Entertainment: I Asked You To Film A Romance Drama, And You Were So Angry That You Showed Up!

Emperor Chapter 61: The Main Thing Is To Be Down-To-Earth, And Run Away In Panic!

"It seems that they are not here to be funny, but are very serious. I decided to use this song for this competition!"

Although Zhou Shen hasn't fully understood this song, he can tell that it is amazing.

I hummed slowly along with the music score in my heart, but the names were a bit difficult to pronounce.

Zhou Shen then handed the phone to his agent.

The agent looked at it for a while, frowned and said.

"It looks professional, but the lyrics are also weird. It doesn't look like a song at all. It's like several people telling a story.

"No! This is absolutely not possible! We can't take this risk!"

The arranger teacher on the side felt itchy after being talked about by these two people, and couldn't help but ask.

"Do you have any other alternative tracks? Let me take a look!

The manager handed the phone to the arranger.

"Teacher Wu, please come and persuade Shen Shen. He wants to use this song "Dalabengba" to compete in the singing competition. Isn't it a joke?"

"You also know the importance of our competition, we must not take risks!"

Arranger Wu took the phone and enlarged the picture. Seriously look.

As the saying goes, laymen watch the excitement, while insiders watch the door.

As a senior arranger teacher in the industry.

Wu Ruolin could tell at the first glance that the score was very neat and professional, even a little too detailed.

But sometimes, a good format template does not necessarily mean a good song. It mainly depends on the content inside.

However, this also gave him some expectations for the song.

Wu Ruolin then continued to watch, and the whole process was very quiet.

He even made tut-tsk sounds from time to time, obviously very satisfied with the song!

After a long time.


Wu Ruolin took a breath of air and said.

"This song was written by that ace songwriter. It's really well written. This kind of ingenious idea, the fusion of bel canto and two-dimensional music, is really amazing. Only ace songwriters dare to write like this! "

"Shen Shen, I also think this song is very suitable for your competition this time. However, it is very difficult and the time is so short. Can you master it?"

"Shen Shen, just do as Master Wu says...!

The agent was suddenly stunned!

No, didn’t I ask Teacher Wu to persuade Zhou Shen not to use the song Zhang Yang?

Why has the whole style of painting changed now!

Even Teacher Wu actually agreed with Zhou Shen's idea and competed with the song "Dalabengba"!

"Teacher Wu, is this song really good and can it really be used in competitions?"

Wu Ruolin was confused by the question, and looked at the two people with doubts in his eyes.

"Didn't you find an ace creator to customize this specifically for Zhou Shen? Is it okay?"

Zhou Shen and his agent looked at each other, is Zhang Yang really that awesome?

Creators in the Chinese music scene are divided into third-rate creators, second-rate creators, first-rate creators and ace creators. There is also a level above them called masters.

As for master-level songwriters, there are very few in the entire Chinese music scene. Ace songwriters are almost the ceiling of the Chinese music scene.

Even Zhou Shen didn't expect this.

Wu Ruolin would have such a high opinion of this song!

"Teacher Wu, this song was not written by an ace songwriter, but by a friend of my friend Zhang Yang. He is just a newcomer!"

"Zhang Yang! Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

Wu Ruolin interrupted Zhou Shen's words, with a look of disbelief on his face and an unusually excited mood.

He has also heard of the name Zhang Yang a little bit!

After all, Zhang Yang is the world's creditor, and everyone in the world now owes him a fight!

"Really are?"

"Well, it really is!"

Zhou Shen and his agent nodded and told him that Zhang Yang wrote it in less than half an hour.

Suddenly, Wu Ruolin fell into a stage of doubting his life!

Damn it! This Zhang Yang is really a monster!

It takes half an hour to write at such a level, which is almost as good as the master Xiaomeng back then!

He is riding a horse, it turns out that Zhang Yang is really a real person!

Such talent!

He was convinced!

"Ah Chao!"

Zhang Yang suddenly sneezed on the high-speed train.

Who? Who is speaking ill of me behind my back?

"Zhang Yang! Zhou Shen has decided to use your song to participate in the competition."

"I also agreed to your cooperation share, everything will be in accordance with market standards."

Seeing the reply from Zhou Shen on her mobile phone, Bai Lu happily reported the good news to Zhang Yang.

But when she saw Zhang Yang taking it for granted, Bai Lu was furious!

This guy really doesn't know how to be humble at all!

But this time the plan has been successful, and now Zhang Yang is still kept in the dark.

Thinking of this, Bai Lu couldn't help but smile.

Unexpectedly, she was caught on the spot by Zhang Yang, and Bai Lu regained her composure instantly.

"Bai Lu, have you done something bad? There was something wrong with that smile just now.||!"

"Haha, no, absolutely not, how could I?"

"And you haven't told me yet, what is Wang Haoran's full name?"

Bai Lu immediately responded and changed the topic quickly, capturing the essence of the conversation.

