Entertainment, I just like making movies

Chapter 148 The number one ‘troll’ in the national server! [Asking for monthly tickets and rewards]

Hearing this, everyone shook their heads subconsciously.


Compare literary and artistic films to Hollywood blockbusters!

Doesn't that mean giving up the film market that has been cultivated with great difficulty to Hollywood and letting the gringos make choices?

At this moment, not to mention Lao Mouzi and Chen Daren, even the old artist sitting in the front row gave up!

No matter how much we want to revitalize literary and artistic films, we will not use the entire domestic film market as a bargaining chip.

This matter is not of the same magnitude at all!

Jia Zhangke's face turned red and he was very embarrassed. His chest was heaving as he tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart.

No matter how reluctant he is to admit it, he still knows that literary and artistic films cannot compete with Hollywood!

If Chinese-language films want to rise, commercial films must be the ones to carry the banner!

Fang Ziheng's counterattack was too sharp, leaving him speechless and unable to find any reason to refute.


He still wants to give it a try and win a piece of the sky for literary and artistic films!

As soon as he thought, Jia Zhangke was about to get up again and make one last move!

He thinks too much!

Fang Ziheng didn't give him a chance to show off, and said it himself first.

“I have never denied literary and artistic films. There cannot be only one voice in any industry or market.

Looking at all film markets around the world, commercial films and literary films coexist.

Even Europe, where literary and artistic films are most prosperous, still needs commercial films to cover the bottom line! "

"Children all know that walking on two legs can make you walk more steadily. Don't we adults understand this?"

Looking at the many strange looks in the conference room, Fang Ziheng smiled softly and said loudly: "What I want to say is that the revitalization of literary and artistic films must be based on the prosperous film market, and if we want to continue to stabilize the prosperity of the film market , there must be commercial films competing in front!”

"To use an analogy, commercial films and literary films are like two brothers. Before our film market took off, we relied entirely on literary films to go abroad and make a living for our families.

Now that the film market is booming, there are rivals outside who are eager to snatch the food from our homes. What should we do? "

"Of course I'll do it with them!"

Fang Ziheng's eyes were focused, he waved his right hand with full confidence, and his tone of voice instantly became much more exciting.

"At this time, we need commercial films to stand in the front, resist the invasion of Hollywood blockbusters, protect literary and artistic films from the wind and rain, and support a sky of thriving growth!"

bang bang bang

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a slight round of applause from the podium.

The deputy leader of the Propaganda Department smiled, nodded with satisfaction, and clapped softly: "Xiao Fang, your understanding is correct.

Commercial films and literary films have never been two opposite subjects. They should complement each other and jointly support the prosperity of Chinese films, and together contribute to the entertainment culture of our country! "

The leader takes the lead in applauding, and of course everyone else has to follow!

Bang bang bang...

Warm applause echoed throughout the conference room.

Director Han's applause was particularly warm and he looked at Fang Ziheng with relief.

Fang Ziheng, who can be said to be the young director he discovered first-hand, was honored and very happy to be able to show his face in front of the leaders of the Propaganda Department today.

A group of old artists also looked at him with approval. Although Fang Ziheng's words still emphasized the development of commercial films, they still heard the underlying meaning.

Only by having commercial films as the mainstay and protecting the Chinese-language film market can we create a space for the development of artistic films.

Jia Zhangke also lowered his arrogant head. Fang Ziheng's answer not only countered his doubts, but also showed the opponent's pattern.

Wang Changtian and Li Shaohong next to him applauded and looked at Fang Ziheng as if he were watching a ghost.

This young man, damn!

A red star towards the party!

The main line of a commercial film not only shows Fang Ziheng's determination, but also caters to his superiors.


At this moment, Big Laowang strengthened his determination to cooperate with Hengyu.

Isn’t it just 30 million!

Think of it as buying travel expenses for Guangxian’s listing next year.

As long as "囧囧" becomes a hit, everything will be worth it!

Some people agree with Fang Ziheng's words, and others will naturally question it!

After the applause, New Picture Chairman Zhang Weiping raised his hands and stood up.

As soon as this guy got up, the conference room immediately became lively!

Ha ha!

I'm coming!

The number one troll in the Chinese server, Zhang Weiping, is officially online!

Dare to criticize the chairman of China Film Group Corporation in public, which shows Zhang Weiping's arrogance.

After standing up, Zhang Weiping first smiled and cupped his hands towards the big guy, and then glanced at Director Han on the stage.


The outside world says that you, a mountain eagle, have made great contributions to Chinese-language films. You are fair and impartial, and you have mentored countless young directors.

Fang Ziheng, the youngest high-grossing director, is also supported by you.


Today I will kill him first and see what the mountain eagle can do!

Thinking of this, Zhang Weiping glanced at Fang Ziheng, and his originally smiling expression suddenly stopped and became extremely serious.

"Director Fang, you just mentioned that we focus on commercial films. I agree with this point. If Chinese films want to compete with Hollywood blockbusters, they must ensure that enough commercial blockbusters are released every year."

Zhang Weiping is worthy of being the founder of the troll sect, and he is an experienced person when he opens his mouth.

By converting what Fang Ziheng just said into his own attitude, he can pave the way for the next attack and gain a head start so that everyone can identify with him.

This kind of operation is commonly known as canvassing!

Before any formal remarks are made, let yourself get mixed up among the masses and muddy the water first.

On the rostrum, several leaders looked calmly and watched with interest. Only Director Han's eyelids jumped.

He was a little worried about Fang Ziheng. He didn't know whether the other party could catch the attack of the number one troll in the national server.

In addition to Director Han, many people were worried about Fang Ziheng.

Lao Mouzi also frowned and sighed.

Everyone present was smart, and everyone knew what Zhang Weiping was.

This is a guy who dares to use all kinds of dirty tricks just for the sake of publicity. Every time Lao Mouzi's movie is released, Zhang Weiping will definitely start to criticize and bite whoever he catches!

Today, there is a good show to watch!

Everyone's eyes were filled with excitement, and they were sure of this wave of melon-eating crowds.


After the opening remarks, Zhang Weiping went straight to the topic and opened the climax of today's meeting in one sentence.

"Director Fang, since you mentioned the main focus of commercial films, I would like to ask, last year's Lunar New Year movie, you knew how powerful "Avatar" was, why didn't you use "Detective Chinatown" to challenge it head-on!"

"Don't tell me that the release date of "Tang Detective" has been set a long time ago. As far as I know, you specifically adjusted the release date of "Tang Detective" to November 25th after seeing the release schedule of "Avatar"!"

"Haha... Director Fang is so scheming!"

Zhang Weiping was in high spirits, and became more and more excited as he spoke. Finally, he shouted coldly: "Let the three films of "The Tomb", "The Storm II" and "Three Guns" help you block the knife, and become the soul of the dead under the knife in "Avatar"!

And your "Tang Detective" collected the box office without any pressure, showing the movie-watching craze, and in one fell swoop, it became the box office champion of Chinese-language movies in mainland film history! "

Having said this, Zhang Weiping looked around sadly and laughed at himself.

"Director Fang, is this the commercial film you're talking about?"

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