“《Have you watched”Lucy”?”

“I looked at it! The fried chicken looks good!!”

“I watched four movies this year, including”Flying Swords of Dragon Gate”》,《Mission Impossible 4, Infernal Affairs》、《Superbody》,《Lucy is undisputedly ranked first!!”

“I heard that”Dragon Gate Flying Daggers” was invested 200 million yuan, but why does it feel that the special effects are not as good as”Lucy” which invested 100 million yuan?》?”

“My buddy is in the film and television industry, and the actual filming cost of”Lucy” was only 50 million!!”

“The effect of 50 million is so amazing?!”

“《The investment of”Flying Daggers of Dragon Gate” was 200 million yuan, and Jet Li took 90 million yuan in salary. In addition, Zhou Xun and Chen Kun were not cheap. In”Lucy”, only Yang Mi’s salary was worth more, and it would not exceed 4 million yuan. The cost was used for shooting and post-production, so of course the effect is good!!”

“Su Cheng is really amazing, he does a great job with a small amount of money, this movie has the quality of a real blockbuster!!”

“It’s really awesome, the most amazing thing is the Easter egg at the end of the film, now I just want to watch the second part of”Lucy” as soon as possible!!”

“I think the setting for brain development is even more amazing, and it gives me the same feeling as reading a fantasy novel!-!”

“I think it was the use of partial 3D. The bullets flew across the big screen and came towards me. I got goosebumps.-!!”


In addition to netizens who spared no effort to become tap water.

Various film critics, film and television bloggers, and even some influential writers and celebrities, could not help but participate in this”sharing feast”.

Among them was Han Han, who was almost cyber-bullied last year for his statement that”I hope my wife and girlfriend can live in peace.”

He wrote thousands of words on his blog. He praised everything from the lens aesthetics of”Lucy” to the action design.

He also praised everything from the action design to the scene arrangement, and in the middle, he did not forget to praise Yang Mi’s performance for reaching the highest level since she started her career.

Finally, he concluded:

“《When preparing to film”Lucy”, Su Cheng said it would be a science fiction film”

“I have to complain here – I and all the audience were deceived by Su Cheng”

“《”Lucy” is not a science fiction film in the strict sense. The concept of developing the brain to become extraordinary is actually ridiculous….”


“With the Easter egg at the end of the film, everything makes sense.”

“If the world in which the heroine Lucy in”Lucy” exists is just a matrix carefully designed by artificial intelligence to keep humans in captivity, Lucy’s superpowers will be perfectly explained.”

“As the first film in his directorial career, Su Cheng gave a nearly perfect score with”Lucy””

“Looking forward to the next installment of Lucy”

“I have a hunch——”

“It will be an extremely exciting and true science fiction masterpiece!!”

The fourth day of the Chinese New Year

《The screening share of”Lucy” increased to 40% in one fell swoop, and the single-day box office soared to 61.23 million!!

During the same period,”Mission Impossible 4″ fell to less than 40 million.

《”Lucy” once again exceeded 60 million yuan in a single day, with a slight drop from the previous day, to 60.45 million yuan!!

Five days after its release, the cumulative box office reached 246 million yuan!!

Breaking 500 million yuan is a foregone conclusion.

There is a great chance of breaking 600 million yuan.

Aiming for 700 million yuan!!

Aiming for the first place in the history of domestic films!!

On the sixth day of the Chinese New Year,

Feng Xiaogang and his wife Xu Fan, wrapped in large scarves and wearing large masks, walked into a Wanta Cinema in Yanjing.

The tickets were bought in advance by the assistant.

The IMAX giant screen hall.

While waiting for the ticket check,

Feng Xiaogang looked around and found that there were quite a few viewers in the first screening in the morning.

Most of them were discussing the brain, the matrix, Su Cheng, and Yang Mi.

It can be seen that they all came for”Lucy”.

