Entertainment: I Never Tell Lies

Chapter 156 Yang Qian: Do you know the white bone essence?

After a brief silence.

The entire classroom burst into thunderous applause.

Ye Xiao's performance of "House of Flying Daggers" shocked everyone too much.

At this moment, He Hui already understood why everyone including him couldn't play the song "House of Flying Daggers"

It's not because of their lack of ability, but because in this world, there are too many faults in classical music.

Let their cognition of the pipa be limited to the melody played by the pipa, which should be graceful and graceful.

Quick and heroic like Ye Xiao's "House of Flying Daggers".

Not to mention students, He Hui had never seen it before.

It's no wonder they feel so awkward to pop out.

And with Ye Xiao's demonstration.

Next, when the students played again, it was much smoother.

Then Ye Xiao pointed out some fingerings.

Guided a few times.

Finally, the students have been able to play "House of Flying Daggers" smoothly.

Although not as good as Ye Xiao.

But He Hui was already overjoyed.

And the students admired Ye Xiao even more.

And Ye Xiao showed a marvelous ability to classical music.

It made countless old professors of the Kyoto Conservatory of Music stunned.

This young man is terrifying.

Looking at Ye Xiao surrounded by the admiring eyes of everyone.

Xia Zhengqing was very proud in his heart.

Soon, the news of Ye Xiao teaching classical music at the "013" Kyoto Conservatory of Music spread.

Once again, the netizens were confused.

Everyone is guessing that Ye Xiao is planning to enter the education world?

And with the second day.

The official website of the Kyoto Conservatory of Music issued an announcement.

It was rumored that Ye Xiao was hired as an honorary professor at the Kyoto Conservatory of Music.

Instantly caused numerous heated discussions among netizens.

"Dude! Just went to a two-hour class and became an honorary professor?"

"Haha! Are you going to call this scumbag Teacher Ye in the future?"

"It's really hard to imagine what Ye Xiao's temperament will look like in a lecture.

"You said, will this guy start breaking the news about the Kyoto Academy in a while? I'm really looking forward to it.

"What are you thinking upstairs? It's just an honorary professor. You only need to complete two class hours a year. Do you think that with Ye Xiao's lazy temperament, he will stay for a long time?"

"Groove! Forget this guy's temperament, misstep. 35

And when netizens are talking about it.

Kyoto University also issued an announcement.

Ye Xiao will be awarded the title of Honorary Professor of the Department of Literature at Peking University.

This time, all the universities in Daxia were shaken.

A 24-year-old young man has successively obtained the title of professor in two well-known universities.

If the Kyoto Conservatory of Music is excusable.

But what is Beijing University?

National benchmark for colleges and universities.

It is not that easy to be a professor at Beijing University.

And Ye Xiao actually broke the routine.

Became the youngest honorary professor in the history of Peking University.

This honor is really rare.

Netizens were shocked.

Ye Xiao's fans even shouted "666".

And about all of this, Ye Xiao naturally already knew about it.

He also did not expect that Beijing University would directly give him a professor title.

This is a serious job.

As long as Ye Xiao is willing to devote his attention to teaching, the future may not be able to achieve prosperity.

With the help of the springboard of Beijing University, we can go further.

However, Ye Xiao didn't have many thoughts on these.

The rhythm of life like his present is what he is most satisfied with.

From time to time, he sings songs and publishes novels.

Occasionally quarrel with fans.


What a tiring thing.

Not for him.

a few days later.

Summer Turin's holiday is over.

Originally, Ye Xiao wanted to fish for a while.

Although Xia Turing is gone.

But Meng Guizhi treats him like his own son now.

Ye Xiao is also shameless.

He is served three meals a day, and in his spare time, he walks the little dog raised by Xia Zhengqing.

Every day I walk around in the alleys and walk through the streets.

I don't know, I thought he was the son of the old Xia family.

Unfortunately, these days were ended by a phone call from Wei Qi.

the next day.

Ye Xiao, full of resentment, appeared on the set of Journey to the West.

Wei Qi caught him immediately.

Tucao said: "I said, you have to pay attention to the crew, except for the two days before the start of the show, you disappear for half a month."

Ye Xiao innocently said: "You are the director, isn't it all your director's decisions?"

Wei Qi rolled his eyes helplessly.

"If I can, I don't want to call you. This is not something that your fanatical believers made. This aunt has a great temper. Yesterday, she almost attacked me."

Ye Xiao blinked.

"Can't you beat her?"

Wei Qi choked.

Angrily: "Is this the problem? Am I a man?"

Ye Xiao puzzled: "The law does not stipulate that when a woman hits a man, the man cannot fight back. 35

Wei Qi was speechless and covered his head.

Decided not to argue with him about this.

"You'd better go and persuade her first."

Ye Xiao wondered: "You director's words are useless, what use can I, the one who once said about her, be of any use? 35

Even though he said so, he still couldn't resist Wei Qi's urging.

Ye Xiao went straight to the set.

At this moment, Yang Qian was sitting alone in the corner, and no one paid any attention.

