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(Comments are full of 240, one more will be added.)

Beijing number.


After just one glance, Gao Yuanyuan’s beautiful eyes widened.

A look of shock

“What phone number is this?”

“”This is too scary!”

Such a thought flashed through his mind.

Domestic mobile phone numbers all start with 1.

But this mobile phone number has a 6 at the end.

This means, 666…, send send send…

The person who can use this mobile phone number must be extraordinary.

With an extremely shocked mood, Gao Yuanyuan pressed the answer button.

“Hello, is this Ms. Gao Yuanyuan?”

A weathered male voice came from the other side.

Judging from the voice, the other party is at least 60 years old.

Because of his perfect singing voice, Li Hao can use male voice or female voice.

How to change is under his control.

Hearing that it was an old man, Gao Yuanyuan was even more confused. He didn’t know who the other party was.

“Hello, I am Gao Yuanyuan. May I ask who you are?”

After all, the other party is an elder, so I still have to use the respectful title”you”.

There is no other reason, because Gao Yuanyuan is a gentle lady and very polite.

“You don’t need to know my name.”

“My young master is Li Hao, I think you should know it!”

After saying this, the other party remained silent, waiting for Gao Yuanyuan’s reaction.

Sure enough, when he heard the word”Li Hao”,

Gao Yuan felt like he was hit hard, and his whole body shuddered.

He remembered it.

He remembered everything.

“That’s right, my husband is Li Hao, he is very handsome.”

A series of images flashed through Gao Yuanyuan’s mind.

She met him for the first time at the stadium…

Later, they had a conflict and quarreled…

In the end, they loved each other and were happy…

All of this was brought to her by Li Hao.

He is her man.

In fact, this was planned by Li Hao a long time ago.

When Gao Yuanyuan heard the word”Li Hao”, she would think of everything in the dream.

Even the slightest detail would come to her mind.

“I know…I know……”

Yuan Gao’s eyes sparkle……”

She missed Li Hao so much.

She wanted to see him right now and throw herself into his arms.

She wanted to tell him her love.

“I’m so sorry, Ms. Gao Yuan!”

“My master said he doesn’t want to see you again.”

“That’s why I asked me to call you and tell you not to wait for him anymore. You two will have no relationship in the future.”

“The young master talked to me a lot, and there was one thing he asked me to tell him in particular – if it rains, let it rain; if my mother wants to get married, let her get married!”

“Okay, that’s all I have to say. That’s it.”

After saying that, he seemed to be about to hang up the phone.

“don’t want……”

Gao Yuanyuan spoke up quickly, with a look of fear on her pretty face, and said hurriedly:”Why didn’t he see me?”

“What does he mean? How could he do this?”

“I’ve been waiting for him so long, how could he be so cruel?”

“Grandpa, can you please give the phone to Li Hao? I want him to tell me in person, okay?”

Shocked. Terrified.

She had been looking forward to his appearance, thinking about him.

But this was the result. How could Gao

Yuan accept it?

At this moment, her heart was about to break.

She didn’t understand why this happened. She really wanted to know the answer.

“Ms. Gao Yuan, it seems you still don’t understand what happened”

“You already have another man in your heart, do I need to tell you this? Do you really think we are all fools?”

“Since you like Zhao Youting and still want to be with my young master, I have never seen a woman like you.”

“If the young master hadn’t told us not to do anything rash, do you know what the consequences would have been?”

“Okay, your relationship with the young master ends here.……”

Before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by Gao Yuanyuan.

She understood.

It turned out that it was Zhao Youting who caused it.

Gao Yuanyuan looked nervous and quickly explained,”No, I didn’t…”……”

“Li Hao misunderstood me. He really misunderstood me.……”

“Yes, Mark Chao pursued me. But I rejected him clearly and told him not to contact me again.”

“There is nothing wrong between him and me. Why? Why did Li Hao misunderstand me like this?”

“How could he be so cruel and so stubborn?”

“How could he do this?”

Gao Yuanyuan’s tone was already tearful when he spoke. He felt uncomfortable and extremely sad.

He had been waiting for him to appear, but he doubted himself and didn’t believe in himself.

What was the point of his expectation?

At this moment, Gao Yuanyuan was really discouraged.

The other party didn’t answer immediately and fell silent.

After a while, the voice changed and replaced with Li Hao’s original voice.


There were no extra words, just a simple shout.

At this moment, Li Hao didn’t know what to say.

He asked Chen Zhenguo to find out Gao Yuanyuan’s cell phone number, and Chen Zhenguo was a shrewd man.

He knew what the young master meant, so he conducted a comprehensive investigation on Gao Yuanyuan.

Gao Yuanyuan’s residence, Gao Yuanyuan’s parents, and Gao Yuanyuan’s relatives and friends… everything else was fine, but there was one investigation result that made Li Hao panic.

That was Mark Chao!

This guy is pursuing Gao Yuanyuan.

This is a big deal…

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