Entertainment: I Asked You To Film A Romance Drama, And You Were So Angry That You Showed Up!

Chapter 54 You Look Beautiful Tonight, Thank You! 【Please Order First! 】

At this moment.

The Internet is filled with countless news about Zhang Yang!

[Zhang Yang, the “strongest newcomer in history” in the music world, has reached the top of the charts with his new song! 】

【Eggman’s hand-waving dance, crazy Eggman party!】

【How to eat Michelin in Sha County!】

Scarf, fighting sound, singing circle!

Countless people have discovered such a terrifying fact, and today they are all shrouded in the name Zhang Yang.

On this day, Zhang Yang is not the best, but he is also the best!

Countless people may not know Zhang Yang, but they must have heard of the name and know related things.

A man who astonished the music and culinary worlds!

in the music scene

Two new songs dominate the new song charts.

Among them, "Superfluous Explanation" even reached the top 10 of the hot song list in just half a day!

This song not only broke the record for the fastest new song to reach the top, but also broke the record for the fastest new song to enter the hot song chart!

This shocked the entire Chinese music scene!

The previous record holder was none other than Hua Chenyu!

At this time, Hua Chenyu was quite unhappy!

The new song "Love" that he carefully composed did not even last for a long time before being surpassed by Zhang Yang.

He wanted to use his mobile phone to watch short videos, which were also videos of various hand-waving dances. Hua Chenyu clicked on a few in succession and was not interested, so he threw the phone aside.

It’s not appropriate to go online today!

The hatred for Zhang Yang in his heart became even greater!

There are many popular people!

Of course some people say so.

"Superfluous Explanation" can achieve such great results mainly because the song is free, and this result is obvious!

Music critic Ding Taisheng even commented publicly on the Internet:

"This song "Superfluous Explanation" by Zhang Yang really shocked my jawbone! The verse of this song is very good, but as soon as it enters the chorus, a strong earthy smell hits my face. As soon as I open my mouth It’s my sister, my sister! Such lyrics can only be described with one vulgar word, it’s simply unbearable!”

"Zhang Yang is a smart man. He understands the popular "537" elements of short videos very well. His first song "Love Like Fire" is like this. This song "Superfluous Explanation" is still the same, the same. This may be related to the fact that he himself has no professional music learning experience!”

Ding Taisheng is a well-known online music critic who is a troll. He is famous for his vicious comments that often cause intense discomfort among the audience!

In the music world, there are countless singers who have been criticized by Ding Taisheng, and there are also many singers who cried directly on the stage!

Of course there are many people who criticize him!

But just because of this, Ding Taisheng became a regular guest on a major music variety show and enjoyed spraying!

Ding Taisheng, who had mastered the traffic password, targeted Zhang Yang this time, and he only blamed others for giving him too much!

Zhang Yang is one of the most popular new singers at the moment.

His words caused thousands of waves on the Internet!

[Oh no! How did this guy with such a mouthful of words come out? Who let him out? 】

[We are all vulgar people, so don’t look down on anyone else. I am vulgar, what’s wrong!]

[Appreciate both refined and popular tastes, why should music be divided into high and low levels? As long as the audience likes it!]

[It seems that I am really vulgar and cannot understand the level of appreciation of the big guys!]

[But it still has a bit of a non-mainstream taste, but it’s still good!]

[Although Zhang Yang is not a music major, he at least graduated from the Chinese Department of Qingdao University. Such words are indeed a bit clever!]

[A musician's works can be diversified. If you like the singles you like, you don't have to listen to the ones you don't like. There is no need to belittle them. 】

[The redundant explanation is indeed common, but two thousand and five hundred years is even worse. I guess no one knows about it!]

[I don’t understand why vulgarity is bad. vulgarity means that people like it and listen to it. It’s simple to sing. I think it’s very good. Why should it be used as a derogatory term?]

[This time I support Ding Taisheng, Zhang Yang’s songs all contain brainwashing internet elements [too down-to-earth!]

[I suspect that Ding Taisheng was released by Hua Chenyu. If so, they seem to be similar. 】

In addition, many other music critics are analyzing Zhang Yang's "Superfluous Explanation"!

There is praise and criticism!

Among them, the most popular one is undoubtedly the troll Ding Taisheng!

for a while

The originally peaceful music world became turbulent because of a redundant song!

In the culinary world, it's just the opposite.

They fell into a long silence!

Eat Shaxian snacks in Michelin style?

Even a Michelin chef would be silent when he saw this way of eating sashimi, let alone other chefs!

But it is this damn sense of ritual that has gripped the hearts of contemporary young people.

Shaxian snacks also became popular on the Internet!

Many Shaxian store owners are beginning to feel confused.

They were preparing to close the stall in the evening, and found that many people came to buy Shaxian snacks.

Some people even brought a few large empty plates and said some words that were incomprehensible!

What's even more outrageous is.

There are actually people coming to reserve Shaxian snacks for tomorrow!

What is going on?

Before some store owners could react, all kinds of pre-sale orders came flooding in.

"Boss! Tomorrow! Dumplings, noodles, fried wontons, duck legs, dried tofu, fried rice, and black-bone chicken soup are arranged!"

