Ye Ling sat up from the bed, looking confused at the system panel that stood in front of him as he moved.

He originally thought that traveling through time was outrageous enough, but he didn't expect that he would encounter an even more outrageous system!

At this moment, a sudden memory rushed into Ye Ling's mind.

But the strange thing is that this sudden memory did not cause him any discomfort. Instead, it was perfectly integrated with his original memory.

He learned from this memory that the main purpose of the belief system is to collect beliefs, conduct lottery draws, and exchange items from the belief mall.

"Lottery? Are you trying to get lucky?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Ye Ling's mouth: "To be honest, I will always be the European Emperor no matter how lucky I am."

"System, start the lottery!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for drawing the killing technique!"

The mechanical sound of the system sounded, and then Ye Ling closed his eyes, feeling the killing technique extracted.

"The art of killing does not have any routines or rules. It only seeks to kill the opponent in the shortest time, the fastest speed, and the lightest force. It is a martial art born specifically for killing people."

Opening his eyes and looking at his hands, Ye Ling frowned.

Compared with his previous life, the world he traveled to was almost the same except for some minor changes.

So the killing technique he drew seems useless. After all, he doesn't have to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy.

"Forget it, it's better than nothing."

After comforting himself, Ye Ling continued: "System, continue the lottery, all four lottery opportunities have been used!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning the master-level singing skill."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for acquiring the master-level guitar skill."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for drawing Master Calligraphy."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for drawing the memory fruit."

After closing his eyes and feeling the acquired skills for a while, Ye Ling opened his eyes again and picked up the memory fruit in his hand and ate it.

After eating the Memory Fruit, you will have the ability to never forget, and even things you have forgotten a long time ago can be remembered one by one.

After eating the Memory Fruit, Ye Ling couldn't help but recall various actions in his previous life.

In his previous life, he was an orphan and grew up in an orphanage. It was not until he was sixteen years old that he came out of the orphanage to earn his own living.

At the age of sixteen, he should be at an age where he should have a carefree relationship in school, but instead he has to run around in society for money and life.

At that time, he fully realized that it was difficult to make a living without money, so he vowed to make money and earn a lot of money.

At the age of 22, he used the money he saved to open his own milk tea shop.

At the age of 29, his career began to get on the right track, with milk tea shops opening all over the province, but he was not satisfied.

At the age of 41, he is worth billions. His career has reached its peak. He has opened milk tea shops all over the country and even abroad, but he is still not satisfied.

At 47 years old, he is already worth tens of billions, a figure that is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

So he was completely satisfied, but he also died suddenly due to overwork!

"It's really stupid!"

Ye Ling couldn't help but feel a little sad when he thought about how he worked hard in his previous life and didn't even have any relatives to collect his body when he died.

Therefore, after he traveled through time yesterday morning, he secretly swore in his heart that he would enjoy life well in this life and never be captured by money again.

"Well, since you can't sleep anymore, let's go out for a walk. You can also go to the security room and check the surveillance video!"

Ye Ling got up and got dressed, walked to the bathroom in the bedroom and washed her face, then went downstairs and left the villa to wander outside.

Yang Mi's villa is located in Yunhai Villa.

Yunhai Villa is a famous villa area in Kyoto. Any villa in it is worth hundreds of millions. If Yang Mi can buy a villa here, she is definitely a rich little woman!

Ye Ling wandered outside for a long time and didn't meet many people. He suddenly felt a little bored, so after going to the security room, he lazily walked back to the villa.

In the villa, the five girls have all finished calling their parents and are sitting on the sofa complaining!

"Asshole, bastard, bastard..."

Yang Mi kept beating the pillow in front of her with her white and tender hands, complaining: "I have already explained it to my parents, and I was scolded severely by my parents. It's all because of that bastard."

Zhao Liying sighed: "I was also scolded severely, and my dad was so angry this time that he almost had a heart attack because of my anger."

"I was scolded just the same. If I hadn't stopped me, my parents would have rushed over and killed that bastard. But I understand them. It's strange that they aren't angry when something like this happens to my daughter. !" Jiang Shuyingsheng said helplessly.

Liu Yifei said: "My mother is like this too. Fortunately, she is traveling abroad, otherwise she would have rushed here!"


The women looked at each other and sighed in unison.

"No, we can't sit still and wait for death!"

Yang Mi suddenly said: "We have to take the initiative."

"How to take the initiative?" Zhao Liying asked.

Yang Mi explained: "Let's sign the divorce agreement with that bastard first, lest he suddenly regrets it a year later."

"Then we took pictures with him and posted them on Weibo to announce it, and asked him to agree to a condition. When we divorce him one year later, we must divorce him in the name of his cheating."

"In this way, we are the weaker party and can better win sympathy, and then try to make up for the losses this year."

After Yang Mi finished speaking, she glanced at the women and said: "This method may be a little bad for that bastard, but it is our only way. At worst, we can just give that bastard some compensation!"

"I agree!"



All the women made their attitudes clear, but Reba was the only one who sat beside him with his head lowered and remained silent.

"Is it hot?"

Yang Mi called out, "What's wrong with you? Did Auntie say you were a bit harsh when you called me just now?"

Reba raised his head and looked at Yang Mi, and said aggrievedly: "Sister Mi, I...I may not be able to divorce that bastard!"

pc: Please collect flowers

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