This made Feng Xiaogang a little unhappy, and he lowered his voice and said to Xu Fan:”The aesthetic level of today’s audience is really getting worse and worse.”

He has always been very arrogant.

Before the movie started, he was self-righteous and emotional.

Xu Fan has been able to live in harmony with Xiao Gangpao for so many years, all because of her good licking. No matter what Xiao Gangpao says, she is right. She immediately agreed:”Isn’t that what the audience is like? They just follow the trend and watch whatever movie is popular. I told you that you don’t have to come and watch it specially. Even if”Lucy” surpasses”Aftershock”, so what? When”1942″ is released, you will definitely be able to take back the box office champion!!”

Xiao Gangpao started out with Feng’s comedies and dominated the Lunar New Year box office for many years. He was nicknamed the King of Lunar New Year films.

However, human greed is endless.

When you have made enough money, you will seek fame.

Among the three major directors.

Brother Chen Kai has won the Cannes Palme d’Or.

Zhang Yimou has won the Platinum Golden Bear and the Venice Golden Lion.

Only Feng Xiaogang is a little weak in awards.

So in recent years.

He has been seeking breakthroughs and has filmed”Assembly” and”》、《Tangshan Earthquake and other serious films

《1942 is his ambitious work.

He hopes to gain both fame and fortune with this film. He wants to win both the box office and awards in one fell swoop!!

The film has been completed.

It will be released after the post-production is completed.

Feng Xiaogang thinks Xu Fan is right and believes that 1942 will definitely be a hit. However, he said:

“Only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you win every battle. Let’s first see what level Su Cheng is at, whether he is as good as he is praised on the Internet.”

While talking, the waiter not far away began to check the tickets.

Feng Xiaogang was not in a hurry. He hung at the back of the line and counted the number of people. After entering the theater, he observed the front and back.

He was secretly surprised.

The 10 o’clock show in the morning.

The attendance rate was 20%!

No wonder the single-day box office could reach 60 million!!

Not long after, advertisements began to play on the giant screen in the theater.

There is often a period of advertising before the main film is played in the theater, which is called”pre-screening advertisements” in the industry.”、”

In general, the more popular a movie is, the more pre-screening ads there are.

Feng Xiaogang patiently counted them and found that there were more than ten pre-screening ads for Lucy.

What embarrassed him was that there was even a promotional ad for 1942.

After six or seven minutes of ads, the movie officially began.

Feng Xiaogang was finding faults while watching. The opening design was standard, and Yang Mi played the innocent female college student well.

《The opening scene of”Lucy” uses less than a few minutes of footage to complete the introduction of the heroine Lucy: a medical student.

Her mentor is involved in the research of a new anti-cancer drug.

Lucy is deeply loved by her mentor and has a boyfriend who looks like Hu Ge – in fact, it is played by Hu Ge.

Feng Xiaogang was still finding faults at first.

After a while, he sat up straight.

His expression gradually became serious.

As the saying goes, an expert can tell the good from the bad with just one shot. The introduction of the identity in the first few minutes is a prelude plot. If it is not filmed well, it will easily make the audience feel boring.

However, Su Cheng used a perfect sense of rhythm to construct the innocence of the heroine, the beauty of campus life, and the heroine’s admiration for her boyfriend in this small plot – and then destroyed it with thunderous means: the boyfriend played by Hu Ge turned out to be a Japanese.

He approached Lucy in order to find the new anti-cancer drug developed by the research institute where Lucy’s mentor worked through Lucy.

The first turning point of the plot appeared.

Hu Ge and the Japanese organization behind him broke into the laboratory with great ruthlessness. After interrogating the research and development information to no avail, they decisively killed all the researchers in the laboratory, including Lucy’s mentor.

The rhythm is so fast!!

The editing, music, and transitions are so perfectly coordinated!!

Feng Xiaogang has seen many Hollywood commercial films.

But Su Cheng’s handling of this section still makes his eyes light up.

