Chapter 88 A song “Calories” shocked the audience!!


When Maggie heard that her team had been selected, her mind went blank for an instant.

Fight Team Yang Qi? Spook.

How to fight? Hit the head?

She looked at her teammates sitting beside her, and she was also discolored and doubtful about life.

Obviously, everyone did not want to meet Yang Qi’s team.

At this moment, Meiqi seemed to plunge into the water, soaking her entire head into the water.

There were voices all around, but it was a mess and a mess.

Gradually, the sound began to become clear.

Back to reality, the heaven-shaking cheering sound sounded in my ears.

“Come on!”

“Come on! Maggie! ”

“You can!”

“Maggie! Come on! ”

Meiqi looked back and forth, left and right, belonging to Luo Hai, and the girls of Zhang Jie’s team were cheering for themselves.

The happiness on someone’s face is undisguised. For them, it’s a jackpot.

Didn’t draw to fight against Yang Qi’s team!

Didn’t get sent to block the knife! Meggie took a deep breath.

Stand up.

When I opened my eyes again, there was no nervousness in my eyes, no worry.

His eyes were full of fighting intent.

This is the end of the matter, only a battle against the back!

In her mind, she remembered the countless hardships she had endured day after day in the Arctic Ice Zone, years after years of practice.

Fang has come to this day.


“Let’s go to the last battle!”

Meiqi’s eyes were bright, and she said confidently and firmly.

Yang Qi is very strong!

But he is not weak!

Before coming to power, it is difficult to win or lose.

On the side, the teammates who were infected by Captain Meiqi cheered up one after another, and their hearts were extremely agitated.


Everyone said in unison.

If you encounter it, you can’t dodge, then you will fight a crazy battle.

Even if you have to leave after this performance!

If you can have a performance that you can do your best, you won’t regret it when you think about it in the future.

“Walk around.”

“Hurry up.”

Team Majestic girls smiled and ran quickly to the stage.

They plan to enjoy the stage.

On stage, mentor seats.

The instructors who saw the girls’ performance nodded one after another.

Facing a strong enemy is not scary.

The scary thing is timidity.

With a brave heart, even if you lose in the end, you can gain a lot.


In the live broadcast room, in front of the TV, in the studio, and in the waiting room, training tidbits are played.

In fact, the previous teams have also played training tidbits before PK

The first to leave the country was the Yang Qi team.

Among the tidbits.

Yang Qi took the girls to run in circles, then practice singing and standing, and occasionally teach martial arts in between.

The unique painting style is eye-catching.

The screen turns.

Switch to an interview room.

Fu Jing smiled at the camera and said: “Yang Qi is a very good captain, she can always teach us many things, you know? She also 593 taught us to fight… It’s not a fight, it’s just some simple self-defense. Girls, she says, always have to learn something to protect themselves. ”

“I feel safe with her.”

The camera turns.

The same interview room, beyond being interviewed.

Beyond looked straight at the camera: “Thank you for the big guys in the team for taking the flight.” I don’t have any strength myself, but I will hold my thighs… This thigh pendant deserves comfort. ”

The audience smiled when they saw this scene.

Finally, this tidbits of the interview was given to Yang Qi.

“What do you say to your teammates?”

The staff asked.

Yang Qi, who was tied with a ponytail and looked extremely capable, blinked his eyes: “Study hard and go up every day.” I’m serious. ”

Next, there are the training tidbits of the Majestic team.

Live room.


“God studies hard and rises every day.”

“I endured Fu Jing’s interview earlier, and I endured the transcendent interview, and as soon as the female emperor’s interview came, I immediately burst into laughter.”

“The female emperor’s brain circuit is strange.”

“I am completely in love with this team of young ladies, but unfortunately I don’t have the opportunity to go to the scene, otherwise I will all praise them.”

“It’s a pity.”

“But this interview does prove something… Her Majesty the Female Emperor can really fight, and she has some kung fu on her. ”

“Terrible, I can’t beat this woman when she marries home.”

“I want to be beautiful, the female emperor belongs to the whole Huaxia region. Team Yang Qi ran fast. ”

At the beginning of the tidbit.

Yang Qi and her team members had already arrived behind the door of the right stage.

Just a door away from the stage.

Standing behind the gate, you can clearly hear the voice of the host coming from the scene, the teachers talking, and the audience cheering and screaming.

Rao is that Yang Qi has seen many big scenes, and there is also a trace of nervousness at this moment.

Different from the first audition stage, and different from the first ranking competition of the 101 women’s group, now outside the door are real spectators, who are specially here to watch their own people’s programs.

It’s a different kind of experience.

It made her have some nervousness, but also excitement and excitement.

“Are you nervous?”

Yang Qi asked, she felt that her face was a little hot, and her ears were also hot.

Xu Mengjie: “A little.” ”

Fu Jing: “I’m excited. ”

Meiyun: “Let the storm come more violently.” ”

Chen Yihan: “I can hear my heart, flutter, puff…”

Beyond: “There are big guys, I don’t tighten.” ”

Girls: Waterfall Khan.

