
The audience burst into warm applause!

The live broadcast room was even more chaotic, with fans from all sides fighting together!

[Thai pants are hot! Hahaha! This meme is great! 】

[Not to mention anything else, Hua Chenyu’s practice is still top-notch, and Thai pants are indeed hot!]

[This Zhang Yang is so awesome, even Chenyu, the eternal beauty in the music industry, dares to offend him!]

[Haha!! Where are you from! We, Brother Yang, are known as "Fighting Teddy to the sky and the earth"! 】

[Zhang Yang: Listen to me, thank you so much. because of you…!】

[Sisters, this Zhang Yang dares to bully our "Flower God", our "Mars Village" will not let him go! 】

[He can’t even match a finger of our “Flower God”, but he still wants to compete with us Huahua!]

[I don’t dare to accept the challenge now, I’m obviously cowardly!]

[It’s ridiculous! This Zhang Yang doesn’t dare to challenge, and he uses other people as a shield. It’s ridiculous and shameful!]

For a moment, in the live broadcast room.

Hua Chenyu’s fans, the “Martians”, actually have the upper hand!

after all!

First of all, Zhang Yang rejected Hua Chenyu’s challenge this time because he was not strong enough!

In this way, Zhang Yang was caught by the "Martians" with this pigtail!

Looking at the back of Zhang Yang leaving gracefully, Hua Chenyu's face was livid, full of unwillingness!

Suddenly sternly said 13:

"Zhang Yang, stop!"

"We can compete again on another day, each singing an original song, and the loser will quit the Chinese music scene forever!"

As soon as these words came out, the entire barbecue city was shocked!

Instantly, people were in an uproar!

I didn't expect Hua Chenyu to dare to play so big.

Directly Allin!

Everyone looked at Zhang Yang, and now the pressure was on him!


"Then I will do as you wish, I promise you, it will be quite interesting to drive you out of the music scene like this!"

Zhang turned around, his eyes flashing with cold light, and looked at Hua Chenchen on the stage with a smile.

The words just fell.


There was a burst of noise in the field again!

Zhang Yang actually agreed to this bet!

This is beyond everyone's expectation. Such a war of the century is about to break out!


Leave the Chinese music scene forever!

Everyone in the program crew also had their mouths wide open, obviously stunned by the bet between these two people!

Director Wang Yu on the side had a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Hua Chenyu was shocked and sneered while suppressing his psychological discomfort.

"It's not certain who will chase who. Who gave you the courage? Do you really think you will win?"

Zhang Yang said with a smile: "Of course it's Teacher Liang who gave me the courage! You will definitely lose this time! I said, even if Jesus comes, I can't protect you!"

The atmosphere at the scene was originally a bit solemn,

When Zhang Yang said "Teacher Liang", many people were immediately overcome and started laughing!

[Hahaha, this guy Zhang started to work hard again

[Teacher Liang was shot for no reason! Are you polite? 】

[Zhang Yang’s words are a bit domineering. Even if Jesus comes, I won’t be able to protect you!]

【"Flower God" must win!!!, Zhang Yang is just a new singer, how can he compare with our Huahua!】

[Zhang Yang only has a few songs, how many songs we Huahua have are not even in the same dimension]

[This singing competition is not about who has more works, but about the quality!! Zhici Hua Nongyang’s “Love” lost to Zhang Yang’s “Superfluous Explanation”!]

[It needs to be known that Huahua's "Love" is an experimental song with vocals. There is a threshold for appreciation and it is not suitable for everyone. This is a true musician! 】

[The letter of challenge has been issued, where is the time and place?]

At this time, director Wang Yu, who had been watching the show, stood up.

"Since you have all decided to duel, then I will provide you with a venue for a quick duel!"

Zhang Yang looked at Wang Yu suspiciously: "Oh, does Director Wang have any good suggestions?"

If there is a duel between the two, the one who will benefit the most is Wang Yu!

Both Zhang Yang and Hua Chenyu have a chance of losing the competition, and the loser will leave the Chinese music scene!

Only Wang Yu and the show "Let's Fall in Love" are harmless, and can even gain a lot of exposure, taking this show to the next level.

Wang Yu smiled. "In three days, Zibo officials will hold a "BBQ Festival Concert." How about you guys duel on this stage! I just contacted the officials and they are now contacting the guests!"

Before Zhang Yang could answer, Hua Chenyu on the other side couldn't hold it any longer!