His emotions are also mobilized.

You know, he is a senior filmmaker, who has watched countless films. Like those fat otakus who don’t know the code in their hearts, he has long been indifferent to ordinary sensory stimulation!!

But Su Cheng made his emotions fluctuate quickly!!

It can be seen that his filming skills are superb!!

Feng Xiaogang dare not underestimate Su Cheng. His attitude towards watching the movie is getting more serious.


Hu Ge in the movie threatened the heroine Lu Xi’s biological sister.

He asked Lu Xi to use her body to transport the”anti-cancer drug” out of the country.

Halfway through, another underground organization led by an American learned about this, intervened, intercepted Lu Xi, and forced Lu Xi to ask where the new drug was hidden.

Lu Xi was worried that her sister would be killed by Hu Ge if she told the truth, so she refused to tell the truth and was beaten.

The new anti-cancer drug merged with the cells in the body.

The most eye-catching setting in the movie appears:

“Develop your brain and become extraordinary!!”

Einstein’s brain development was only 10%. But the heroine Lu Xi’s brain development soared to 20% in a short time. She had the ability to remember everything she saw and understand everything she saw.

Then, she quickly learned Wing Chun from the kung fu movie that the villain who was watching her was watching.

Su Cheng took advantage of Ip Man’s popularity in this segment.

“Ip Man 2” starring Zhen Zidan was released last year and won more than 200 million box office.

Wing Chun, a niche boxing style, has thus entered the public eye.

The heroine Lu Xi learned Wing Chun from the movie at a glance.

She imitated Ip Man’s quick punches in the movie and beat the villain.

This scene not only relieved her hatred, but also made kung fu fans get the pleasure of playing with the meme.

As a comedian, Feng Xiaogang naturally understood the cleverness of Su Cheng’s arrangement.

Next, there was another wonderful action scene.

The heroine used fists and feet to cold weapons, and then to firearms.

No matter what weapon, as long as she got it,.

In the blink of an eye, he was able to master the mysterious organization led by Americans and kill them all the way.

Then, based on the super five senses brought by the development of the brain area, he quickly locked the address of the Japanese organization.

He rushed into the organization with two guns.

Wherever he went, no one could stop him.

The Japanese boyfriend played by Hu Ge was about to run away, but was nailed to the wall by Lu Xi with a fruit knife.

At this time, Lu Xi ‘s brain area was further developed.

She already had the ability to read memories!!

She relied on reading Hu Ge’s memory.

(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!

) When she learned that her young and beautiful sister was given to a senior member of the Japanese organization by him, she was instantly furious.

A blue light burst out of her eyes.

She stared at Hu Ge and exploded into a ball of blood mist.

Feng Xiaogang was a little confused when he saw this.

He didn’t know how to describe this feeling.

But some young audiences in the theater shouted excitedly:


“Lucy is awesome!!”

“This is the extraordinary person I imagined!!”

《Lucy can be very popular. The core selling point is the excitement.

0Please give me flowers0

The heroine went from a weak and ordinary college student to an extraordinary person, almost omitting the upgrade process.

After becoming an extraordinary person, she kills gods and Buddhas!!

A typical template of an invincible and exciting article!!

In the process of rescuing her sister.

Lucy’s brain area is developed again.

She already has the superpowers of flying and raising her hand to stop bullets.

There is a climax scene in the middle that was shot on the streets of Shanghai.[]

The villain sniper, on a tall building, locked onto Lucy from a thousand meters away.

A sniper bullet flew through.

The 3D lens was supplemented by water wave rendering.

This shot is the most expensive special effects shot in the entire film”Lucy”. It passed through the IMAX giant screen hall.

It seemed to tear the dimensional wall and hit the audience through the screen. Feng Xiaogang was startled by this shot.

When Lucy on the screen raised her hand to stop the sniper bullet, he reacted:

“The special effects of domestic films can also reach this level?!”

