Entertainment, I just like making movies

Chapter 120 Sissi, what fruit do you like!

Half an hour later.

Fang Ziheng’s Weibo became a target of public criticism.

With the help of caring people, his analysis of various types of films in Yang Lan's talk show was moved to the Internet.

Although what he said was very restrained and based on facts, the trolls still found the outlet.

The label of worshiping foreigners and foreigners was pinned on Fang Ziheng by trolls!

The trolls were also excited at this time, clamoring wildly, turning into gods on the Internet, and giving guidance from what they considered the moral high ground.

"Fang Ziheng has only made two movies. What qualifications does he have to point out this and criticize that."

"Besides being able to make vulgar comedies, does Fang Ziheng know what kung fu movies are and what costume blockbusters are?"

"Our country's film market is becoming more and more prosperous. Comedies can make more than 500 million yuan at the box office, which is enough to show the potential of the film market. Does Fang Ziheng really think that he alone can make good movies?"

"When a villain gets his way, Fang Ziheng is a typical philanderer!"

"I also think Fang Ziheng is being alarmist. Since "Tang Detective" can overwhelm the Hollywood disaster movie "2012", there will definitely be more good movies coming out in the next two years, which can compete head-on with Hollywood blockbusters!"

"That's right, "Tang Detective" got a big deal. It just happened to stagger "2012" and "Three Guns" to achieve a super high box office. Fang Ziheng is really capable, why didn't he dare to confront "2012"!"

The comments made by Internet trolls are always so clear-cut that you can’t even answer them.

Some media also followed suit and secretly published small articles to keep pace.

But they are more cautious, shrewd and restrained.

After posting a post insinuating that "Tang Detective" became popular, Fang Ziheng was in a trance and somewhat confused about his position.

It's not that they don't want to start a fight, the key is that Fang Ziheng's identity is different now, from a cutting-edge director to a leading commercial director.

In one day, "Tang Detective" had just appeared on CCTV news, and Fang Ziheng was unparalleled in the industry. It could not be brought down by a few slanderous words by the media.

The media dare not take action, so they can only stab in the back and guide the trolls and trolls on the Internet to take action.

Trolls don't care who Fang Ziheng is. If someone makes them unhappy, they will use their keyboard to teach others how to behave.

By noon, more netizens joined in.

Fans of Fang Ziheng couldn't stand it anymore and spontaneously went to major forums to fight the trolls.

Isn’t it just a keyboard? I really thought only you internet trolls would understand!

In addition, fans of Hengyu's artists and fans of the "Tang Detective" film creative team were also invited.

Come on!

Fans of Baoqiang, fans of Deng Chao, fans of Huang Bo, and fans of Liu Qianqian.

Under the organization of Hengyu's publicity department, fans gathered together to attack, and the Internet trolls in major forums gradually retreated.

It was my first taste of failure!

There is no way, there are too few of them, even if they are very powerful, they cannot withstand the dense crowd attack from Hengyu Media.

The Weibo editorial department also took urgent action and deleted a large number of posts that discredited Fang Ziheng.

However, as soon as the action was carried out, Fang Ziheng took action to stop it!

This wind cannot last long!

Public opinion can be guided, but it must not be manipulated behind the scenes.

Otherwise, if Fang Ziheng can control public opinion today, others will follow his example and use the same tactics to deal with him tomorrow.

That's when the internet descended into a melee.

Fang Ziheng took a break from his busy schedule and secretly went on a date with Liu Qianqian.

Imperial capital.

Beihai Park.

Two slender figures walked side by side in the park.

Liu Qianqian wore a khaki down jacket, her hair shawl, a pair of velvet slim jeans on her lower body, a milky white scarf around her neck, and a pair of gray travel sneakers on her feet.

The whole person looks elegant and refined, tall and straight, like a college student out for fun.

The young lady was in a very happy mood and would kick the pebbles on the road from time to time.

Fang Ziheng was wearing a thick black down jacket and holding two cups of hot milk tea in his hands. He looked with interest at the old people and children who were sunbathing in the square not far away.

Entering December, the weather in the imperial capital is getting drier and colder. The north wind blows on the face like an ice knife, which makes people feel painful.

The two walked for a while.

When Liu Qianqian saw that Fang Ziheng was silent, she thought he was unhappy, so she took the initiative and said, "Don't pay too much attention to what is said on the Internet. Those people are all crazy. They used to say that I am a transgender!"

The young lady is not very good at persuading others. She can only speak from her own experience and look at the problem from the same perspective.

Fang Ziheng was stunned for a moment, then looked back at the young lady and smiled softly: "It's okay, I'm thinking about other issues."

"Is everything okay?"

Liu Qianqian didn't believe it, with a little worry in her eyes.

"Of course it's okay. In half a month at most, those trolls will be slapped in the face, and the doubts and abuses against me will disappear."

Fang Ziheng was happy, the young lady was quite concerned about him.

very nice!

He doesn't care at all about the abuse from Internet trolls.

It's not that he is broad-minded and noble, but because he knows that these rumors cannot last long.

When Avatar is released on the 10th of next month, all doubts will be shattered.

The media, trolls, and other filmmakers in the industry will all re-understand Hollywood and re-measure the gap between Chinese-language films and Hollywood.

In the last life, starting from Avatar, Chinese-language films were completely beaten by European and American special effects blockbusters in the local market, leaving no room for them to fight back.

It was not until 13 years later that Chinese-language films established their own industrial system, slowly held their ground, and fought beautiful counterattacks from time to time.

How could Fang Ziheng, who had foresight and foresight, be entangled in a turmoil caused by trolls?

"Here, drink milk tea. If you don't drink it, it will get cold."

"Which flavor do you want?"

"I want the mango flavor, you can drink the watermelon flavor!"

Liu Qianqian found the mango-flavored milk tea from the bag, held it in both hands, and took a big sip.

Fang Ziheng looked sideways, and saw that the young lady's pink lips were slightly open, her silver teeth were biting the slender straw, and her eyes were half-squinted with an expression of extreme enjoyment.

Does it taste so good?

He looked at the milk tea in his hand and took a big sip!


"Bah, bah."

Fang Ziheng's face suddenly turned red and he kept coughing. He sucked too much, and several pearls were sucked out and stuck in his throat.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Liu Qianqian was dumbfounded and quickly patted his back with her hands.

After a while, Fang Ziheng spit out two pearls and finally regained his breath.


Beauty Zeng is so amazing, it’s okay even if her throat gets stuck~!

At this moment, Fang Ziheng was not thinking of himself, but of Zeng Li's sister who stayed at his house a few nights ago.

What night!

Sister Zeng Li performed beyond her level.

At this time, a fruit stall appeared ahead.

Fang Ziheng's heart moved and he pulled Liu Qianqian over.

"Sissi, what fruit do you usually like to eat?"

"Apples, mangoes, grapes."

The young lady smiled and named the three fruits.

Fang Ziheng nodded and asked casually: "Do you like bananas?"

"Bananas are okay."

"My mother occasionally buys some and brings them home, and I eat one or two every time."

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