Soon, Lin Fan took Tong Liya and the others to the other side of the road and met Gu Tianlu and the others.

Lin Fan was slightly taken aback when he saw these four people actually standing together waiting for him, he didn’t expect that in addition to Liu Qingyun and Gu Tianlu, Liu Dehua and Jacky Zhang would also come together to pick him up.

These two have extraordinary influence in the film and music world!

“Brother Qingyun, Big Brother Gu, Brother Hua, Brother Xueyou! Hello! Lin Fan came to the four people and took the initiative to greet them with a very respectful attitude, and Lin Fan respected and loved these four seniors from the bottom of his heart!

These four are in the circle, but they are all real strengths!

Even the singer Jacky Cheung, who focuses on music, occasionally crosses over to make cameo appearances in movies, and his acting skills are remarkable!

His performance in Carmen in Mong Kok is still impressive, and it has become an enduring meme, and he is jokingly called the actor who was delayed by singing! ! !

“Hello to you!”

“Xiaofan, welcome to Hong Kong Island!”


The four also smiled and greeted him.

Seeing Lin Fan, who is now so popular, he is still so humble and polite to people, and he can’t help but praise him a little more!

Especially Liu Qingyun, Liu Dehua, and Jacky Cheung, who met Lin Fan for the first time, left a very good first impression on them!

Tong Liya and the others also greeted Liu Qingyun and them, but they all looked very excited and nervous.

Can you not be nervous!

For them, these four are usually difficult for any one of them to have access to, let alone get together, and they came to pick them up on purpose!

If they hadn’t followed Lin Fan, how could they enjoy this treatment in their lives!

“Let’s go, talk in the car, let’s take you to the place where you live first, and then go to dinner together!” Liu Qingyun greeted.

Everyone got into the car in turn, and the driver drove in the direction of the hotel.

What no one noticed was that a paparazzi was getting into a taxi and following them far behind.

Liu Qingyun’s car is a business type, and eight people sit together, but they don’t feel crowded.

“Xiaofan, you yourself are even more handsome than on TV!” Liu Dehua said with a smile.

“You are really red to purple recently, fortunately this trip has not been leaked, otherwise the four of us alone will not be able to keep you, and you would have been snatched away by your fans!” Jacky Cheung also laughed.

The four of you said a word, I said a word, and Lin Fan chatted.

Now Lin Fan has long faded the youth he had just debuted and has become much more mature.

Especially in terms of dealing with people and getting along with people, his emotional intelligence is not low, and he has learned the essence with Huang Bo and others.

His speech and behavior are polite and courteous, but also very comfortable, making people feel that he is worthy of deep friendship with him!

It didn’t take long for Lin Fan to talk to Liu Qingyun and the others

The four of them became more and more cordial and warm to Lin Fan, as if they had known each other for many years!

Not long after, the car stopped in front of a star-rated hotel, and Lin Fan got out of the car to see that it was the same hotel where he stayed with Di Li Gerba last time he came to Hong Kong Island to film.

Gu Tianlu said that he and the boss here were very good, and he would not let Lin Fan’s news of this leak, so that during Lin Fan’s stay, no one would come to disturb him.

Liu Qingyun and the others waited at the door, while Gu Tianlu took Lin Fan and his group and went in to check in.

A taxi stopped not far away, Zhou Yang got out of the car, and there was a burst of capture at the door, just in time to photograph Lin Fan’s back as he walked into the hotel.

“It’s a big buck! Not only did he photograph Lin Fan and Brother Hua meeting them, but he also knew the hotel where he stayed! Unless something international or natural or man-made disaster occurs, tomorrow’s headlines will definitely belong to me! Zhou Yang said to himself excitedly.

Soon, Lin Fan and the others opened the room, put away their luggage, came out and got into Liu Qingyun’s car again, and drove towards other places.

Zhou Yang originally got into a taxi and wanted to continue tracking and shooting, but when he was at an intersection, he lost it because of the traffic light, so he had to give up.

But for him, these materials are fierce enough!!

On the same day, Liu Qingyun and others took Lin Fan to meet him at the most famous restaurant on Hong Kong Island and welcome his arrival.

Liu Qingyun and Gu Tianlu have been looking forward to this cooperation with Lin Fan for a long time, and the three of them communicated with each other about the script of the new movie.

Liu Dehua, on the other hand, expressed his envy and hoped that he would also have the opportunity to cooperate with Lin Fan. Lin Fan also expressed his expectation!

Jacky Cheung also took the opportunity to chat with Lin Fan about some musical things halfway, and found that Lin Fan was not a wasted name, he did have real talents, and his understanding of music actually brought him a lot of inspiration and inspiration!

“Xiao Fan, when I hold a concert next time, I hope you will definitely appreciate your face to help me!” Jacky Cheung sincerely invited.

“Good! If you have the opportunity, you will definitely go! Lin Fan said with a smile.

Several people met at noon and played until late before dispersing.

At night, Lin Fan hurriedly took a shower after going back, then fell asleep on the bed.

The next morning, while he was still asleep, he was woken up by the ringing of his mobile phone.

“Big Brother Gu, what’s the matter?” Lin Fan glanced at the caller ID and asked.

“Xiao Fan, get up quickly and get dressed! The gate of the hotel has been fenced, me and Brother Qingyun are waiting for you at the back door, take advantage of the fact that there is no one at the back door, come with us! Gu Tianluan’s voice shouted anxiously.

“What’s the situation?” Lin Fan suddenly became agitated, sat up from the bed, and his sleepiness disappeared.

At this time, the sky was already bright, Lin Fan came to the window and went downstairs to take a look, and suddenly gasped!

I saw that outside the gate downstairs, many people had gathered, and some were still holding signs in their hands, and they could barely see his name written on it.

Moreover, there are many people gathering at the door, and there are more and more people outside!

I also know that the following are his fans on Hong Kong Island, I don’t know where I know that he lives here, and they all rush to see him!

Once again, Lin Fan recalled the scene at Hong Kong Island Airport last time…

“Are you up? I’ll explain to you slowly when we meet, in short, hurry up and get dressed and open the door, I have asked the hotel attendants to find you, they will take you to the back door! Gu Tianlu shouted again.

Lin Fan quickly did so, opened the door, there were already several waiters waiting outside, and Tong Liya and the others, who lived next door, were also woken up by them and came out with their luggage.

Soon, Lin Fan and his group, led by the waiter, smoothly came to the back door and met Gu Tianlu and Liu Qingyun, who had been waiting for a long time.

Without waiting for Lin Fan to catch his breath, a reporter rushed over from the corner of the back alley, saw Lin Fan who was about to leave, and shouted loudly: “Lin Fan is here!” Come on, don’t let him run! ”

While shouting, the camera can also be accurately aimed at him, and the shutter sound does not stop!

As he shouted, more reporters and a group of fans soon rushed over.

“Let’s go!” Gu Tianlu quickly dragged Lin Fan into the car, and when the others also came up, he immediately closed the car door and shouted to the driver to drive.

The driver kicked the accelerator down and drove Lin Fan and the others all the way.

Lin Fan looked back through the glass window, and those reporters and fans were still chasing him, but they were gradually thrown away.

Lin Fan once again personally felt the enthusiasm of the people of Hong Kong Island!

It was so enthusiastic that he felt suffocated!! _

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