Swish! Swish! Swish!

In the hotel room, accompanied by the delicate friction between the pen tip and the paper, Lin Yan slowly put down his pen and smiled at the masterpiece he had just completed.


——I see the sky is blue

——Just like your warmth beside me

——There are too many regrets in life

——The more you grow up, the lonelier you feel.


That's right.

It's Zhou Bichang's notes, or to be more precise, it's Lin Yan's notes now.

One of the few works that is both high-quality and touching.

I have to say that in Lin Yan's impression, Zhou Bichang's voice is very narrative, full of emotions but not overly sentimental.

This kind of voice will have a special flavor when singing lyrical.


This idea is ultimately from the perspective of a listener. Even people like Lin Yan who are not interested in rock, like her"Kite" and"Hermes" very much.

Lin Yan doesn't know much about Zhou Bichang.

But she also knows that the music she likes and pursues has always been niche. Although it is difficult to clearly distinguish between niche and mass in music, it is indeed very conceptual.

Many people think that Zhou Bichang has been looking for her own style, so she has a different style.

At first, Lin Yan thought so too.

But now, when he has a musical understanding of dimensionality reduction, he finds that this is actually a wrong perception.

As a singer, Zhou Bichang is constantly piecing together her colorful world, but her world is too big. Not only is it not filled, it is also constantly expanding because she is constantly learning and absorbing......

So it's not that she hasn't found her own style, but her own style is changeable.

From the perspective of a musician, Zhou Bichang is the same as Deng Ziqi.

It is rare that you can see her growth.

It doesn't refer to the growth of singing skills, but attitude.

In fact, looking at them who are confused and at a loss now.

Lin Yan seems to be able to see the changes of a 19-year-old girl who has gone through highs, lows, confusion and hope, and then retains a pure warmth and a mature woman with a youthful heart.

They are mature and know how to cater to the market and change their style.

But......This kind of pandering is wrong.

Or fundamentally, it is just a false image deliberately created by capital to make money.

Music should be pure.

It should not rely on the so-called gorgeousness that is not smooth to cover up the fact that it is fast food music.

The reason why I suddenly wrote this song is because of Deng Ziqi's casual words before.

Zhou Bichang wants to change the song......

This sentence just reminded Lin Yan that the best way to impress these paranoid talented singers is to write a song for her.

Of course, the task must be completed and the money must be earned.

After all, Lin Yan is not a philanthropist, so he can't give it away for free, right? He won't do such a loss-making business.

Knock knock knock——

"Teacher Lin, I am Ziqi."

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, followed by Deng Ziqi's voice. Here

I come.

Lin Yan smiled and got up to open the door. Sure enough, he saw Deng Ziqi and Zhou Bichang standing outside the door.

"Come in."

Smiling and moving aside, Deng Ziqi's face subconsciously blushed, perhaps because he thought of the previous misunderstanding, or the shameless fantasy.

Zhou Bichang looked distressed, but he couldn't help but take another look at Lin Yan when he passed by.

There is no way.

Talent is always the simplest and most direct means to attract the opposite sex.

After learning that"Bubble" was written by Lin Yan.

Zhou Bichang has subconsciously regarded him as a monster!

Yes, a music monster!

Envy, jealousy and hatred are not to be avoided. Bitterness.

Lin Yan had heard Deng Ziqi mention this before, saying that he now loves and hates Zhou Bichang. At this moment, it is not difficult to judge her thoughts through her constantly changing expressions.

But Lin Yan didn't say anything.

After closing the door, he casually took a bottle of mineral water for the two of them.

""Huh? What is this?"

At this time, Deng Ziqi, who was passing by the small desk, suddenly stopped and asked in confusion.

However, the next moment, she shuddered and her pretty face was full of shock!

"Lin Lin Lin......Teacher Lin, this...What is this?"

Lin Yan laughed in his heart, but he remained calm on the surface, and said with a smile:"I just had nothing to do and wrote it. How about it? Can you evaluate it from the perspective of a professional singer?"

Hearing this,

Zhou Bichang, who had already walked to the window, also widened his eyes and subconsciously came to Deng Ziqi.

Lin Yan consciously stepped aside, quietly waiting for the release of emotions in the near future!

It was not that Lin Yan was confident, but she understood that both of them were powerful and it was impossible for them to not be able to tell the quality of a song.

Sure enough.

The room fell into silence for a few seconds.

Deng Ziqi and Zhou Bichang's breathing became obviously rapid, and the expressions on the faces of the two women also became extremely wonderful.

"Love is always the long string in your hand"

"Carrying my thoughts"

"Flying over the horizon"

"Your warm smile is still the same as before." Zhou

Bichang even hummed unconsciously according to the above notes.......

Behind him, Lin Yan secretly smacked his lips. The talented singers were different. With just these few words, they were far ahead of the half-witted singers.

Moreover, Lin Yan had to admit that

Zhou Bichang was indeed the best person besides him to sing the song"Notes".

"teacher LIN...you...Are you a monster?"

Deng Ziqi stared at Lin Yan blankly, and she looked a little depressed!


She didn't understand.......Why the more she interacts with the man in front of her, the more she feels that all her efforts over the years are worthless!

Zhou Bichang was more shocked than Deng Ziqi!

In addition to being shocked, she suddenly thought of the songs she wrote, and for a moment she felt a little ashamed.

There is no comparison at all.

Although she is an optimistic person, and although she never wants to deny herself, a song"Bubble" and a song"Notes" have completely destroyed her self-confidence!

How great it would be if this song was written by herself!......

In that case, would she still need to worry about which song to change?

With a self-deprecating smile, Zhou Bichang slowly put down the thin notebook in his hand.


The next moment

"Don't you want to change the song? How about this one?"

Just as Zhou Bichang turned around, Lin Yan's gentle voice suddenly came, and Zhou Bichang was stunned when he heard the content!

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