Entertainment: I Don’t Want To Work Hard Anymore

Chapter 132: Bai Xue’S Terrifying Speed [Fourth Update, Please Subscribe]

"Hubby, smile!"

Hot Bar sat in the passenger seat and called Ye Ling on his cell phone.

Ye Ling turned to look over and smiled!


Hot Bar pressed the shutter on Ye Ling Ye Ling, then looked at the photo taken with the phone, frowning and said: "It's not very clear. If I had known, I would have brought a professional camera here!"

"If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have let you get in my car." Yang Mi said speechlessly.

Along the way, Hot Bar was sitting in the passenger seat, either eating snacks until the entire passenger seat was covered in potato chip residue, or chattering non-stop. In short, there was never a moment of silence.

"Oh, sister Mi, don't say that. Just to accompany you, I didn't even invite my husband to go horseback riding with him!" Reba said with a pout.

Yang Mi rolled her eyes and said, "You think I'm stupid? It's noon and the sun in the sky is shining so hard. You're sitting in my car because you're afraid of getting tanned."

"Sister Mi, if you see through it or don't tell it, we are still good friends!"

While talking, Hot Bar opened another bag of potato chips, then pinched a piece of 15 potato chips and handed it to Yang Mi and said: "Come [Sister Mi, your cutest sister, part-time employee, feed you the potato chips I love" "

"Go on, you think I can eat and drink as much as you want without losing weight!" Yang Mi said with envy.

She really envied Reba's physique, which no matter how much she ate or drank, she would not gain weight. Even if she was fat, she would only be a little fat, and she would lose it automatically by just skipping a few meals!

"Sister Mi, if you don't eat, you'll be sick. I'll feed it to my husband!"

After talking, Hot Bar stuck his head out, pinched a piece of potato chips and handed it to Ye Ling: "Honey, let me feed you potato chips!"

Ye Ling rode on Bai Xue's back, took a look at it and said with a smile: "It's hot, you can eat it, I won't eat this."

"Husband, do you want to drink water?"

Liu Yifei, who was in the back seat of another car, held a bottle of mineral water and handed it to Ye Ling.

Ye Ling took it, opened it, took a sip, looked at Zhao Liying in the passenger seat and asked, "Liying, how long will it take to reach the Morgebele River on the map?"

Upon hearing this, Zhao Liying glanced at the map, calculated the time and said, "If we go at our current slow pace, it should be five days later!"


Jiang Shuying, who was driving, frowned and said, "Is it going to take so long?"

"This is only based on our current speed. If we accelerate with all our strength, we should arrive there tomorrow afternoon!" Zhao Liying explained.

Jiang Shuying thought for a moment and looked at Ye Ling between the two cars and said, "Husband, let's speed up and try to reach the Mogelbele River before tomorrow night."

"Okay, it just so happens that Bai Xue can't stand this speed for a long time!"

After Ye Ling finished speaking, he reached out and touched the mane on Bai Xue's head, then clamped his legs together and said, "Zhi!"


Bai Xue raised her body and shouted, then she ran to the front happily with her strong limbs.

"Sister Mi, my husband has sped up, let's catch up quickly." Reba looked at Yang Mi and said.


Yang Mi stepped on the accelerator and chased Ye Ling.

The same was true for Jiang Shuying in the other car.

After Yang Mi caught up with Ye Ling, she glanced at Bai Xue and said, "Ye Ling, do you want to compete to see how fast Bai Xue can run?"


Ye Ling also wanted to see how fast Bai Xue could go with only himself on his back, so he agreed to Yang Mi's competition immediately.

"Husband, I'm joining too!" Jiang Shuying said as he chased after him in his car.

"Then let's compete together!"

Ye Ling said with the riding whip in his hand, he whipped Bai Xue's horse on the buttocks and said: "Drive!"


After Bai Xue shouted, she also started running with all her strength.

"so fast!"

Seeing Ye Ling's back riding Bai Xue away, Yang Mi was stunned for a moment, and then she quickly accelerated her car and chased after him.

After all, it would be too embarrassing if she was left behind by Ye Ling on horseback while driving a car!

Jiang Shuying in the other car also quickly accelerated to catch up.

But unlike Yang Mi's competitive spirit, she just wanted to experience the thrill of being on the prairie, where it's endless and unsupervised, and she can race at will without any danger.

"Forty steps, forty-five steps... Fifty steps, sixty steps!"

Zhao Liying looked at the speedometer on the car in shock and murmured: "Baixue is so fast!"

"We haven't caught up yet!"

Jiang Shuying glanced at the speedometer and was very surprised at Bai Xue's speed.

"Liying, Yifei, sit tight, I'm going to continue to accelerate!"

Jiang Shuying informed Zhao Liying and Liu Yifei, and then stepped on the accelerator again, increasing the speed to sixty-five miles.

after an hour!

Yang Mi and Jiang Shuying both drove the car to 70 miles, and then they could barely see the back of Ye Ling riding Bai Xue.

As for drones, they have long been left far behind by everyone!

"Sister Mi, I saw my husband!"

Reba looked at Ye Ling's back in front and said excitedly: "Sister Mi, speed up and catch up quickly!"

"I'm catching up with you!"

Yang Mi stepped on the accelerator and accelerated again, looking at Ye Ling's back with a nice smile on her lips.

After a while, at Yang Mi's speed of 75 miles, Ye Ling was finally caught up!

Jiang Shuying, who was in the other car, also drove the car to 75 miles and successfully caught up with Ye Ling.

610 “Mimi, Shuying, let’s slow down slowly and then stop!

Ye Ling shouted to Yang Mi and Jiang Shuying respectively.


Yang Mi and Jiang Shuying responded at the same time, then slowly slowed down and stopped.


Ye Ling pulled the reins and made Bai Xue stop.

"Ye Ling, this Bai Xue is so fast!" Yang Mi said as she opened the car door and stepped out.

The other four women also stepped out of the car one after another.


Jiang Shuying agreed: "I was barely able to catch up when I drove to 70 miles, and it wasn't until I accelerated to 75 miles that I could completely overtake him."

"Can we barely catch up at a speed of seventy miles?"

Ye Ling jumped off Bai Xue's back, stroking the mane on Bai Xue's head and was shocked.

You need to know that the speed of one mile per hour is equal to one mile per hour, and one mile per hour is equal to one point and six kilometers per hour.

If converted in this way, it means that Bai Xue can run at a speed of 112 kilometers per hour.

A speed of one hundred and twelve kilometers per hour is not unusual now. Even some modified motorcycles can run at this speed.

But in ancient times, that was a speed that even a thousand-mile horse could not run, and even the thousand-mile distance of a thousand-mile horse was only 500 kilometers!

Bai Xue could complete the 500-kilometer journey in less than five hours. .

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