Entertainment: I Never Tell Lies

Chapter 211 The madness of the brain-damaged fans, Xi Xiaoling's rebuttal

Chapter two hundred and eleven

The scene of the Daxia Golden Melody Awards Ceremony.

With Ye Xiao's loud questioning, he fell.

The whole place was silent.

Ye Xiao's voice echoed in the ears of all the guests.

An Huaqing looked at each other in dismay.

After a moment of hesitation, he swallowed and said.

"This... This kid Ye Xiao is telling the truth, is it because he said it so seriously in order to target Xi Xiaoling?

Li Ziming on the side closed his eyes.

Carefully recall what Ye Xiao just said.

The more I think about it, the more frightened I feel.

At this moment, I heard An Huaqing murmured and asked.

He opened his eyes suddenly.

He said solemnly.

"No! Ye Xiao is right, let's not say whether the Daxia music circle will be defeated by music from other places.

"Zero 30" "I still know a little bit about Kim Taemin."

"His fans are all teenagers. 39

"These children are too subjective and are in a period of rebellion.

"If they are given the wrong guidance at this time, it will have a great impact on their future three views.

"The consequences are terrible! 99

An Huaqing was stunned.

This time, his face also became serious.

They are all old men with one foot in the ground.

to their grade and identity.

Nature is more concerned about society than others.

Therefore, after analyzing what Ye Xiao said, it is very likely that it will come true.

For a time, they were also a little worried.

Not just them.

There were many older star guests at the scene.

after a short thought.

They all responded.

For a time, the whole venue began to have discussions.

And in front of the screen.

The audience has already completely exploded the pot.

"Damn it! Ye Xiao didn't say it, I really didn't expect this, this is really what I think. 35

"That's right! Now that I think about it, my son has been arguing with my wife to buy him some strange clothes, saying that many classmates in school wear these clothes, and my wife can't survive him, so I bought them for him.

"It's more than clothes, my stinky boy is only 16 years old, and he doesn't like sports and exercise. He is very skinny. Recently, he started to grow long hair, which is longer than that of some girls, and he spends several hours a day to take care of his hairstyle. I said it several times to no avail, and quarreled with me."

"Hey! Listening to what you said, I thought about it carefully, and woke up suddenly. I really didn't pay attention to it, but more and more children around me really have this look.

"Although we also had some strange and individual behaviors when we were young, but different from today's children, it really feels a little bit girly. 33

"Good guy, the original source is here, that Dahan country is really shameless, and it wants to invade through culture. If Ye Xiao didn't say it, he really didn't realize it.

"Humph! As Ye Xiao said, Xi Xiaoling and Xi Mu's father and daughter are nothing, they are the capital of all evil!

"More than that, there is no doubt that 500,000 walked properly."

At this time, the audience suddenly had a whimsical idea.

He opened his mouth and said, "You guys say, does Ye Xiao count as a good report, if both the father and daughter are caught, wouldn't it be a million?

As soon as the words came out.

Immediately, countless audiences were happy.

"Haha! Ye Xiao made 1 million with tears and blood. 35

"Crap! Why didn't I come across such a good thing.

"This guy Ye Xiao is already so rich, don't bother him with such dangerous things, let me do it."

Just under the heated discussion of a group of netizens.

Those fans of Kim Taemin can't sit still anymore.

If it was just that the stars were not pleasing to the eye, the two sides would tear each other up.

That's nothing.

However, now Ye Xiao has something to say.

It took things to such a high level.

That's a completely different meaning.

Once Jin Taimin is realised as Ye Xiao said.

The only thing waiting for him is to block the result.

So, these crazy fans concentrated their shots.

Crazy barrage.

"Fuck Ye Xiao! He's just talking nonsense.

"Yes, we have all grown up, we have our own judgment of right and wrong, and we don't need you to choose for us."

"That is, what age is it now, we have our own thoughts and opinions, only you old and stubborn people are so conservative and pedantic.

"I don't care what Ye Xiao said, Oppa is just an artist who simply likes to sing, why do you put such a big hat on him."

"Humph! It's obviously that Ye Xiao is jealous that our Oppa robbed him of his previous finale, but it's too much to frame Oppa here.

"Well said! Besides, now is the age of peace, where is the war coming from? Ye Xiao's words are alarmist. Nian

This group of crazy fans is completely furious.

The barrage that filled the screen was all their dense speeches.

An objection was expressed.

But in the blink of an eye, he was completely suppressed by these crazy barrages.

Can't get the slightest spark at all.

This time, the countless people who eat melons are also stunned.

They couldn't help thinking.

Ye Xiao has poked a hornet's nest.

These lunatics are too crazy, aren't they?

At this time, the initiator of the incident.

He looked calmly at Xi Xiaoling, who was pale.

Then he said quietly:

"Don't you want to say something?"

When Xi Xiaoling heard the words, her body trembled slightly.

Impatient for a while.

Thinking fast.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared.

She seemed to be thinking of something.

He raised his head sharply and snarled sharply in a 1.6 tone.

"Ye Xiao, you are nonsense, I never thought of that.

"You have a vicious mind, nothing more than because you didn't make the finale on the red carpet earlier.

"Is that why you are going to use this vicious method to get revenge?"

"Everything I said earlier came from the heart, not what you said at all.

"We Qingchuang Music, in the past few decades, have not cultivated some famous singers, and cooperated with Dahan artists, it is just a normal business cooperation."

"The star of their Dahan country is this style, if it's like what you said, then why doesn't Dahan country forbid such behavior? 35

"Everything you say is your self-righteous idea, you slander me and Qingchuang Music so much, wait for the lawyer's letter!

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