Seeing this, he was convinced.

《The quality of”Lucy” is worthy of its super high box office!!

Feng Xiaogang was shocked by the quality of”Lucy”.

Xu Ke, known as Xu Laoguai, took the high-speed rail from Hong Kong Island to Pengcheng to watch the morning show of”Lucy”.

《Lucy is often compared to Flying Daggers of Dragon Gate.

Both have a lot of action scenes.

Both are 3D movies.

But the reputation of Lucy is far better than Flying Daggers of Dragon Gate.

Xu Ke is very curious.

《What is the strength of”Lucy”?! He will know it after watching it…….

First of all, it is the storyboard design. Su Cheng does not have any fancy showmanship, but the occasional montage transitions reveal his deep foundation.

Secondly, it is the training of the actors. Xu Ke has also seen the plays acted by Yang Mi. In”Lucy”, it is like a completely different person with extremely smooth acting.

Finally, it is the special effects that Xu Ke values the most.

Xu Ke is a well-known technology control.

In the 1980s, he filmed the fairy tale movie”The Legend of Swordsman of Shu Mountain”.

At that time, the box office was a huge flop.

He did not give up. In

2001, he filmed”The Legend of Shu Mountain” with the same theme.

The result was also a huge flop at the box office.

Later, Xu Ke learned his lesson.

He no longer directly shoots fairy tale movies.

Instead, he adds more special effects elements to martial arts movies.

《”Dragon Gate Flying Dagger” is a good attempt.

He thinks he is at the forefront of Chinese special effects movies.

After watching”Lucy”,

I was taught a solid lesson.

“The Great Way is Simple”

“《The plots of”Lucy” and”Avatar” are both very simple, even brainless.”

“It seems that for a mature commercial film, the plot only needs to be easy to understand, and it is more important to have a good sense of excitement and rhythm.”

“Another thing is the use of special effects. The more the better.”

“《”Lucy” only uses 3D lenses in some scenes, focusing on quality rather than quantity. A memorable special effects lens is far more effective than mindless special effects……”

Xu Ke was reflecting while watching.

Unconsciously, the movie on the screen had come to an end.

After rescuing his sister, the heroine Lucy learned the pros and cons of brain development through a professor’s research.

The pros are that you can become a superhuman and do everything.

The cons are that if your brain is developed to its limit, your body will not be able to bear it.

《The ending of”Lucy” is that the female protagonist Lucy’s body can’t bear her extreme brain, and finally she turns into a law, omnipresent!!

The big screen is black.

But no one leaves the theater.

Everyone knows that”Lucy” has a post-credits Easter egg through the Internet.

While waiting for the Easter egg, other audiences are chatting in twos and threes, expressing their excitement after watching a good movie.

Only Xu Ke is paying attention to the credits at the end of the film.

《The action scenes in Lucy are very exciting and unique.

Xu Ke was very curious about which martial arts instructor designed it.

However, the introduction on the credits left him stunned.——

【Action Director: Su Cheng】

“Su Cheng can also be a martial arts director?”

Xu Ke was speechless.

How could he be so versatile!

Just then, the black screen gradually lit up.

The narration voiced by Da Mimi sounded:

“Have you ever thought that the world you live in is not real, but a virtual matrix created by artificial intelligence?”

The picture flashed.

A wide-angle shot from above.

The ruined planet was densely packed with strangely shaped culture dishes. Metal pipes were like mechanical blood vessels, inserted into the culture dishes that looked like artificial wombs.

The camera gradually zoomed in. Different humans could be seen sleeping in the culture dishes. There were babies, adults, women, and old people……

A strange and cruel scene.

The camera zoomed in again. A close-up was given to one of the culture dishes.

In the dim blood-colored nutrient solution, a man who looked like Su Cheng was soaking in it, naked.

At a certain moment, he suddenly opened his eyes.

The movie ended here. 8.

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