Who is more beautiful, Reba or me?

Flying Eagle Entertainment announced the news that the new drama is about to start filming:

“The new year’s masterpiece! “Dancing” is about to start filming, starring the best actor Hu Mingxuan and the new star Fan Qiqi! And a group of powerful actors are helping! The investment is as high as 300 million! Please stay tuned Looking forward to it!”

The accompanying picture is a synopsis of the story of “Dancing” and photos of Fan Qiqi and Hu Mingxuan.

As soon as this news was released, it immediately triggered heated discussions among netizens.

“What the fuck? It’s really a great start to the year! Invest 300 million! This is too fierce!” ”

Wow! Brother Xuan, the Best Actor! I’m already looking forward to it when I see him!” ”

The bet between Fan Qiqi and Yang Mi, I feel that Yang Mi is likely to lose. They invested 300 million yuan!” ”

I heard that Yang Mi and Fan Qiqi auditioned for the heroine of this drama. As a result, Fan Qiqi was selected as the heroine. Yang Mi was so angry. I bet with others!”

“I’m betting on Fan Qiqi anyway! Yang Mi has no chance of winning.”


Fan Qiqi felt happy when she looked at the comments from netizens!

Just want this effect!

However, these are not enough!

She had to make Yang Mi suffer all-round attacks, the kind that wouldn’t even work well in filming!

Fan Qiqi asked someone to buy a navy team and try their best to suppress “Three Lives Three Worlds”.

Didn’t Yang Mi want to use the scandal to promote “Three Lives Three Worlds”?

Then she would let Yang Mi’s efforts go in vain!

Just two days.

There are comparison posts between the two shows all over the Internet.

#”三生三世” is simply inferior to “Dancing”! #

# From an investment point of view, there is a big difference between these two dramas! #

# The lineup of “Three Lives Three Worlds” is obviously not as good as that of “Dancing”! #

#If these two dramas were released at the same time, which one would you watch? I choose “Dancing”. #


The discussion among netizens was so lively, and the parties involved, Yang Mi and Reba, as well as the people from Color Film and Television, felt very uncomfortable.

They were all holding in their anger.

“Shen Yi, do you know that people on the Internet are now saying that Eagle Entertainment’s new drama is better than ours.”

Reba asked, holding the script.

As filming was about to start, Yang Mi called Reba and Shen Yi to the office and asked them to duet.

How can I find the right words for my mood now?

My mind is filled with those posts on the Internet.

I haven’t come to shoot yet!

Everyone is criticizing this movie, and she also registered a small account last night to reply to those posts.

However, there were too many trolls on the other side, and she couldn’t scold him at all.

The other party kept talking about investment and casting.

Is the cast and investment only part of the quality of a TV series?

The most important thing is the script and the acting skills of the actors!

“I know! If they want to say it, let them say it.”

Shen Yi said nonchalantly while playing with his mobile phone.

Shen Yi had seen many of these methods of pulling people down in his previous life.

“But they went too far and made our “Three Lives Three Worlds” useless.” ”

As a screenwriter, wouldn’t you be angry if someone slandered your work like this?”

Reba was indignant.

There are so many slanderous posts, and you can tell that they are trolls.

This despicable method must have been done by Fan Qiqi!

She and Sister Mi have been at odds with each other for more than a day or two.

Coupled with the bet the two of them had made before, they definitely didn’t want everyone to have a good time filming!

“What should I be angry about?”

“They hired so many trolls to post on the Internet.”

“Invisibly, it added a lot of popularity to “Three Lives Three Worlds”!” ”

Reverse propaganda is also propaganda. .”

Shen Yi said optimistically.

Now “Three Lives Three Worlds” is still very popular, much better than their previous unilateral promotion.

“Shen Yi is right, ignore them for the time being.”

“Reba, just memorize the script and shoot well when the time comes.”

“We will use our strength to slap them in the face.”

Yang Mi opened the door and came in.


Reba sighed. Yang Mi had already said this, so she had no choice but to be obedient.

“Director Zhang Zhe called and said that the crew is almost ready and the opening ceremony will be held the day after tomorrow.”

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Yang Mi said.

The new drama is finally about to start filming!

The first drama in two years!

Although she studied the script very hard, she couldn’t help but feel nervous.


May 17th.

“Three Lives Three Worlds” is officially launched.

The opening ceremony was held at Liangjiang Film and Television City in Wudu.

During this period, “Three Lives Three Worlds” has aroused heated discussions among netizens.

Many reporters came to the opening ceremony.

The scene was very lively, with guns and cannons pointing at all the actors.

The power-on ceremony was simply a basic power-on ribbon-cutting.

Reporters then announced the news of the filming of “Three Lives Three Worlds”.

For a time, there were divergent opinions on the Internet.

“Color Film and Television’s dramas are always good, but it’s a pity that this time we are working with a new screenwriter.” ”

This lineup is amazing! Except for the leading actors, almost all the others are new actors.” ”

Shen Yi did not start out as a singer ? And he has just debuted, how can the script he wrote be worth watching?”

“The reputation of Color Film and Television is about to be ruined!”

“I am still looking forward to the new drama of Flying Eagle Entertainment!”

“Yang Mi will lose miserably this time !”


The online discussion did not affect everyone’s enthusiasm.

The crew was in full swing for the first scene.

The first scene we filmed today was the scene where Susu dances to the Zhuxiantai.

At this time, Yang Mi changed into her costume and walked out of the dressing room.

Wearing a long white dress, with black hair like a waterfall, she is stunning!

As soon as she came out, everyone in the dressing room fell silent, and everyone’s eyes were attracted to her.

When Yang Mi was changing clothes just now, she had already adjusted herself, thinking that she was Bai Qian in the play, and behaved generously and elegantly.

Shen Yi thought, she really is the most beautiful woman in the world.

Yang Mi’s white color is really beautiful!

Perhaps sensing Shen Yi’s gaze, Yang Mi proudly raised her chin at him.

At this moment, Reba also changed into costume and came out.

Pink gauze, light and cute, with a red phoenix flower on her forehead, and a pair of big eyes that seem to enchant people.

“It’s so beautiful!”

“Who said our drama isn’t interesting? The lead actor is so beautiful! That’s what’s interesting!” ”

Don’t listen to the nonsense of people outside! Our drama is the best!” ”

Sister Mi is so beautiful She’s so beautiful! Reba is so beautiful too!”


Everyone exclaimed in amazement.

Reba and Yang Mi were both a little embarrassed.

After a while, everyone came to their senses and continued to do their work.

“Are you stupid?”

Yang Mi and Reba walked to Shen Yi and sat down, waiting for the news that Zhang Zhe had started filming.

“Who is better looking, me or Reba?”

Yang Mi suddenly asked.

When she came out just now, she saw Shen Yi’s eyes widening like those of a cow.

Just wanted to ask.

Reba on the side also looked at Shen Yi expectantly.


Shen Yi was speechless.

This is an age-old problem.

No matter which one he said, he would offend another woman.

If it were before, he would definitely be able to come up with an excuse that would get the best of both worlds.

But it’s different now. He wants to collect the resentment points of these two people.

“I will choose whoever the little cock clicks.”

“Reba is beautiful.”

Shen Yi took the simplest approach.


[Resentment value from Yang Mi +100]

[Resentment value from Dilraba +100]

Perfect! This wave gained the resentment value of two people!

As witty as me!

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