Entertainment: I Never Tell Lies

Chapter 185 Li Ziming's guess, Ye Xiao who is anxious

At this time, the stage scene.

The atmosphere was very lively.

But all kinds of tricky questions to Bai Ze.

The white swan did not answer the question.

There is no intention to reveal any identifying information in the slightest.

It made all the audience itch with hatred.

But helpless.

Soon, it's time to comment.

This time, the jury learned well.

A piece of compliment.

Obviously, after the first two rounds of experience.

As long as there are comments related to toads, it is best not to have negative opinions-.

That slap in the face came too fast.

It's really bad to step down!

Although the show needs different reviews-opinions.

But the gods of music are sitting there.

Their reviews are really unconvincing.

And just like that, it was Qushen's turn to comment.

An Huaqing was the first to speak.

He boasted without hesitation: "Originally, I was surprised that the two of you cooperated so seamlessly. It turns out that you have known each other for a long time, so the explanation makes sense. Otherwise, I would really suspect that I have met a ghost."

An Huaqing's humorous comments made the audience burst into laughter.

At this time, Tang Qin said, "I want to ask, was this piece written by Ye Xiao again? 99

The swan looked at Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao replied casually, "No.


"It was written by Teacher Di Qiuren.

Tang Qin's mouth trembled slightly.

Ye Xiao is talented, but this evil taste is really annoying.

Ignore Ye Xiao's answer directly.

Tang Qin praised himself: "Ye Xiao's melody is very well written, and the lyrics are also beautiful, I almost cried when I heard it.

Lu Tianrui, who was on the side, said, "I am completely amazed by your singing skills today. The two songs in the previous two episodes need to pay more attention to emotional expression, and there is nothing to show your singing skills.

"But today's song seems to be dominated by swans and supplemented by you, but in fact, the part where you assist is the most critical part. 99

"And you can be so perfect, it's too unexpected. If it wasn't for your age, I really thought you were your song king who hasn't appeared in a long time."

Lu Tianrui's praise really surprised the audience, including the jury.

Such a highly rated review.

Actually regarded the toad as the king of singers.

This time, no matter whether the toad can go to the end.

But such a high evaluation of a song god is enough to make his future music career smooth.

In the backstage, Miss Monkey and the racer both showed envious expressions.

They also want to get this evaluation.

But they know their own inadequacies.

It was Miss Rabbit and the gramophone beside them.

I was not surprised by Lu Tianrui's comments.

With the strength of the two of them, it is natural to hear the extraordinary singing skills of Toad.

Not just toads.

The newly arrived Miss Swan is also extraordinary in strength.

Singing skills also do not lose to them.

After the song?

This was the first thought that popped into their minds.

At this moment, the two felt a little bit of urgency in their hearts.

The strength of the group of toads and swans is too strong.

After not losing to the song king song at all, plus the tacit cooperation between the two.

This time, I'm afraid I won the first place.

So that is to say, these two long-established singers and queens.

One of them is afraid that he is going to PK in the loser's bracket.

For a time, both of them showed a wry smile.

At this time, it was Li Ziming's turn to have no comments.

But Li Ziming's expression at the moment is completely different from others.

He looked a little weird and stunned.

Just staring straight at Ye Xiao.


At the scene, except Gu Yuan guessed Ye Xiao's identity.

Then another person guessed the identity of the toad.

That is Li Ziming.

Obviously, he was equally shocked by the discovery.

He never imagined that the young man he was most optimistic about would appear in front of him in such a form.

The reason why Li Ziming can guess.

Or because of the identity of the swan.

In fact, when the swan sang the first sentence, he had already heard that it was Xia Douling.

After all, Xia Douling can be regarded as the one he grew up with.

And it's the queen of songs that he personally tunes out.

Although Chardonnay can change the vocalization.

But who is Li Ziming?

If you can't even hear this, you're laughing out loud.

So, finished in Xia Turing.

The identity of the toad is also ready to be revealed.

Suddenly, Li Ziming understood.

If Toad is Ye Xiao.

That all makes sense.

Feeling slightly in my heart.

I didn't expect it! I didn't expect it.

It turned out to be such a result.

No wonder.

"Old Li, when you're talking, why are you stunned?

He was reminded by An Huaqing next to him.

Li Ziming also came back to his senses.

Looking at Ye Xiao with some emotion.

"It's really unexpected, I should know who you are.

Li Ziming said this.

There was an uproar.

Including Ye Xiao on the stage, was also a little stunned.

An Huaqing immediately asked, "Old Li, have you guessed it?"

Li Ziming nodded mysteriously.

"Yes! Just guessed,

....... ask for flowers.

An Huaqing asked anxiously, "Who is it?"

Who knows, Li Ziming really shook his head.

"I can't say it, it's boring to say it, and leave it to everyone to suspense.""

After An Huaqing heard this, he slapped his thigh.

"Hey! Good you old Li, it's too much for everyone's appetite."

Li Ziming smiled and said: "Don't worry, everyone will know in the end anyway."

Seeing that Li Ziming did not dismantle him.

Ye Xiao was slightly relieved in his heart.

Another interaction.

What followed was a gramophone and racer performance.

Before taking the stage, the gramophone patted the racer on the shoulder reassuringly.

"Sing well, don't have any burdens."

The racer nodded, but he still couldn't hold back his worries.

And sure enough.

With Ye Xiao and Xia Turing having a wonderful performance.


Although the singing of the two people is equally good, it becomes very dull in the eyes of the audience.

Coupled with the lack of quality in the hearts of the racers, there were some problems in the middle.

As such.

As a result of the last three performances, Ye Xiao and Xia Douling ranked first.

Miss Rabbit and Miss Monkey came in second.

And they are third.

Because of the number one reason, Ye Xiao and Xia Turing both got the right to sing alone.

There is also Miss Rabbit who won the second place with a higher number of votes.

Gramophone, Miss Monkey, and race car drivers can only sing a cappella for 30 seconds.

In the end, the phonograph came out on top and successfully advanced to the fourth place.

The last racer is eliminated.

And after the unveiling, everyone found out.

The racing driver turned out to be Yang Zitao, a popular traffic singer in recent years.

Many viewers were also a little surprised. They didn't expect that this traffic singer's singing skills were surprisingly not weak.

Really unexpected.

And Miss Monkey, who was originally the fifth, should participate in the resurrection.

But in the end, Miss Swan stood up and said that due to scheduling problems, she could only choose to retire.

As soon as these words came out, the audience was stunned.

Fortunately, Bai Ze received Gu Yuan's instructions.

Hastily explained.

Indicates that Miss Swan will participate in the following resurrection.

And Miss Monkey is automatically fourth.

The third issue of "Original Voice" also ends in this continuous reversal.

In the end, the program ratings were fixed at 58%

Gu Yuan is overjoyed!

And Ye Xiao, who is the biggest attraction in this issue.

At this moment, he has hurried back to the hotel with Xia Douling.

Seeing Ye Xiao's anxious look.

Xia Douling's face turned red, and she said in a sullen voice, "What are you doing?" Enter.

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