What you say is concise and to the point, what you want is the Michelin Shaxian set meal!

Shaxian store owners across the country were instantly confused!

Although Sha County is said to be very popular, it is open all over China!

But it is unique to have an overnight reservation like this!

Some Shaxian store owners who are active at the forefront of 5G surfing.

After seeing the news online, they all took action to directly launch a Shaxian "Michelin" combo package.

Taking a taxi is quick and convenient!

This behavior is loved by customers!

The owners of Shaxian snack bars across China began to stock up overnight!

The king of original soup noodle opposite was so greedy!

Boss of Soup Noodle King:

Zhang Yang!

When will there be an issue of Michelin Soup Noodle King?

We make money!

Just like that, overnight!

A strange thing happened: Shaxian snacks were out of stock!

This strange Shaxian wind is beginning to sweep across China!

China Shaxian Snacks Association shouted:

Me! Shaxian County wants to invite Zhang Yang to be our global spokesperson, break out of China and go out into the world!

And here in the love house

The candlelight dinner also came to an end.

The divine candle is about to burn out!

In the bright candlelight, Bai Lu's pretty face looked particularly charming and charming.

Zhang Yang finally understood what beauty means!

He asked with a thought in his mind. "Bai Lu, what do you think of my preparation for this candlelight dinner?"


Bai Lu was stunned for a moment, then picked up a tissue from the table and wiped her mouth with a smile.

"I'm very satisfied. Although it's not really Michelin, I think it's even more delicious than the real Michelin. But can we not use the magic candle next time? It's a bit scary!"

Zhang Yang smiled awkwardly. "Haha... I didn't forget to prepare it for a while, but this sacred candle is a good smokeless candle, much more expensive than the candles in those restaurants! After burning, there is still a faint scent of sandalwood. If you don't believe it, you can smell it. ”

After saying that,

Zhang Yang also deliberately used his hand to gently fan in Bai Lu's direction.

Bai Lu smelled it carefully, and it was indeed a faint scent of sandalwood, and nodded. "Well, that's right, the light one smells pretty good!"


Bai Lu suddenly woke up!

Is this a matter of price?

Is this a discussion about the quality of divine candles?

And how do you still understand this?

She was clearly talking about the candlelight dinner just now!

Ouch... I'm so angry!

I was led astray by Zhang Yang again!

This guy's focus is so different, so inhuman!

Zhang Yang didn't know that Bai Lu's inner drama was very rich, and continued.

"Since you are so satisfied with tonight's meal, can you agree to my excessive request?"


Bai Lu was suddenly asked by Zhang Yang.

Too much to ask?

No, is he going to confess to me?

Still want my kiss?

Or does he want to kiss me?

Or are there other more excessive demands…………?

Bai Lu was thinking about this matter crazily!

My mind flashed through countless TV dramas about what happens between boys and girls after a candlelight dinner.

Confession? Kiss? Promise? Propose? Even...!

In an instant, Bai Lu's entire face was as red as a ripe red apple, and her heart was beating wildly.

At this time, Bai Lu did not dare to look directly into Zhang Yang's hot eyes, and looked to the other side in a panic, unconsciously wiping the hair beside her ear with her right hand.

"What... what's an excessive request? You tell me first. If it's not too excessive, I... I will agree to it!"

[It’s coming, it’s coming! The scene I want to see is finally coming. I’m asking too much, and Deputy Yang is good at flirting! 】

【Hahaha... Our Lulu was so shy and nervous that she even flipped her hair!】

[Ahhh...I'm going crazy! Is this the straight-ball love of a straight man? Damn it!]

[What else can I say to express my love? Just go to second base! Don’t talk! Just kiss her! 】

[Why does it feel like Lulu is also looking forward to it, but she almost didn’t kiss me on her face! 】

[Ahhh...sisters, I'm going crazy! Zhang Yang stands up, he's going to come over!]

【Quickly………………quickly! Hurry up and pounce!】

In the live broadcast screen.

Zhang Yang stood up directly from the chair, then leaned over and slowly approached Bai Lu.

Bai Lu only felt it.

The strong male hormone just now hit me again, and my heart was about to jump out of my eyes.

He...what is he going to do?

Do you really want to kiss me?

Bai Lu closed her eyes unconsciously.

But she could still feel Zhang Yang getting closer and closer.

Both could feel each other's heat.

Each other’s heartbeats.

Zhang Yang leaned over Bai Lu's ear and whispered.

"Bai Lu, can you reimburse today's movie tickets and tonight's meal first? I'm afraid you will forget it tomorrow!"

Bai Lu, who had her eyes closed, was instantly stunned!

"This………………is this what you want?"

"Yes! This is indeed a bit excessive, but I also respect the rules of the show. Sister Wang has been reminding me before, and I'm afraid you will forget it tomorrow!"

After saying this, Zhang Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

I just asked others to pay for the meal. This program is a bit excessive!

When Sister Wang saw this scene, she was numb!

I don't!

I just reminded Zhang Yang to pay attention to the rules of the program, not to cross the line, and not to continue to make trouble!