"Haoran Dalabengba Bande Bedixia Dobiluon Mia Morasuna Danny Shelly Red Difit Kuntukutakatikot Suva Sirathon Mundalucius King Begubikibal!"

Zhang Yang said Wang Haoran's full name in one breath, which is not something ordinary people can do!

"What the hell?! It's so hot to pronounce your name."

"This is Wang Haoran's full name. The names of Western children are: the child's name + the father's name or surname + the mother's name or surname + some major achievements of the ancestors + the name of the noble's territory + the title of the noble. So. According to the name translation standard where the surname is forward, the child’s abbreviation is Wang Haoran!”

Bai Lu was stunned!!! This is too outrageous!

"Haoran Dalabengbabande...Beedibdobiluong...Mia...Morasuna Denise...!"

"Woohoo!! This is too difficult!"

Bai Lu read the lyrics and tried several times, but failed to read Wang Haoran's full name!

How did Zhang Yang do it?

"Haha, Bai Lu, you idiot, give up!"

Zhang Yang laughed heartily from the side.

It's a difficult name to pronounce, so it's very difficult to just rely on rote memorization.

The reason why Zhang Yang can remember easily,

The first is because he has this song in his mind, and the second is because he uses the melody of the song to memorize it.

In this way, Zhang Yang easily remembered Wang Haoran's full name and pretended to be a B in front of Bai Lian!

"Huh! I don't believe it. I don't believe it anymore. I still can't win this name!"

Bai Lu gritted her teeth and said.

"Haoran Dalabengbabandebedibdobiruwengmi...Kibal King!!"

"Haoran Dalabengba...Bande Bedi's Dobiluon Mia Morasuna Danny...Shellyhong Difit Kuntukutakatikot...!"

"Haoran Da...!"

It was another three consecutive defeats, but Bai Lu was defeated again and again, and the more he fought, the braver he became!

The main thing is to never give up!

Zhang Yang ignored it and lay down on his seat with his eyes closed to rest.

"Ding dong!"

Ladies and gentlemen, the stop in front of the train is Zibo Station. Passengers who get off the train on the way, please prepare to get off in advance. Smoking is prohibited throughout the journey. Thank you for your cooperation.

The voice broadcast from the train woke up Zhang Yang and Bai Lu who were sleeping.

I don't know when, Bai Lu also fell asleep.

"Ah...! Finally here!"

Bai Lu stood up from her seat, stretched her delicate body wantonly, and relaxed her body.

"You have to wait a moment. Sit down first. The train has not completely stopped yet."

Zhang Yang, however, was lying lazily on his seat.

This journey takes eight hours, which is quite a long time.

Fortunately, I chose the business seat this time, otherwise it would not be so comfortable.

After a few minutes, the train came to a complete stop.

Zhang Yang took Bai Lu with his luggage and officially set foot on the land of Zibo.

at the same time,

The assistant director wandered back and forth in the studio, while Wang Yu sat on the director's chair and cracked melon seeds, feeling relaxed and comfortable.

Everyone felt that the director was back, but it didn't seem like he was back.

"Assistant director, Zhang Yang and the others should have arrived at the station now. Please ask the staff to follow up with him."

Wang Yu shouted to Director Du in the distance.

He can feel the comfort of life these days. From now on, he will control the general direction and leave other things to the people below.

I don’t want to roll it anymore. I really can’t roll it anymore!

Looking at Director Wang with a smile on his face, the assistant director felt a chill in his heart, thinking that now that Director Wang is back, he can escape from the sea of ​​fire and continue to be a mess!

Unexpectedly, when Wang Yu came back this time, he was a completely different person.

Director Wang, who used to do everything himself, has now transformed into a hands-off director.

At this time, the assistant director was about to cry, and the happiness he once had was gone forever.

"Director! Zhang Yang's live broadcast room is receiving signals, shall we broadcast it immediately?"

The technician came to Wang Yu to report.

The live broadcast of the program is not a direct and seamless live broadcast, but requires certain post-processing to avoid broadcast accidents.

Wang Yu didn't say anything, just pointed at the assistant director.

"In the future, you can contact our assistant director for all these matters!"

"Okay, Director Wang!"

When the assistant director heard about it, he had no choice but to take the job.

Zhang Yang and Bai Lu had just left the gate.

I was blocked by Sister Wang and the staff of the program team.

Since learning the whereabouts of Zhang and Yang, the program team immediately arranged for Sister Wang to fly over.

Since there is no airport in Zibo, everyone is rushing to catch the high-speed train.

They finally arrived earlier than Zhang Yang.

At this time, the atmosphere was a little awkward.

"Haha, Sister Wang, I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon!"

"Tsk, tsk, flying is really fast!"

Zhang Yang greeted the female director with a smile.

Bai Lu hid behind Zhang Yang without saying a word!

Anyway, if the sky falls, there will still be a tall person holding it up, so it won't hit you on the head.

"Haha, thanks to you, we can travel at public expense again now.

Sister Wang couldn't help but roll her eyes at this guy.