And she doesn't seem to care what other people think.

He continued to practice his lines there.

Ye Xiao came to Yang Qian.

He asked curiously, "Why not?"

Yang Qian looked up at Ye Xiao.

There doesn't seem to be much reaction to his arrival.

Instead, he said coldly: "Because the director doesn't understand Baigujing.""

Ye Xiao was stunned.

Wei Qi, who was beside him, became angry when he heard this.

"Why don't I understand Baigujing, doesn't she just want to eat Tang Monk meat, she dreams like becoming a fairy? What's the problem?

Yang Qian sneered: "The Bone Spirit has a pitiful background and low mana, and is only a low-level demon in Journey to the West. 99

"But you have arranged so many subordinates for the white bone spirit, you are destroying the image of the white bone spirit."


Yang Qian looked at Wei Qi coldly and said word by word:


Wei Qi laughed angrily.

"Do you know what art is? Art is to be presented through processing. The white bone essence in the original book is the existence that broke the Tang monk's master and his apprentice. In Baihuling, it is famous for its fierce reputation. How can there be a few subordinates.

"Are you the director or am I the director?"

Yang Qian still said coldly: "You are the director, but I know better than you about the white bone spirit. 99

"In the end, she's just a poor little demon.

"Maybe you think she's stupid and overreaching."

"But in my eyes, for a low-level fairy like Baigujing, what can she do if she doesn't fight for her life?"

"The me back then was just like this step by step, so I understand her.

"How could such a little demon have subordinates?"

"You don't understand her!"

"If you insist on this arrangement, I choose to strike. 35

Wei Qi was at a loss for words.

He could only say to Ye Xiao: "Look, she doesn't make sense at all, she will stop acting with me at any time, she is like this, I really want to replace him.. 99

Ye Xiao heard the words and blinked.

"Don't, it will cost more to replace her. 99

"Actually, what Yang Qian said is very good, you might as well try her method, so that you can save a few group performances.

Wei Qi: 66.99

When Yang Qian heard the words, she raised her head proudly.

Finally, after negotiating with Ye Xiao.

Wei Qi finally chose to compromise.

After all, the original author can accept it, and he has no reason not to accept it.

Because I was worried that Yang Qian's eccentric character would make another mess.

Wei Qi had to force Ye Xiao to stay on the set for two days.

Until all the scenes of Yang Qian's Baigujing were filmed.

It was a relief.

Wei Qi was also surprised to find out.

Although the plot did not go as he expected.

But the effect of Yang Qian's photo was unexpectedly good.

This was something he didn't expect.

Just, watching Yang Qian proudly pass by him.

And squinted at him.

Wei Qi's whole body is not well.

"Little man is proud.

Ye Xiao didn't see Yang Qian's filming finished.

Immediately, he said with a wide-eyed smile: "Okay, I can go now."

Wei Qi sighed.

There is nothing he can do to meet such a lazy guy.

However, at this moment, a message came.

It made Wei Qi a little surprised.

"Huatian Entertainment has made great efforts to create the mythical drama "Erlang God", which will be released next Friday night. 35

"Sand Entertainment's new masterpiece "Journey to the East" will be released next Saturday night. Tang Zhuyue will take you to experience the love and hatred of the gods. 39

Wei Qi, who heard the news, was also very surprised.

Originally, he estimated that the mythical dramas of these two families should not be released until next month at the earliest.

It's a full month earlier now.

And under the report of the assistant.

Wei Qi was surprised to find that in addition to these two, there were as many as thirteen mythical TV dramas released this month.

This speed is simply appalling.

This is a mythical drama, not as simple as an urban genre.

The effects alone take a lot of time.

Just their Journey to the West.

It took about a month and a half.

The special effects produced are only two episodes in full.

Those people eat for meat.


I'm afraid the special effects are all rough and rotten.

Just, even so.

Wei Qi was also worried.

So many mythical dramas showing at the same time.

It is easy to bring aesthetic fatigue to the audience.

If you add a pile of bad pieces.

At that time, the release of Journey to the West is bound to have a great impact.

"Hey! The current circle is too impetuous. Whatever type of money you make, you will try your best to shoot. As long as you can make money, you don't care about the consequences."

Ye Xiao blinked.

"Will the impact be big?"

Wei Qi smiled bitterly: "It's more than a big one, it's been like this in recent years. In the beginning, the spy war drama became popular, and that year, everyone went to film the spy war, and almost didn't puke the audience, which led to the fact that even there were excellent The spy war drama appeared, and the audience was completely indifferent. Since then, no one has ever filmed a spy war drama.

"But those people don't care, they will soon have their next goal, first a family ethics drama, and then a romance idol drama, the content is almost the same, all rely on traffic stars to support the stage.

"It is precisely because of this ethos that I choose to retire for five years. I am really afraid that I can't help but join forces with them. 99

Ye Xiao nodded.

Also understand.

"Otherwise, we also have a show next week?"

Wei Qi was startled.

"Are you crazy? The whole show is less than a quarter of the way through, what are we going to show next week? 35

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