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“That’s right.……”

Gao Zhenxiang nodded, exhaled the smoke from his mouth, and said with emotion:”Too many young people nowadays are addicted to the Internet. How many people like to read books?”

“Therefore, the Federation of Literary and Art Circles is full of middle-aged and elderly people like us, and there is no fresh blood joining in. How sad it is!

Gao Zhenxiang looked at Li Hao and Zhao Youting with admiration on his face.

“However, you two young people give me hope again.”

“There are always some people who will persist in reading books, studying hard, and passing on this good character.”

“This is something to be happy about. I hope you can keep it up and keep loving learning.”

He is a scholar with connotation. Seeing that young people don’t like to study and only care about playing with mobile phones and games, he is really disgusted and wants to change this situation.

But he is not capable enough and has no influence, so he can’t do anything.

So, seeing Li Hao and Zhao Youting like this, he is really relieved and happy.

At the same time, he is also a little entangled.

These two young people are so outstanding and so stable.

Which one should I choose?

Xie Wanyun also encountered this problem.

“What should I do now? I have to make a decision!”

Xie Wanyun compared Li Hao and Zhao Youting.

Zhao Youting is handsome, mature and steady, and his family conditions are also very good.

As for his inner qualities, he is a very elegant young man. He is really a very good partner!!

Li Hao is more handsome than Zhao Youting, and his family conditions are better than Zhao Youting.

As for his inner qualities, listening to my daughter, his talent must be very strong.

The most critical problem is that my daughter doesn’t like Zhao Youting, which is the trouble.

After thinking about it, Xie Wanyun finally found a way.

“Anyway, I have nothing to do, so let’s talk about literature!”

Xie Wanyun looked at Li Hao and Zhao Youting and said with a smile:”You both like reading so much, so what do you think of knowledge?”

“Are you studying just for the sake of studying, or do you have other ideas? Auntie would like to hear your opinions.”

Since you don’t know how to choose, let’s test their connotation.

Didn’t the two of them say that they like reading? They must have unique insights. Let them decide the winner!

Gao Zhenxiang reacted immediately and knew what his wife meant.

He showed a amiable smile and agreed,”That’s right. Uncle also wants to hear your ideas and see if we can gain anything.” She secretly gave Xie Wanyun a thumbs up in her heart.

Since you don’t know how to choose, let’s let them compete.

Didn’t they say they like reading and studying? Then let’s see who is telling the truth and who is lying.

Let’s find out through this question.

Zhang Yaqin didn’t speak and remained silent.

She could see that the situation had entered a white-hot stage.

Whoever answers this question better will be the winner.

“Now, there is no need to worry.”

Gao Yuanyuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief and was no longer nervous.

She knew too well the talent of her beloved.

No one in this world could compare to him.

Therefore, there was no suspense about the next answer.

Li Hao would definitely answer better!!

As for Zhao Youting, he could withdraw from the battlefield and pass it directly.

“”Uncle and aunt, let me tell you what I think first!”

Zhao Youting was smiling and very happy.

He really liked reading and often wrote down his thoughts.

So he was very confident about literature and was not afraid at all.

He felt that he would win.

Li Hao, this young man, must be pretending. How could he have any talent?

“I think people who read more books will be more restrained, mature and stable.”

“Moreover, loving reading and gaining knowledge from it can help you better understand the world and elevate your soul.”

“The more you read, the more you will realize your insignificance, and the more humble and peaceful you will become.”

Zhao Youting showed an extremely confident smile, and concluded:”Knowledge can really change a person’s destiny, it’s very magical.”

He had analyzed the topic of reading countless times before.

Therefore, what he said at this time was not a bit awkward at all, and he came up with it easily.


He believed that he would definitely have no problem.

These profound insights, the young man Li Hao, definitely could not say.

Gao Yuanyuan, you’d better be my girlfriend!

I will definitely love you well and cherish you for the rest of my life.

Zhao Youting was very proud in his heart, and he had begun to fantasize.

“Zhao Youting said it very well. He is indeed a frequent reader.”

“Next, I don’t know what Li Hao will say. I’m really looking forward to it.”

To be honest, Zhang Yaqin actually prefers Li Hao to answer.

With his family background, as long as Gao Yuanyuan and he get together, it will definitely be a great help to her.

However, she doesn’t know Li Hao at all, and she is afraid that Gao Yuanyuan will live an unhappy life with him.

So, she just waits and sees what happens, and doesn’t say anything. Silence is golden.

“It’s okay, my husband will definitely be able to do it.”

After listening to Zhao Youting’s words, Gao Yuanyuan cheered himself up in his heart.

To be honest, Zhao Youting’s analysis was indeed very good and insightful.

If it were another young person, he would definitely not be able to say it.

It can also be seen from here that Zhao Youting is indeed a young man who likes to read.

There is no doubt about this!!

However, no matter how good Zhao Youting’s answer is, it is useless.

Because Li Hao will answer better, and the answer will definitely be amazing.

At this moment, Gao Yuanyuan really wants to hear how his sweetheart will shock them…

(There is another chapter in the evening, please wait a moment. Seeing this, I believe you have understood that the next chapter will be the winner and the loser, and the result will come out. What will Li Hao say? Can you guess?(* ̄ ̄))

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