Boom boom~~

Li Hao didn’t make breakfast, he drove directly to the supermarket to buy something to eat.

After a night’s rest, his hand had recovered a little, so he went to the old place to practice shooting.

After Li Hao had been gone for a while, Gao Yuanyuan also woke up.

“Where should I go to find someone today?”

Gao Yuanyuan was very depressed. She looked everywhere nearby, but there was no one.

Now, she didn’t know what to do. She could only take it one step at a time.

“This guy went out early in the morning.”

Passing by Li Hao’s room, I saw that the door was open and there was no one inside.

What does this mean?

He didn’t want to see me, so he deliberately staggered the time with me so that they wouldn’t have to meet.

Gao Yuanyuan was too lazy to pay attention to this bastard Li Hao and didn’t want to pay attention to him.

Forty minutes later.

Gao Yuanyuan finished his breakfast and went out to start a new day of missing persons notices…

At eleven o’clock in the morning.

Li Hao returned to the courtyard.

The food outside was cold and had no fragrance.

So, even if Li���If you don’t want to see Gao Yuan, you have to go home and cook.

“It seems that this bitch has not given up yet and has gone out to find someone again!”

When he came to the living room and didn’t see anyone, Li Hao knew what was going on. She must have gone to find her boyfriend again, that damn guy.

She just wanted to be 00xx by a man.

She is indeed a bitch.

Li Hao was full of hatred for Gao Yuanyuan, and naturally, he thought of Gao Yuanyuan very badly.

He devalued her to the point that she was not worth a penny.

Not long after, Li Hao finished lunch and left here directly.

This was a sad courtyard, and he didn’t want to stay any longer.

It would be better to leave early and stay away.


Day after day, time passed so quickly, and three days had passed in the blink of an eye.

During this time, Li Hao and Gao Yuanyuan were at loggerheads.

The two had never met each other.

Even in the same courtyard, they had not seen each other.

The two sides had developed a tacit understanding that when it was the turn of one person to appear, the other person would have to avoid the other person.


, during these three days, the two were naturally silent and did not say a word.

At six o’clock in the morning,

“What day is it today? Forget it. It doesn’t matter.”

Li Hao was too lazy to think. He got up, brushed his teeth and washed his face as usual.

He had thought about it and considered it clearly.

In the following days, his life was like this.

Get up early and go out to practice shooting.

Come back to eat at noon and go out to practice shooting again.

Come back when it gets dark, then wash up and go to bed.

For him, this dream has no meaning and value.

Now, he just muddles around and waits for the dream to end.

It’s a pity that the time has not come yet, otherwise he would have left long ago.

This is a sad dream, and he really wants to get rid of it early. He doesn’t want to waste time here.

How pessimistic this is.

How negative!!

“This is a failed dream trip!”

Li Hao had already concluded it.

In this case, how could he still have expectations?

Life, for him, has lost its meaning.

Ten minutes later.

Li Hao drove away from this sad courtyard again.

Gao Yuanyuan was in the room.

She woke up earlier than Li Hao, at half past five.

But she didn’t go out, she lay quietly, thinking about the problem.

“I can’t go on like this, I have to make a change.”

In the past few days, Gao Yuanyuan went out to look for him too many times and went to countless places.

But the result was always the same, she couldn’t find a single person.

She was disappointed and gave up completely.

She knew very well that there were only her and Li Hao left in this world.

There was no one else.

In other words, in the days to come, she would have to stay here and could never leave.

But what was the current situation?

The two of them were like fire and water, they looked down on each other and had never even met.

This was the so-called mutual harm.

“Gao Yuanyuan, when you meet a guy like Li Hao, you have no choice but to accept your fate.”

Now there are only two people left. If it continues like this, it will definitely not work.

But Li Hao, this bastard, does what he says.

It is harder than climbing to the sky to make him surrender.

It is simply impossible.

Therefore, the only way is for Gao Yuanyuan to admit defeat and surrender again.

Although she is unwilling in her heart and does not want to bow her head at all.

But the reality is so cruel that she can only do this.

If she continues to stay the same and does not make any changes.

Then the two of them will definitely continue the cold war, and there will be no change at all.

“Li Hao, you are a bastard, you are a scumbag, you are trash……”

Gao Yuanyuan felt really uncomfortable when he thought that he was going to give in again.

If Li Hao was a very strong and powerful man.

Then Gao Yuanyuan would not have such a big resistance if he admitted defeat.

But what about Li Hao, what kind of person is he?

He is petty and gets angry over the smallest things.

He desperately guards his so-called dignity. What a pitiful man.

And he is so lazy that he doesn’t even move.

I don’t know how many dishes and chopsticks are piled in the sink. And there are several buckets of dirty clothes…

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