Entertainment: I Don’t Want To Work Hard Anymore

Chapter 139: Gas That Cannot Be Discharged From The Stomach [First Update, Please Subscribe]

After Jiang Shuying and Reba finished the first rabbit, Ye Ling roasted the second rabbit for them.

But for the second rabbit, Jiang Shuying only ate one rabbit leg and stopped eating it!

She is different from Reba. She has to keep in shape to prevent gaining weight, otherwise it will be very painful to lose weight.

But Hot Bar doesn't have this worry. Anyway, she can digest it completely no matter how much she eats, it just takes a long time, so she doesn't have to worry about gaining weight at all.

And even if she really gained weight, she would lose it automatically as long as she was hungry for a few days, so she ate all the remaining rabbit meat without any scruples.


Hot Bar sat in the passenger seat and touched his full belly, and couldn't help but burp!

"You've eaten enough. I asked you to eat less, but you didn't listen. Now you feel uncomfortable!" Yang Mi glanced at Reba and said angrily.

Reba said distressedly: "I don't want to eat so much, but as you know, Sister Mi, my husband's roasted rabbit meat is so delicious, I really can't control myself!"


As he spoke, he couldn't help but burp because of the heat!


Yang Mi honked the horn to signal Ye Ling and Jiang Shuying to stop, and then stopped the car.

"Hot, are you okay? You're hiccupping all the time!" Yang Mi said worriedly.

Ye987 Ling got off Bai Xue's horse and asked, "Mimi, what's wrong?"

The three women in Jiang Shuying's car also came over.


Hot Bar burped again, shook his head and said: "I'm fine, husband, you all go back!"

"It's hot, shut up!"

Yang Mi glared at Reba to shut her up, then looked at Ye Ling outside the car window and said: "Reba always hiccups all the time. She has hiccupped all the way along the way. I'm a little bit Worried, Ye Ling, please show her!"

Hearing this, Ye Ling opened the car door and gave Hot Bar a look. He looked strangely and said, "Rebar, I ate too much and was in a hurry, so I was exhausted!"

"We understand when we are full, but what does it mean when we are full?" the three women asked curiously.

Yang Mi also looked at Ye Ling in confusion, wondering what this eating chaqi meant.


Ye Ling glanced at Hot Bar and said thoughtfully: "How do you put this? In layman's terms, it means that the gas in the stomach cannot be discharged and can only be discharged through burping.


After hearing Ye Ling's explanation, the four girls looked at Hot Bar with strange expressions.

Reba blushed and lowered his head.

It’s so embarrassing. It’s so embarrassing that you can eat like this!

"Haha, it turns out this is just a matter of eating chaqi. I'm convinced, I really am!"

"Come on, you are a task. From now on, I, Wang Ergou, will not obey anyone but you!"

"Come on, let's talk about the goddess image we agreed on. Do we just want to give it up? Cover your face!"

"Look, people are hot. These are the real foodies. Those food broadcast anchors should learn more."

"Ye Gou, your explanation isn't good. It's obvious that farts can't come out, so they can only be released through burping, and the gas in the stomach can't be released.

"Please stop talking upstairs. As a fan of Reba, I am really heartbroken!"

"Hot bar, the car is here. Come ride on Bai Xue's back with me. This will help you digest." Ye Ling looked at Hot bar and said.


Reba responded inaudibly, walked out of the car with his head lowered, and followed Ye Ling to sit on Bai Xue's back.

After settling the matter at Hot Bar, Ye Ling and his party continued to set out for the Morgebele River.

However, with their speed, they could easily reach the Morgebele River before tomorrow night, but in order to allow the drone to keep up, they lowered their speed.

This also led to the fact that if they wanted to reach the Morgebele River, they would have to do so the day after tomorrow at the latest!

Therefore, the plan that the five girls had made specifically for Ye Ling had to change.

"Director, the plan has changed. We will not be able to reach the Morgebele River tomorrow!" Zhao Liying sent a message to the director with her mobile phone.

Liu Yifei sat in the back seat, stroking the soft hair of the wild rabbit, and frowned: "This drone has disrupted all our previous plans!"

"no way!"

Jiang Shuying drove the car and said: "We planned everything before, but we forgot about the flying speed of the drone. Moreover, we are doing a live broadcast and recording, so we can't leave the drone alone, otherwise the editing will not be possible. French editing.

Reba sat on Bai Xue's horse, lowered his head and said, "Hubby, wasn't I embarrassed just now?"

"How could it be? You were so cute just now. There are not many people like you who can ignore any image just to eat!" Ye Ling held the hot bar in her arms and smiled.

"Is it really cute?" Reba turned to look at Ye Ling expectantly and asked.


Ye Ling nodded and said: "Super cute!"

"Then hubby, you don't like me, do you?"

"How could that be? You are my little cutie, how could I not like you!"

"Hehe, I knew that hubby, you... Hier!"

It was already the end of autumn and winter was about to begin, and the sky got dark very early. It was only just six o'clock in the afternoon, and the sky was already dark, and there was a light wind blowing on the ground.


Ye Ling pulled the reins and made Bai Xue stop.

When Yang Mi and Jiang Shuying next to them saw Ye Ling stop, they both stepped on the brakes and stopped.

Ye Ling and Reba got off Bai Xue's horse. They looked at the four girls coming out of the car and said, "Let's just walk here today. It will get dark if we go on. And if we don't guarantee it, no one will want it today." It’s raining!”

None of the four women made any sense to this, and followed Ye Ling to start unloading things from the car.

"It may rain tonight, Mimi, Shuying, you two take this tent and set it up for Bai Xue to live in." Ye Ling said, holding up a tent that he specially asked for from the director team this morning.


Yang Mi and Jiang Shuying responded, took the tent and walked aside to start setting up the tent for Bai Xue.

Ye Ling also took the remaining three girls and began to set up their super large tent.

Fortunately, there was only a light wind blowing now, otherwise if it were a strong wind, their tent would not be able to be set up at all.

But even if it was just a small wind, Ye Ling and the others still had many difficulties when setting up the tent, but in the end they were overcome by Ye Ling and the three girls!

After setting up the super large tent they lived in, Ye Ling walked to the side and looked at the tent that Yang Mi and Jiang Shuying had set up for Bai Xue.

The tent that Yang Mi and Jiang Shuying set up for Bai Xue was almost complete, with only four ground nails left.

"Husband, go ahead and get this floor nail. It's too long!" Jiang Shuying said, holding the floor nail that Ye Ling specially asked for from the program crew, which was "a full fifty or sixty centimeters long."

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