Entertainment: I Never Tell Lies

Chapter 20 Drive The Dog Into The Poor Alley, Will Be Backlashed And Regret Not

With the release of Chen Yutong's real hammer recording.

Ye Xiao's interview also came to an end.

Because the movement is too loud.

Ye Xiao's plan to go out for food was interrupted.

Can only go home and cook a bowl of instant noodles.

While eating instant noodles.

Ye Xiao usually looked at the phone.

At the same time, he also saw a skyrocketing honesty point.

Just a while.

It has climbed again to 20 million.

Of course, this is just the beginning.

He believes that as the video ferments.

His honesty goes way beyond that.

This time, it was real.

No one else can't believe it.

At this moment, he kept swiping Weibo.

The top ten hot searches are basically related to him.

Oh no!

To be precise, it should all be related to the content of his revelations.

Especially Chen Yutong's Weibo.

has been completely blown up.

Take a look at the comments under her Weibo.

There are all kinds of strange things.

The words are extremely violent.

"Chen Yutong, get out of the entertainment industry, your scheming looks disgusting."

"The face of an angel, the heart of a devil, I didn't expect it! It turns out that I have always liked you, but you are so disappointing."

"Chen Yutong, you came to the wrong place. The entertainment industry is not for you. The mental hospital is more suitable for you."

"It's different from the outside, and the heart is vicious. It's a woman like you."

"Oh my god! My daughter used to be her fanatical fan. I didn't expect her to be such a person. It's horrible."

"My daughter too. After she learned the truth, she locked herself in the room. I was really afraid that something would happen to her."

"That's right, Golden Entertainment is responsible for this! What exactly did you cultivate, and how many children have you misled!"

"Extreme pulling, three views that destroy people! While eating Ye Xiao's traffic bonus, I feel Ye Xiao is disgusting, double-sided, villain!"

"More than that, the benefits are not enough. Seeing that Ye Xiao's reputation is not guaranteed, you are also stomping on her together with others. You are such a viper and poisonous woman, I can't wait to slap you twice."

"This scum, who brought her into the entertainment industry?"

"She is an employee of Golden Entertainment, and Golden Entertainment came out to speak."


Take a look at it.

On the contrary, it was her homosexuality that no one cared too much about.

Obviously, people today are understanding and tolerant towards homosexuality.

If Chen Yutong is just a pure homosexual.

I don't think it will attract so much heat.

At most, it makes those male fans scream in disappointment.

What most netizens hate most is her hatred of men.

You know, 70% of her fan base is male.

At this moment, her countless male fans went completely berserk.

Obviously, being treated like a monkey is not a good feeling.

Ye Xiao turned off Weibo after taking a few glances.

Unexpectedly, he broke the news of three Huadans yesterday.

It turned out that Chen Yutong was hit the hardest.

However, all of this was done by Chen Yutong.

If it weren't for Chen Yutong to prove his innocence.

Don't sue him.

Ye Xiao wouldn't be so decisive to take out the recording evidence.

This is also impossible.

He is an honest and good young man.

I don't want to eat free meals yet.

Moreover, speaking of all this, Chen Yutong suffered by himself.

Relying on his heat, he turned red.

Backhand to pull and step on him.

If it weren't for the fact that he broke the recording evidence.

No one can think of it.

Such a clean and beautiful little girl has a devil in her heart.

Even if most of it is operated by the economic company behind it.

But it was her who was accepted, and the beneficiary was also her.

Ye Xiao shook his head and sighed with emotion: "If you drive a dog into a poor alley, you will be attacked without regret."

"Ah! Bah! I'm not a dog."

As for the second protagonist, Chen Qiyu.

There are also many reviews online.

But because Chen Yutong's real hammer is too powerful.

Instead, her news was covered up.

But there are still many people who leave messages under her Weibo.

Chen Qiyu quickly shut down Weibo.

Unwilling netizens went to the big director He Kun to resist.

They all demanded that all the films that Chen Qiyu participated in.

They would never buy a ticket to watch it.

This frightened He Kun.

The film that is being filmed has invested 600 million.

If this blows.

His fame was ruined.

So, in Ye Xiao did not know the place.

In front of all the crew, He Kun scolded Chen Qiyu for a while.

Then let her pack up and leave.

There was no trace of affection left.

As for the news of Chen Qiyu's embarrassed departure from the crew.

It was also "unintentionally" exploded by an unknown employee at the scene.

In an instant, countless netizens cheered each other.


It was Yang Qian.

Ye Xiao was surprised.

After he broke the news, the other two posted clarifications one after another almost immediately.

Tough stance.

On the contrary, Yang Qian was surprisingly silent.

However, that's fine too.

Ye Xiao really had no evidence of Yang Qian's bad breath.

It's impossible to record bad breath, right?

He was thinking.

If Yang Qian really wants to sue him.

He planned to let Yang Qian show herself and let those reporters have a taste of it.


Ye Xiao shook his head.

As everyone knows.

Kyoto, Sand Entertainment.

It's still the same room.

Yang Qian's face was serious at the moment.

The makeup on his face is exquisite, no longer the previous crazy look.

After watching Ye Xiao's live broadcast.

Yang Qian turned her head and said with a smug look at the corner of her mouth, "Sister Xin, how are you?"

Zheng Xin was obviously too shocked by the reversal to speak.

She didn't expect Ye Xiao to actually keep a hand.

Heart is secretly happy.

Luckily, it didn't happen with the two of them.

Otherwise, Yang Qian will be smashed by angry netizens on purpose at this moment.

Although it will be affected now.

But compare to the other two.

Apparently it was God's protection.

Thinking of this, she also had to feel Yang Qian's foresight.

"Qianqian, you have done a good job this time. You can rest assured that although there are some influences, the company has other arrangements in the future, and your career will not stop here."

Yang Qian raised her head proudly.

Insanity flashed in his eyes again.

"That's natural. It's a bit lonely after those two small watches died and no opponents!"

Zheng Xin: "..."

If Zhao Xiaoxian heard what Yang Qian said.

I'm afraid I will ask aggrievedly: "Did you forget that there is me?"

Of course, at this moment, Zhao Xiaoxian didn't have time to care about Yang Qian's thoughts.

She also saw Ye Xiao's live broadcast.

He was hiding in the corner of the bed at the moment, clutching the quilt and shivering.

"It's terrible! It's terrible!"

"Ye Xiao is too scary, I won't teach him a lesson, that guy will eat me."

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