Entertainment: I Never Tell Lies

Chapter 130 You mean I look like a monkey?

Chapter 130

"Mr. Ye Xiao, 800,000 yuan per episode, and a popular star as the protagonist, the price is really not expensive.

Xiao Shaohui explained quickly.

But Ye Xiao just shook his head.

"Director Wei and I have talked these days. I think that if you want to make this Journey to the West a classic, you must not save on special effects. My idea is that you should invest at least 150 million in special effects, and preferably 200 million, so keep it. The pay for the actors is not much.

Not only Xiao-Shaohui, but everyone at the scene.

Even Wei Qi was taken aback.

200 million special effects.

That's usually a big-budget movie - that's what's needed.

Never heard that special effects on a TV show cost that much.


Everyone was a little confused.

Because Journey to the West is a fairy tale.

There are many special effects involved.

Wei Qi himself is also a character who keeps improving his works.

Therefore, the investment amount of this Journey to the West is as high as 300 million.

Filming for 50 episodes.

That is an average of 6 million per episode.

You must know that for a typical low-cost TV series, an episode can even be compressed to 200,000.

A TV series that is slightly up-level probably needs 300,000 to 500,000 yuan.

500 to 100 million episodes, even if it is well-produced.

If you want to join the big name, the cost will be doubled.

Of course, TV shows that require a lot of special effects require higher.

But generally it's about three or four million.

So it can be seen that 6 million is completely luxurious production.

If there are no traffic stars to join, it is difficult to support enough traffic.

Kyoto Taiwan is also invested.

According to Ye Xiao, the remuneration left to all actors is estimated to be less than 50 million.

Such a budget, simply can not afford any big name.

Xiao Shaohui felt that it was necessary to stop Ye Xiao's untimely thoughts.

This kind of thinking can easily make the 300 million investment go to waste.

"Mr. Ye Xiao, I know that you regard Journey to the West as your own child, and you want to give it the best, but if according to your idea, the remuneration for the actors is too small, we can't afford to be able to support this film. Traffic stars.

"Are you thinking about it again?"

Even though Xiao Shaohui disagreed, he still spoke very carefully.

Who knows, Ye Xiao still shook his head.

"I understand Producer Xiao's mood, but you seem to have overlooked one point: Journey to the West has its own traffic and doesn't need the blessing of traffic stars at all.


Ye Xiao pointed to himself.

He said shyly: "Isn't my fame better than those traffic stars?

Xiao Shaohui was startled.

"That being said, does Teacher Ye Xiao want to play the role of Sun Wukong?

When everyone heard it, their eyes lit up.

That's a good suggestion.

If Ye Xiao really wants to play the role of Sun Wukong, it would be a good choice.

After all, Ye Xiao's own traffic is not inferior to others.

And he also acted for three years.

The acting isn't too bad either.

Ye Xiao blinked.

"You mean I look like a monkey?"

Wei Qi next to him couldn't help laughing.

See Ye Xiao looking at him.

Wei Qiqiang held back his smile.

"I'm sorry, I can't help it."

Xiao Shaohui was about to cry.

"Mr. Ye Xiao, I didn't mean to scold you, I just thought that since you wrote this Journey to the West, and you are an actor yourself, it is natural for you to act."5

Who knows, Ye Xiao shook his head.

"I don't act."

Xiao Shaohui was stunned.


Ye Xiao blinked.

"At first, I couldn't play the characteristics of Sun Monkey. 55

"Again, it's too tiring to stick with monkey hair every time I act.

Xiao Shaohui, including Wei Qi.

All have black lines on their foreheads.

What does it mean to be stuck with monkey hair, too tired?

Do you know how many people out there have been robbed of their scalps and won the role even at the cost of their own pay?

Ye Xiao naturally didn't know what they were thinking.

In the previous life, the classic Journey to the West also did not use big-name actors.

And the effects are even more rudimentary.

In this way, it can become a classic for generations.

Ye Xiao couldn't believe that, after spending 200 million special effects, he couldn't make a more sophisticated Journey to the West.

As for the actors.

Naturally, the cheaper the better, as long as the acting is online.

Others are not important.

After all, it's also about his earnings.

If he can save one point, he can get one more point.

Finally, after an afternoon of heated discussions.

At the insistence of director Wei Qi and Ye Xiao, the representative of the investor.

In the end, the special group of Kyoto Station agreed to select all the characters in Journey to the West except Monkey King through audition.

Walk out of the Kyoto Terrace building.

Wei Qi wondered: "You already have a candidate for Sun Wukong?"

Ye Xiao shook his head and said very calmly, "No."

Wei Qi asked inexplicably: "Since there is none, why is the role of Sun Wukong not open to the public audition? 95

Ye Xiao said sincerely: "Actually, when I was planning to make Journey to the West a film, I already started to pay attention to Sun Wukong's candidates. If you are free in two days, you and I will go on a business trip together to find the candidates for Sun Wukong.