At this time, Huang Tao’s voice sounded at the front desk: “There is Yang Qi team below, Meiqi team!” ”

The voice fell.

The stage door that blocked in front of Yang Qi’s team slowly opened.

Brilliant lights hit the left and right stages.

“Yang Qi!”

“Yang Qi!”

“Yang Qi!”



“Fu Jing!”

“Fu Jing!”

Yang Qi raised his eyes, and the eyes of the star mentors in the audience looked over.

The audience waved glow sticks and shouted in unison.

The sound went from wave to wave.

Before the performance began, the entire studio had exploded.


Yang Qi took the microphone and walked in the front.

Dressed in red and black, she looks high and cold, painting flaming red lips, and her aura is fully open behind Yang Qi, Meiyun, Fu Jing, Chen Yihan, Xu Mengjie, beyond all to keep up.

The women walked on long legs to the center of the stage on the right.

Live room.

“My mother! Exploded! Exploded! The Heavenly Spirit Cover has exploded! ”

“The female emperor simply kills me!”

“It’s so top! Too strong! Amazing! ”


“This kind of red with black, coupled with the flaming vermilion lips, and the super high appearance of the young ladies… My God, kneel! Completely kneel! ”

“What a long and white leg, full of legs.”

“Although I didn’t wear black silk, I was super top in black leather shoes.”

“It’s so beautiful, I can’t stand it anymore.”

“Show you my one-handed typing skills!”

“…… On the other side of the stage. ”

Team Majestic has also taken to the stage.

There were six people in total.

Dress up very stylishly.

Maggie stands in position C.

“Aaaaaa Maggie is so beautiful! ”

“This crooked head is so handsome! So confident! ”

“Although the overall appearance is a little worse than that of Yang Qi’s team, it is also very beautiful!”

“Both teams are immortal teams.”

“How should I choose? So difficult. Chose Yang Qi, reluctant Fu Jing, chose Meiyun, reluctant to surpass, chose transcendence and reluctant Meiqi…”

“I choose to do it all!”

“Team Meiqi is “Support”, and Team Yang Qi is Xia Hua’s new song “Calories”, this is a complete showdown!”

According to the process arrangement of the program group, you need to make an introduction after going on stage.

This is the moment.

Yang Qi held the microphone, looked at the audience with beautiful eyes, and said with a sweet smile: “Hello founders, we are…”

Everyone in Yang Qi’s team picked up the microphone and said in unison: “Red roses and white roses.” ”

This kind of thing of choosing a team name is really a very painful thing for a transformed woman to take a scumbag.

At a certain time, Yang Qi saw the red clothes on his body, and then thought of the title of a song, and the name of the team was born.

Anyway, it’s a soy sauce thing, it doesn’t matter.

The other side.

Meiqi also picked up the microphone: “Hello fellow founders. We are… Hooded lenses. ”

The Majestic players put on a POSS, revealing their thin waist.

The audience applauded.

Huang Tao looked at the stage on the right: “Are you ready?” You guys. ”

Yang Qi and all the women replied in unison: “Ready!” ”

Huang Tao looked at the stage on the left: “Are you ready?” ”

Meiqi and the others replied loudly: “Ready!” ”

Huang Tao looked at the audience: “Are you ready?” ”


The audience shouted back, and the atmosphere was instantly pulled up.


Huang Tao just finished speaking.

The lights of the entire stage instantly dimmed down. A bright light hits the right stage first.

Team Yang Qi “Calories”.

Although the program team very much wants to arrange Yang Qi team after the Meiqi team, according to the rules of the program, in each round of the competition, which team chooses first, which team performs first.

The order of this will have a certain impact on the outcome of the competition.

For example, in singer competitions, singers are often the last thing they want to draw is the first place

First, the pressure is high, and second, the human brain has a forgetting curve, and the closer the time of occurrence, the clearer the memory, and the further forward, the more blurred.

What’s more, in song competitions, there is often a situation where the latter song surprises the audience and crushes the previous song.

If it is pressed, the audience may not even remember what song the first singer sang.

“It’s started, it’s started!”

“Tears, finally waited!”

“Clock in!”

“However, there is one thing to say, the order of Yang Qi’s appearance is not very good, and the Meiqi team is not completely without opportunities.”

“Yes, the audience can easily be influenced by the songs of the second team, thus diminishing the impression of the songs of the first team, unless… The quality of the songs and dances is extremely high. ”

“It’s a bit tricky for the female emperor, but I choose to trust her!”

“No matter which team wins, I’m happy for them.”

“Stop talking, let’s go.”

The audience in the live broadcast room frantically brushed the barrage.

The prelude to [Calories] sounded in the studio.


Dense drumbeats and lively fluctuating music instantly resounded throughout the studio.

The beat is one section higher than one

The drums are getting denser and denser, and they are very vigorous.