"Hahaha! This is not Ma. I'll treat everyone to a barbecue tonight!"

Zhang Yang smiled at everyone and said, at this time, only delicious food can comfort people!

The program staff began to debug the hidden live broadcast equipment, and then the live broadcast officially started!

[The flowers have faded, and my live broadcast room is finally open!]

[There are many young ladies, I feel like they are all college students. It is not the winter and summer vacation time yet. 】

[Your eyes belong to the dog year, and you know that I am a college student!]

[Is there a 24-hour extreme challenge for college students in Douyin? They all come to Zibo to play and eat


[What is there to do in a small third- and fourth-tier city? 】

[I am from Zibo, Zibo has barbecue, Haidai Tower Zhongshu Pavilion, Qishenghu Gong...!]

[Welcome to Zibo!]

The number of people in the live broadcast room is growing rapidly!

One hundred thousand, two hundred thousand, three hundred thousand...

When the two first started broadcasting, the number of people online exceeded one million.

The number of people online continues to grow.

"Hoo!!! Zibo! We are finally here!"

As soon as Bailu came out of the high-speed rail station, she opened her hands excitedly and breathed in the fresh air of Zibo.

Zhang Yang was also very happy at this time.

He is one step closer to Zibo fever, which he has never forgotten.

But he noticed something was wrong.

Why are there almost hundreds of people standing in front of this station? It's so crowded.

They seemed to be waiting for someone.

Something doesn't seem right about this situation!

"Bai Lu, Bai Lu! Is your fan coming to pick you up?"

Zhang Yang came behind Bai Lu and reminded her,

"It's impossible. I even called "Lu Antler" on purpose so they didn't want to come."

Bai Lu shook her head and said it was impossible.

The two of them looked at Sister Wang who was following far behind.

Sister Wang also shook her head in confusion.

They were just rushing along the way, so they didn't have any other arrangements!

At this time, a cheer broke out from the crowd!

"Ah! Look, they are Bai Lu and Zhang Yang!"

"Where where...?"

Some people even shouted: "Zhang Yang! Bai Lu! We caught you!"

[Hahaha, sure enough! The two people were blocked by the crowd as soon as they got out of the car. 】

[They don’t know that since morning, netizens across the country have been paying attention to their schedule!]

[This group of old men have been waiting here early just to block them! 】

[There are even some old people who directly combine the Internet with reality just to keep an eye on the two of them!]

[Perhaps the whole of Zibo now knows that Zhang Yang and Bai Lu are going to Zibo for barbecue!]

[Actually, this is not an exaggeration at all! Zhang Yang is a man who has been at the top of Weibo for several days!]

[My mother asked me in the morning when this young man would arrive for our shift!]

[My grandma told me the same thing, saying that this young man is suitable to be my grandson-in-law!]

[What a coincidence, my grandma thought Bailu was very suitable for a wife!]

[Laughing! How about you two getting married as a couple? 】

At this time, Zhang Yang and Bai Lu had no choice.

Now that I have been recognized, I can only say hello to everyone!

At this moment, the whole station was boiling!

"Ahhhh~ (Zhao Li Zhao)~! Brother Yang! You are my fan, no! I am your fan!"

"Bai Lu! Bai Lu, you are so beautiful!"

"Brother Yang! Brother Yang! When will you release a new song?"

Only then did Zhang Yang know.

Damn! These people are actually my wild fans!

As the number of onlookers increases.

Security personnel at the station were immediately dispatched to maintain order at the scene.

"Everyone, please be quiet and listen to me!"

Zhang Yang clapped his hands to silence everyone!

"Like everyone else, I came to Zibo today to eat, drink and have fun. I am just an ordinary tourist. Please don't pay too much attention!"

"If we meet on the road, you can say hello to each other! But don't watch or follow me. I'm not a celebrity, let alone a national treasure. I don't take photos with you or sign autographs!"

"Even if you keep following me, I won't treat you to barbecue, so just give up!"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone burst into laughter!

Zhang Yang winked at the photographer beside him, grabbed Bai Lu's hand and ran away.

The two of them and the photographer quickly ran to the side of the road and got into the taxi that Sister Wang stopped.

This speed, this coordination!

It’s simply a classic lightning assault war!

By the time the people at the scene reacted, Zhang Yang and the others had already walked away!

The crowd at the station gradually dispersed.

The person in charge of the station also breathed a sigh of relief, nothing happened!

Is this the star?

This is the first time such a situation has occurred at Zibo Station!

He's a pretty nice person, and he even knows how to persuade fans to leave!

[As expected of Brother Yang! These three views are really correct!]

[No photos, no autographs! Only Brother Yang dares to say this! 】

[Brother Yang’s main focus is to be down-to-earth, he is afraid of affecting others. 】

[But this escape is so funny! 】

[I can’t stop laughing! Is Zhang Yang the first person to be kicked out by fans!?]

[These people cooperated so well, I was stunned for a moment!]

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