Sister Wang immediately edited a barrage...

"I didn't, it was Zhang Yang who made it out of nothing!"

But her barrage

Covered by a large amount of punctuation marks!


The entire live broadcast room was silent!

[I announce! Zhang Yang, a straight man, has terminal cancer and is hopeless. He is announcing his death!]

【Hahaha.........This is indeed very Zhang Yang!】

[I feel sorry for Bai Lu, Zhang Yang! It’s so satisfying to torture your wife, chase your wife to the crematorium! 】

[I think Bailu will definitely collapse this time. Zhang Yang is really angry to death!]

[For others, having a candlelight dinner can bring couples closer together, but how come they become completely different!]

[The relationship between these two people is so fresh and refined. If you want to see sweet love here, it is possible! 】

[Maybe this live broadcast room can be renamed "My Resentful Boyfriend"! 】

Bai Lu's originally hot heart was once again poured a bucket of cold water on her.

The originally red and pretty face was suddenly covered with a layer of frost, Bai Lu said coldly.

“Transfer insurance or prestige?”

Zhang Yang took out his cell phone with a smile, handed it to Bai Lian and said. "Please add my personal prestige and be friendly! I bought it with my private account."


Bai Lu took out her phone and scanned it to add friends.

"I'll send you the payment code!"

The two men asked and answered questions.

The style of the entire live broadcast room is cracked!

[That’s awesome! We’ve been living together for three days, and we haven’t even added them as friends on WeChat! These two are just awesome!]

[How did the two of them get in touch before? Was it all about shouting?]

[Isn’t that why the show is equipped with a mobile phone, so you can contact us! 】

[Upstairs, the prestige of the program team is like that of a work group. Would you fall in love in a work group? 】

[Bai Lu is also stupid, Lulu is not afraid of difficulties and pursues bravely! If you want to wait for Zhang Yang to take the initiative, you have to wait until what year!]

[I was laughed to death by these two people, I believe it! This is the first time for these two people to fall in love! 】

[Looking at it this way, these two people are a perfect match! They are both emotionally naive!]

[The truth is here! Zhang Yang just wanted to gain Bai Lu’s prestige on purpose! This is his purpose!]

[Holy shit! This is really something Zhang Yang, a straight man, can do! 】

[On a straight man, he did several things to gain prestige with girls!]

Zhang Yang looked at Bai Lu's profile picture on Weixin.

A satisfied smile appeared on his face, followed by a smiling expression.

In this way, the audience in the live broadcast room became more sure of their guesses just now.

Bai Lu picked up the phone and glanced at it, but did not reply. She stood up and glared at Zhang Yang.

Bai Lu was so angry that she really wanted to punch him because he didn't speak in front of him, and even smiled with authority.

"I'll go back to the room first!!"

"Bai Lu, you have to wash the dishes!"

Zhang Yang shouted towards Bai Lu's back.

"I know, let me change my clothes first!"

A "pop" sound!

The door once again endured the unbearable pain in its life!

It hurts, it hurts so much!

Zhang Yang shook his head and observed three seconds of silence for the poor door, which was more than one second!

Then I took out the remaining 3.3 pieces of Shaxian snacks and showed off!

How can the Michelin portion be enough to feed two people?


After a while.

Bai Lu changed her clothes and took off her makeup. When she returned to the living room, she found that the dining table had been cleared.

This makes Bai Lu feel incredible!

Zhang Yang actually takes the initiative to wash the dishes?

This guy hates people who wash the dishes the most, and he can even serve people who eat from the pot without washing the dishes.

Now he actually helps her clean up, which is even more surprising than Zhang Yang cooking her a candlelight dinner!

Is this guy going to change his temper?

"Ding dong!"

A message came from Weixin.

"You look beautiful tonight, thank you! Smiley face!"

This moment!

Bai Lu’s pretty face looks like a snow lotus blooming in full bloom!

"Bad Zhang Yang! Stinky Zhang Yang!"

Why don't you say this directly to show your prestige!

That guy's mouth that talks nonsense is useless, it can only be used to annoy people!

Everyone in the live broadcast room was shocked!

[Ahhh...what happened? Bai Lu’s smile is too sweet!]

[Sure enough! That guy Zhang Yang is building a plank road openly and crossing Chencang secretly, but he also wants to engage in underground love affairs? 】

[Looking at the thick eyebrows and big eyes, I didn’t expect that Zhang Yang turned out to be a slut!]

[I really want to know what message Zhang Yang sent that made Bai Lu smile so happily!]

[Program team, do they violate the rules of the program team by chatting privately like this? Come and take care of it!]

[Do you think it’s possible that it’s not Zhang Yang who is showing off his prestige, but someone else! 】

[Shocked! Bai Luyang’s mysterious boyfriend at the night party, Zhang Yang was kept in the dark!]

[You think this is shocking! It’s a good job, it’s hard! Deputy Yang is about to cry and faint in the toilet!]

【Hahaha...! Zhang Yang: Listen to me, thank you very much!】

PS: It’s on the shelves, please order first!

Thank you fellow veterans for your support!

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