Hearing this, Wei Qi felt a little more curious in his heart.

"Where to look?"

Ye Xiao grinned and said, "Secret.""

Wei Qi was speechless.

However, as a director.

Naturally, he cared about his starring very much and readily agreed.

Ye Xiao was very satisfied with Wei Qi's expression.

Who made this guy laugh at him just now.

And with the news that the Journey to the West crew released the audition for the role.

It was soon seen by countless people.

Most of the actors who were interested in Journey to the West were a little surprised.

But for some long-established stars.

But he frowned.

Sand entertainment.

Yi Mingjun has been the leader of Sand Entertainment Entertainment over the years.

It's been five years since debut.

Acted in no less than ten TV shows.

The face value is online, and the acting is not bad.

He is one of the most powerful actors in the new generation.

Originally, he was also very interested in the role of Journey to the West.

However, his favorite characters are not Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie.

It is Tang Monk.

Yi Mingjun also read the original novel of Journey to the West.

I feel that my image is very consistent with Tang Seng.

Sha Yu also intends to let him compete for this role.

To this end, Sha Yu used the relationship to contact Xiao Shaohui.

I thought I would get at least one interview.


As soon as he turned his head, the crew of Journey to the West was going to open the audition.

Isn't that just turning him away?

Why do they refuse?

Yi Mingjun was annoyed.

He felt that Ye Xiao was blind.

He waited to see what kind of joke Ye Xiao was going to make next.

Thinking about it, he saw the script on the table in front of him again.

It was delivered by the broker this morning.

・・・・For flowers・・・

It's also a myth drama, I hope he can play the lead role.

Originally, Yi Mingjun wanted to play Tang Seng and wanted to refuse.

But now, he has changed his mind.

Decided to take this movie.

He still doesn't believe it. With his acting skills, he can't win a bunch of newcomers selected by audition.

He wanted Ye Xiao to regret rejecting him.

Xue Wen, the boss of Sand Entertainment, was also very angry at this time.

Including Yi Mingjun, he handed over several actors.

As a result, none of them were selected.

The assistant on the side saw that Xue Wen's face was not good.

Some cautiously asked: "Mr. Xue, what should we do now?"

Xue Wen looked at the assistant coldly.

"What should I do? Since Ye Xiao has done such an amazing job, then we don't have to put a hot face on a cold butt, and focus on making our own mythical drama. I still don't believe it, just a director who hasn't made a movie for five years, one who has been caught by the whole network. How good a TV series can a banned actor make? 99

Huatian Entertainment, Yang Zhenghua saw that Ye Xiao was planning to open the audition.

I sneered in my heart.

Given the hatred between him and Ye Xiao so far, he never thought of sending his artists into Ye Xiao's crew.

So there is nothing to be angry about.

He was just ridiculous at Ye Xiao's expansion.

Still want to open the audition?

That is only the exclusive right of the big director.

Wei Qi is a bit capable.

But it can't compare with those big directors who have been famous for a long time.

And he hasn't acted in five years.

Fame has been exhausted.

Such an audition would not necessarily go to any slightly famous actors, or even most of the 18th-tier young actors.

There is no reason for him.

During the audition, there will definitely be many amateurs who have not debuted.

Compete with these one?

Too cheap.

The bigger the star, the less likely it is to do such a thing.

That is to say.

Almost a choice, Ye Xiao ruined the opportunity to cooperate with all well-known actors.

This is simply digging one's own grave.

Yang Tianhua sneered and said to himself:

"Haha! I thought I wrote a famous literary work, and it was so inflated. It seems that this is your final glory. I am waiting to see what happens to you."5

There are not a few people who have the same idea as Yang Tianhua.

It doesn't matter whether they have had a holiday with Ye Xiao before.

They all shook their heads at the moment.

I thought Ye Xiao's actions were too ridiculous and crazy.

In fact.

Jingtai was also a little dissatisfied with Ye Xiao's decision.

But Wei Qi was firmly on Ye Xiao's side.

Behind the two stood Wei Zhengqing and the big boss of the cultural circle respectively.

In addition, the big investor, Digital Entertainment, has no opinion.

The staff of the Kyoto station headed by Xiao Shaohui could only help but obey.

Just when everyone was not optimistic about Ye Xiao's move.

Inside an apartment in Kyoto.

A woman looks at the audition message on the screen.

There was a look of wisdom and determination in his eyes.

"Hehe! A bunch of ignorant people, laugh at them now, you don't understand him. 35

After speaking, the woman slowly walked to the mirror.

Thinking of a character from Journey to the West.

Start acting out in front of the mirror.

Until sunset Xishan.

The woman just stopped performing.

There was a look of satisfaction and confidence on his face.

"This role is none other than me." People.

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