like they are so strong!”

Reba exclaimed after Qi Luo’s performance.

“Indeed, everyone has shown their special skills.”

“After this game, it will be the semi-finals.”

Yang Mi just stared at the screen, already starting to get nervous.


The picture on the stage could be transmitted directly to the lounge, and Liu Ming stared at Qi Luo closely.

“Fuck! Coward!”

In his plan, Qi Luo should have walked to the front of the stage.

Only in this way can the jammer he prepared be placed next to the stereo.

As a result, Qi Luo only performed in the middle of the stage throughout the whole performance, and did not even go to the front until the final curtain call.

The plan failed!

Liu Ming rubbed his temples, but fortunately he had prepared a backup plan.

In addition to damaging Shen Yi’s ear in advance.

He also spent a lot of money to bribe the twenty judges present.

No matter how well Shen Yi performs later, the number of votes will not be high.

In this game, everyone else showed 100% of their strength!

Shen Yi’s votes will definitely come in last!

Qi Luo’s performance is over.

Amid warm applause, Shen Yi walked onto the stage.

The barrage in the live broadcast room instantly became lively.

“Shen Yi is out! The wait is finally here!”

“Come on Shen Yi! I love you!”

“What I’m looking forward to most is Shen Yi’s stage!”

“Wuhu! Shen Yi is so handsome! I love Shen Yi so much!” ”

… ”

Shen Yi sat down on the chair in the middle of the stage.

“The song I brought today is called “Easing Sorrow”.”

As soon as Shen Yi finished speaking, the originally lively scene suddenly became quiet.

Music starts.

The sound of the organ had a touch of sadness, and the atmosphere instantly became a little depressing.

Shen Yi’s low and magnetic voice sounded:

“When you walk into this happy place,

with all the dreams and fantasies on your back,

all kinds of makeup on your face,

no one will remember your appearance…”

The sad tune, coupled with Shen Yi’s deep voice The voice and the gentle singing.

It actually has a healing power!

Open your mouth and kneel again!

This is now the fifth episode of the program.

Everyone can already hear the experience when listening to Shen Yi’s songs.

Not just to listen to the singing itself, but also to listen to the lyrics.

Go and taste the lyrics!

While everyone was admiring it, Shen Yi on the stage felt something was wrong.

There is no sound in my ears!

For singers, the function of ear return is to clearly listen to the accompaniment and their own voice during noisy parties or events to identify whether they are out of tune.

Before the show started, the program team arranged for everyone to try out the equipment. At that time, the earphones were not broken.

He didn’t check before he went on stage!

I didn’t expect that the ear loop would suddenly break now!

However, the singing has already begun and it is impossible to do it again!

Shen Yi simply took off his ear loops!

With things like ear return, in the face of absolute strength, even if there is a problem, it is not a problem.

Out of tune?


“After three rounds of drinking, you

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stubbornly sang a bitter song in the corner

and listened to it being drowned in the hustle and bustle.

You picked up the wine glass and said to yourself…”

Shen Yi’s singing is like a ray of sunshine, warming everyone.

This song doesn’t have so many fancy tricks and transpositions.

The plain melody brings a deep touch to people.

Everyone had the illusion that Shen Yi was not singing, but seemed to be telling a story.

In a villa.

Yang Mi closed her eyes gently and was immersed in Shen Yi’s singing.

Reba held her face in her hands and looked at Shen Yi quietly on the screen.

The body swayed slightly to the rhythm of the music.

“A glass of toast to the morning sun, a glass of toast to the moonlight,

awakens my yearning and softens the cold window

, so I can fly against the wind without looking back

, without fear of rain in my heart and frost in my eyes…”

The chorus comes.

There is no strong twist and the tune remains bland.

But it seems that the emotion of the whole song has reached a climax here.

Everyone resonated strongly at this moment.

Every word touches the soul.

The singing continues.

“One cup to my hometown, one cup to the distant place.

The kindness that guards me urges me to grow,

so the road from north to south is no longer long,

and the soul is no longer nowhere to rest…”

A chef in a hotel somewhere.

Wang Yue finished his day’s work and remembered that today was the day when “Not Just a Singer” was broadcast live.

Hope you don’t miss Shen Yi’s stage!

When Shen Yi sang “Someone Like Me”, Wang Yue became a fan of him.

He has been paying attention to Shen Yi, and he watches every episode of “Not Just a Singer”.

“Just in time!”

Wang Yue opened the live broadcast room and saw Shen Yi singing on the stage.

He put the phone aside and listened silently.

Shen Yi’s singing always has a magical power that can bring people’s thoughts back to the past.

After Wang Yue graduated from college, he came here for an internship.

I originally thought that working would be easier than studying because I could make my own money and spend it myself.

No need for family members to take care of you anymore.

He had long been unable to stand the control of his family. When the school assigned him an internship place, he deliberately chose Sichuan, which was far away from home.

He originally thought he would be happy, but the reality was completely different from what he thought.

His master often made him do hard work. He was as tired as a dog every day and was scolded every day.

The salary is also pitifully low, far less than it was when he was there. As imagined in school.

The repeated blows and setbacks made him clearly aware of this cruel world.

Listening to Shen Yi’s song.

He suddenly missed the warmth of his family. Although he was scolded occasionally, he felt more concerned and loved by his parents.

I won’t worry about food, rice, oil and salt, nor will I have enough to eat.

Between his parents and his hometown, he chose freedom and distance.


this is not the freedom and distance he wants.

No poetry or wine.

Somehow, a sadness came to his heart. He hugged himself, huddled in the corner, and cried silently.

“A toast to tomorrow, a toast to the past.

My body has been supported by the past, and my shoulders have become thick.

Although I never believed in the saying that mountains are high and rivers are long,

life is short, so why should I keep thinking about it…”

somewhere in an apartment.

Li Xiaoming opened the beer can and sat on the ground.

There were no lights on in the room, so it was a little dark.

It’s also eerily quiet.

Li Xiaoming turns on the TV and feels less lonely when there is a little sound.

Shen Yi’s singing voice reached his ears, and he stopped drinking.

The whistle sounded.

The carefree youth.

The hesitations of youth.

Until now, he couldn’t help himself, the past events were playing in his mind like a movie.

The girl’s face flashed through my mind over and over again.

But he missed her after all.

He still remembered what she said to him before leaving.

Many things can only be obtained after you persevere. After all the hardships and joys, you will know how to cherish them more.

But you also have to understand that some things have no results. As long as you work hard, you have to be able to take up and let go of everything in life.

You can’t go back to yesterday, and tomorrow is still unknown, so take action and cherish it.

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