"Okay, our duel is scheduled for the "Barbecue Festival Concert" three days later!"

This time he wants to defeat Zhang Yang in a dignified manner in front of thousands of people!

He is confident in his new song and cannot give Zhang Yang too much time!

"Okay! Let's do it in three days, I don't care!"

Zhang Yang looked relaxed and talked nonchalantly.

Seeing Zhang Yang's confident look, Wang Yu was a little surprised.

Although Hua Chenyu is ridiculed by the crowd as "Flower Master" and "Dance Master", he is still considered a capable singer in today's music scene.

This Zhang Yang is confident of winning, and he is barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes!

"That's no problem! Just prepare your new song and leave the rest to me!"

Zhang Yang and Hua Chenyu both nodded and looked at each other. There was a burst of lightning and thunder in the sky!

At this moment!

Ever since Zhang Yang agreed to Chen Yu’s challenge.

The bet between the two was like a hurricane, quickly sweeping the entire Internet.

It also shocked the entire Chinese music scene!

Everyone was excited. This scene has not happened for a long time!

A voting session was launched online. In just over ten minutes, hundreds of thousands of netizens participated.

Hua Chenyu’s probability of winning is 60%, while Zhang Yang’s probability of winning is only 35%, and the other 5% choose a tie!

One is a powerful singer, and the other is an Internet celebrity!

Most people still choose talented singers!

After all, although the mage practices magic, he was once powerful!

As a newcomer, Zhang Yang’s background is still too thin!

After the third day, Zibo discussed swords!

# Zhang YangVS Hua Chenyu [Battle of the Century!#

Putting all kinds of hot words together, it instantly topped the list of hot searches for scarves, and even Zibo, the most popular one, could only temporarily rank second!

Ignored netizens have started to enjoy the melon mode, and the live broadcast room has once again received a terrifying amount of traffic. It can only be said that the program team has won again this time!

On the way back to the hotel.

"Zhang Yang! I believe in you. You will definitely win. Don't believe in online voting!"

Bai Lu looked at Zhang Yang seriously and comforted him.

Zhang Yang was slightly startled, and Bai Lu thought he was worried about the duel with Hua Chenyu.

The idea of ​​teasing her arose in my heart, and I sighed deliberately.

"Oh, was I too impulsive just now? Only 35% of the people online support me!"

Bai Lu suddenly became anxious. "No...no, the truth is in the hands of a few people! I believe in you, you can do it, you are the best!"

"But...but, my head is empty now, I don't have any inspiration, and there are still three days left. I am still too impulsive. What should I do?"

"It is said that there is a goddess of inspiration. She has a kiss of inspiration. As long as she is kissed, she will be inspired. It would be great if it were true!"

Zhang Yang grabbed his hair with both hands and continued to pretend to be annoyed!

Suddenly, there was an uproar in the live broadcast room!

[Holy shit!! Zhang Yang, your acting is terrible! Douban will give you 2 points at most for this kind of drama!]

[Bai Lu, don’t believe this thief, he just wants to trick you into kissing him!]

[This guy is Sima Zhao’s heart, and everyone on the street knows it! 】

[Damn it! I came to see the Battle of the Century, but you did this to me. 】

[Isn’t this guy a straight man? Your personality is gone! Your moral integrity is also gone!]

Bai Lu pursed her red lips, her pretty face was like a ripe red apple, and her heart was beating like a deer.

He took a breath secretly, as if he had made some important decision.

In front of the camera, Bai Lu leaned over and kissed Zhang Yang directly on the cheek.

At this moment, Zhang Yang was stunned!

This time is different from the last time, the soft touch is very obvious.

A soft feeling swept through his body!

He just wanted to tease Bai Lu, but he didn't expect her to go straight to him!

"This is just a kiss of inspiration, don't think too much about it! Come on!"

Bai Lu breathed out fragrant orchid, and the moist breath rose in Zhang Yang's ears.

At this time, we happened to stop in front of the hotel!

Before Zhang Yang could react, Bai Lu turned around and left in a hurry.

Looking at Bai Lu's leaving figure, Zhang Yang gently stroked his cheek, and the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously!

"This inspirational kiss tastes great!"

Suddenly, the live broadcast room was filled with howls of ghosts and wolves!

PS: Please make a full order! Please give me a monthly ticket! Thank you!!

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