“It’s a dynamic song.”

Hearing the prelude, the instructors’ eyes lit up.

They are all connoisseurs, although the tune of this song is simple, but the melody is light and rhythmic, it can even be said… Devilishness.

This is probably Qu Daxiahua’s exploration of another style.

After all, in the past, the songs of Qu Dad Xia Hua were inspirational and inspirational, and there was always a faint.

“Tai Ri Shi [世] SBZ to the industry product one late”

But the style of this song is completely different, full of dynamic activity, fast rhythm, and people have a feeling of being out of breath.

The audience heard the prelude and waved the glow sticks in their hands.

On stage.

At the beginning of the prelude, Yang Qi’s team had already fought for its position.

Or cross the waist with one hand, cross the waist with both hands, or back to back, or spread five fingers… Each poses a pose.

Yang Qi stood back to back with Fu Jing.

With the last ‘whoosh’ of the prelude falls.

Fu Jing picked up the microphone and opened his voice: “The first sentence when you get up every day, first cheer yourself up.” ”

Meiyun: “Every time you eat an extra grain of rice, you have to say sorry.” ”

While singing, Meiyun clasped her hands together and made an apologetic expression.

Yang Qi looked at the audience and raised his eyebrows: “Magic Mirror Magic Mirror look at me, where is my collarbone.” ”

Yang Qi mischievously pointed to the position of his collarbone, which could not be seen at all because of the red coat.

The audience smiled.

Chen Yihan stood in position C: “Beautiful, I want to be beautiful, I want to become a heartthrob.” ”

Chorus: Pose, pose I want to become a heartthrob Pose, pose every time the ‘pose’ sounds, Yang Qi and all the women will change a movement Xu Mengjie: “In order to become a small man’s waist, every day I take a breath.” ”

Xu Mengjie was very cute and made an inhalation motion.

Meiyun pouted: “In order to put on a bikini, eat grass and eat salad essence.” ”

Yang Qi walked around Fu Jing and ruffled his hair: “It’s hard to give up your natural beauty, but it’s a pity that you don’t get tired of eating anything.” ”

Chorus: “Work hard, I want to work hard, I want to become a heartthrob.” ”

The six women held the microphone in one hand and put the other hand around the thin waist of their teammates, stood in a row, walked on their long legs, stepped on the beat, and walked forward in the stands.

At this moment, the six women’s aura was fully opened.

At a glance, it’s all legs!

Chorus (Meiyun/Xu Mengjie): “Wow…”

Chorus (Yang Qi/Fu Jing/Chen Yihan/Beyond): “Calories Calories Calories Calories T ”

Chorus (Everyone): Calorie My Predator! Beyond: Burn My Calories!


The scene exploded directly.

Many spectators stood up one after another, waving the glow sticks in their hands wildly.

It’s so burning!

Every face was written with excitement.

On stage, the mentors were also surpassed by the cry of “Burn my calories!” ”

Directly shocked, they all showed incredible shocked expressions.

Beyond singing skills are at the bottom of the 101 girl group, but this song is not affected by beyond singing skills.

Instead, the advantages of transcendence are brought into play.

That paragraph… It’s a soul infusion! It’s a stroke of God!

Yang Qi is amazing! Summer flowers are amazing!

The star mentors felt their scalps tingle.

The other side.

A bad premonition rose in Meiqi’s heart.

The layman looks lively, the insider watches the doorway.

Although Yang Qi’s song is not as stunning as the song created by Xia Hua before, but… This is a true girl group style song!

Team Yang Qi showed the feeling of a girl group from the beginning of the song.

This feels like you’re looking at one… A super girl group that has officially debuted.


Terrible! It’s outrageous!

Meiqi looked at her teammates, and at this moment, all of her eyes were full of horror, and her little face was pale.


Live room.


“Sounds good!”


“This… That’s amazing! ”

“The sisters are too top, completely fall into it!”

“Yang Qiniu beep!”

“Summer flower cow beep!”

“This song exploded directly!”

“Burn my calories… Is this still the transcendence I recognize? My God, soul infused ah this is. ”

“It’s too strong.”

“I prefer six girls to walk on the stage, such a powerful aura, rows of long legs walking over, crazy drooling!”

“It’s worthy of Wang Fried!”

“Strong is just one word!”

“And this song is so magical, I have all the calories in my head right now.”



“It’s too much of a gil.”

“Kneel, kneel completely to the young ladies. What the hell is this team! ”

“Niu Beep, this is a real girl group!”

“The smell of the girl group came out all of a sudden!”

“My mother, my scalp is numb! It’s so top! ”

The barrage in the live broadcast room exploded instantly.

Countless netizens were excited and crazy to send barrage.

Everyone was amazed by Team Yang Qi’s “Calories”.

Whether it is the song itself or the dance of Yang Qi’s team, it is very amazing.

It’s enough to forget all the performances you’ve seen before.

Only Team Yang Qi is in his eyes!

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