"Oh my, what kind of person is Yang Mi? I should have known it earlier. Can’t you see that her relationship with the other 85 flowers is so strained?"

"It must be about interests! Love? Please stop kidding!"

"Hahaha, to be honest, I'm not a black fan, but Yang Mi hasn't had any scandals in all these years, and suddenly she got married. It's hard not to suspect that she has seen through Lin Yan's talent and is counting on him to make money for her company!"

"I think it's better not to spread rumors......."

"Rumors? How dare you say that? She's only 23 years old, okay? Her future is bright, but she's being exploited by Yang Mi~"

Yang Mi's hands were shaking as she watched the random arrangements made by netizens under the hot search.

It was the first time that she felt the horror of the Internet so deeply.

Even though she was attacked so badly at the beginning, she was not as desperate as she is now.

It's not that her mentality has deteriorated over the years. It can only be said that her soft spot was hit. Yang Mi was afraid. She was afraid that Lin Yan would misunderstand her in the same way.

Whether it was acting skills or character.

No matter how they attacked her, it didn't matter, because she didn't care.

It is said that a woman who falls in love has a negative IQ, and Yang Mi is like this at the moment.

The calmness and indifference of the past.

Along with the slanderous remarks, they have long disappeared.

What exists is only the helplessness unique to a little woman, and the panic of losing Lin Yan.

So, she got up in a hurry.

In the struggle, she even forgot that she was in a vacuum at the moment, and even...He didn't even have time to put on his slippers.

Yang Mi, who always pursued exquisiteness, could become like this.

It shows how important the man who suddenly appeared in her life, in her 33 years of life, was in Yang Mi's heart.

However, when Yang Mi anxiously pushed open Lin Yan's door, she was stunned.

There was no one in the room, and it was so quiet that it seemed as if no one had ever been there.

In an instant,

Yang Mi felt her legs become weak, and the surrounding environment seemed to become distorted.

She collapsed on the ground powerlessly.

"he's gone......"

Yang Mi murmured like in a dream, and in a trance, she seemed to see Lin Yan's cold and indifferent eyes.


She touched the mobile phone that fell on the ground, as if she had grabbed a life-saving straw.

Yang Mi quickly unlocked it and dialed Lin Yan's number.

But a cold shutdown prompt tone came from the phone.

Yang Mi did not give up.

Until ten minutes later, she stopped the action of her hands.

Then, she struggled to stand up and walked towards her room.

At this time, Yang Mi seemed to have lost her soul.

Another ten minutes passed.

Yang Mi left the hotel and took a taxi to Kyoto Film Academy.

Her purpose was very clear. She wanted to find Lin Yan, but the fact was that she was desperate, left without saying a word, and turned off her phone....

The probability of finding it is very small.

But Yang Mi did not give up, or rather, she was unwilling to give up.

Even if she really wanted to leave, she had to listen to her explanation!...................

On Weibo.

With the arrival of the time to slack off at work, the speed of public opinion fermentation is getting faster and faster.

It seems to be the biggest melon of the year.

It is obviously unrealistic to say that no one is interfering.

But for all this.

Whether it is Yang Mi or Lin Yan, no one has the heart to care at the moment.

Yang Mi is because of misunderstanding.

And Lin Yan?

He feels strange, always feels that there is something wrong with the way those stupid classmates look at him.

I wanted to send a WeChat to ask Yang Mi.

But I found that my phone was out of power and turned off automatically.

In desperation, I had to lie on the table like a salted fish.

Of course, many people came forward to ask for photos and autographs during this period, but without exception, they were all rejected by Lin Yan.

He is not an artist, so he doesn't do those fancy things.

Time passed by like this.

Lin Yan was bored listening to the music theory teacher talking there. He wanted to close his eyes and sleep, but he sat a little forward. After all, he was a teacher.

Putting aside the teaching level, face still needs to be given.

Of course, not sleeping doesn't mean Lin Yan will listen to the lecture obediently. For example, he looks at the podium for 5 minutes, then turns his head to look at the blue sky outside the window for 20 minutes to kill time.

"Hey, big honey!!"

"Wow, it’s Yang Mi, why is she here?"

"Oh my god, your hair is so messy, I almost didn't recognize you......"

Just as Lin Yan was staring out the window in a daze for the third time, a series of exclamations suddenly came from the 200-person lecture hall.

Lin Yan was stunned and turned his head subconsciously. When he saw the person standing at the door, he was stunned....What's going on?

Why do you look like you've just been in a war? No makeup on, and your hair is messy....... and...

Eyes seem swollen?

Did you just cry?

Lin Yan was confused when he saw Yang Mi walking towards him.

It would be better to say she was running.......

Before Lin Yan could react to what was happening, Yang Mi had already arrived in front of him.

The next moment, under the gaze of countless shocked and confused people,

Yang Mi suddenly threw herself into Lin Yan's arms.


The whole classroom was instantly as quiet as death!

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