Ten minutes later.

Gao Yuanyuan washed the dishes and walked to the living room.

Before, she helped Li Hao with laundry, cooking, and wiping the table.

She was not happy to do these things, and she was reluctant.

But now, it is different.

She has a real sense of identity and belonging to this family.

She does not feel tired at all when doing these things, and it is completely natural.

Half an hour passed.

“Go to his room and tidy it up.”

Li Hao lives too casually, so his room must not be cleaned, so I have to leave it to myself.

When she arrived at the door of the room, Gao Yuanyuan walked in directly.

She had lived here for more than a month, and this was the first time she entered Li Hao’s room.

After taking a quick look, Gao Yuan found that it was indeed very messy, with things placed randomly.

At this time, she suddenly saw a painting on the wall.

“”One cannot clarify his ambition without being indifferent, and one cannot achieve his goal without being calm.”

Gao Yuanyuan’s beautiful eyes lit up, as if she had discovered a new world.

She walked over quickly with brisk steps and read it carefully.

The words were vigorous and powerful, and the iron strokes and silver hooks were really incisive. It was obvious that he was a great calligrapher.

As for the content, at first glance, it was ordinary, a very simple and straightforward sentence.

But after a little analysis, I felt that it made sense and was well said.

After careful consideration, I found that this sentence contained the true meaning of life.

It was really thought-provoking.

“Without indifference, one cannot clarify his ambition; without tranquility, one cannot achieve far-reaching goals……”

Gao Yuan stood quietly, motionless, and kept repeating this sentence.

Her beautiful face was filled with complex expressions that were hard to describe.

Five minutes passed.

She still stood there silently, without blinking, and did not take her eyes off the calligraphy and painting.


She liked this sentence too much.

It really expressed her thoughts.

She had an extremely quiet personality and liked to be alone quietly. She did not like to make noise.

Gao Yuan felt that this motto seemed to be written for her.

She was afraid that there would be no other sentence in the world that was so suitable for her.


“I must talk to Li Hao and ask him to give me this calligraphy.”

Gao Yuanyuan made up her mind. She really liked this sentence.

Even if she had to beg Li Hao on her knees, she would not hesitate.

At most, she would help him cook and wash clothes every day in the future…

Then, Gao Yuanyuan began to tidy up the room.

She wiped the ashes on the table and put things in place.

However, every once in a while, she couldn’t help but look at the calligraphy, and then continued to tidy up.

Soon, she came to the head of the bed.

There was a pile of books here, crooked, and one of them fell under the bed.

“No wonder he could write so many poems, that’s why.”

Seeing so many books, Gao Yuanyuan understood what was going on.

With a faint smile on her pretty face, she squatted down and picked up the book.

At a glance, there were four big words written on the book.

Li Hao’s Quotations.

Gao Yuanyuan stood up, her heart full of curiosity.

“What did this guy write?”

She wanted to open it and take a look, but she felt that it was not a good idea.

What if there was Li Hao’s privacy in it?

If it recorded Li Hao’s secrets, wouldn’t it be too much for her to open it and read it?

Forget it.

It is always bad to peek at other people’s things.

Gao Yuanyuan is a gentle and dignified woman. She would never do such a thing.

Then, she put the book on the top, tidied it up, and continued to work.

“Why don’t you open it and take a look?……”

I don’t know why, Gao Yuanyuan was a little absent-minded while sweeping the floor. She kept looking at the book.

Li Hao’s Quotations.

What exactly is recorded in it?

What did Li Hao write?

At this moment, Gao Yuanyuan felt like she was being scratched by a cat.

It was so uncomfortable!!

She really wanted to open it and read Li Hao’s works carefully.

But her quality and cultivation did not allow her to do so.

“It’s okay, I’ll just take a look and put it back, that should be fine”

“Just one look, just one look……”

Finally, Gao Yuanyuan convinced himself.

He put the broom aside and walked towards the book.

“”The handwriting is really good.”

Looking at the four words on the book, Gao Yuanyuan commented secretly.

Then, without hesitation, she gently opened the page.

On the first page, there was a sentence.

In the middle

“The bright moon was there at that time, shining on the colorful clouds returning……”

Gao Yuan read it softly, and after she finished, she was petrified instantly.

Holding the book in both hands, she stared at the poem blankly, completely absorbed in it.

She recalled her past experiences, standing on the roof, looking up at the stars and the bright moon.

It was so mysterious, so vast.

“This poem is really good.”

Gao Yuanyuan likes it more and more as he reads it. He thinks this poem is so beautiful.

It is really a classic.

Skip this page and continue to open

“How many times have I been saddened by the past, but the mountains still lie in the cold current……”

“The trees in the garden are unaware that people have gone, and in spring they still bloom the same flowers as before……”

“Where is the emperor’s son in the pavilion now? The Yangtze River flows outside the railings.……”

Gao Yuan originally wanted to just take a quick look, but now he couldn’t stop. He kept turning page after page.

He was completely immersed in the book, and his mind was already intoxicated…

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