Entertainment: I Never Tell Lies

Chapter 226 I'm going to curse

Chapter 226

With Ye Xiao on stage.

The crowd was louder.

The applause was more fervent.


Gu Yuan saw the ratings that had just been pulled back by Miss Rabbit.

It climbed abruptly again.

From the announcement to the appearance.

The audience rating of the show broke through the 60% mark in a straight line.

Gu Yuan was stunned.

next moment.

A touch of excitement went straight to the sky from the bottom of his feet.

"Posted! Posted!"

Gu Yuan's rare gaffe.

Although he has long known the horror of Ye Xiao's popularity.

But this power.

Gu Yuan, who was used to seeing strong winds and waves, was completely intimidated.


next moment.

He was already looking forward to it.

Looking forward to the final reveal.

He was looking forward to it.

When everyone knows the true identity of the toad.

"030" what kind of scene would that be.

at this time.

center stage.

Ye Xiao stood quietly.

Rarely, Ye Xiao was on the stage of "Original Music" for the first time.

He even spoke before singing.

"Today, I'm going to sing a different song for everyone.

Bai Ze, who had just stepped down, was stunned.

Speak before singing.

It's a bit against the show's rules.

What's the matter with this toad?

Not just Bai Ze.

Some staff members and some players also frowned.

Backstage, though.

Gu Yuan was surprised.

But it didn't stop.

Quickly know:

"Let him speak, but not for too long, more than 2 minutes, and just turn off the mic.

Ye Xiao returned by ear.

He also heard Gu Yuan's words for the first time.

A slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

For Gu Yuan's decision, he is very grateful.

Since the chief director is so indulgent to him.

He also needs to explain.

"That's it, talking before a performance is against the rules."5

"However, I think I have to say something."

"I'll sing well in a while."

"But in the interest of fairness, I will withdraw from the next selection. 99

"That means not competing for a championship.


Ye Xiao said these words.

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

All the audience were stunned.

The professional jury was also stunned.

Extreme Qushen was also a little stunned.

And the backstage staff.

Especially Gu Yuan.

Even more stunned.

Obviously, no one expected Ye Xiao to make such a scene.


Gu Yuan's ears heard the anxious inquiries of countless subordinates.

This is live broadcast.

If one is not handled well.

That was a major performance accident.

Gu Yuan's face was cold.

Rapidly spinning in my mind.

A decision was soon made.

While saying:

"Yes, as he said. 55

Bai Ze received the message.

Although his face is still very surprised.

But still quickly explained on the spot:

"Because the toad player voluntarily withdrew from the competition, the program team chose to respect his decision."

"Thank you Toad for respecting the rules of the program group.""

Bai Ze's remarks can be regarded as pulling Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao nodded his thanks.

"Yeah! I'm sorry for causing trouble to the show crew due to my willfulness.

"Now back to the point."

"The song I'm going to sing next is called "Compendium of Materia Medica""

"And my songs may be uncomfortable for a lot of people, because I'm going to curse. 35

"So, I hope some viewers will be able to take their seats in a while, open your ears and listen carefully."

"Okay, that's it. Years

"Teacher, you can enter the music."

The bands below heard Ye Xiao's words.

A look of admiration appeared on every face.

Before rehearsal.

Of course they have heard the song.

Obviously also shocked by Ye Xiao's audacity.

But this is the singer's own decision.

They also have no right to say anything.

But have to say.

All make music.

At this moment, they can only pull the song harder.

This is the biggest support for Ye Xiao.

with the prelude.


Everyone has not yet reacted from the previous series of things.

And Ye Xiao didn't care so much.

He started singing on his own.

"If Hua Tuo were to be reincarnated, Chongyang would be healed. Foreigners came to learn Chinese characters and stimulated my national consciousness. 35

"Maqianzi, Cassia, Xanthium, and lotus seeds. I want to save face."

"Music notation. Music notation."

"In my way, rewrite a history. Nothing else, just read a few words after me.

"Yam, Angelica, Goji, GO. Yam, Angelica, Goji, GO.

"Watch me grab a handful of Chinese medicine and take the next dose of pride.""

"I have a leisurely expression, and I dance roughly. The movements are easy and comfortable, you can't learn it.

"Neon signs, adjust the state. In the gorgeous city, waiting to wake up."

"My expression is leisurely, and I jump around. I use calligraphy to call the dynasty, and my inner power spreads.

"Have a bold stroke and give a punch to the dialogue. The ending will lie down and see who is the best. 99

"What kind of pills are made, what kind of pills are kneaded. The antler slices should not be too thin.

"The old master's methods can't be copied like this. Guiling paste, Nayun Baiyao, and Cordyceps sinensis.

"My own music is my own medicine, and the weight is just right. Listen to me saying that Chinese medicine is bitter, and plagiarism should be even more bitter."

"Quickly open the Compendium of Materia Medica and read some good books. 35

"Chansu Dilong has already crossed the rivers and lakes. We must not lose the hard work of these ancestors.

"It's this light, it's this light, sing along. It's this light, it's this light Hey~.

"Let me adjust a remedies to treat your internal injuries of flattering foreigners. The Chinese recipes that have been rooted for thousands of years have powers that others don't know about. 35

"I have a leisurely expression, and I dance roughly. The movements are easy and comfortable, you can't learn it.

"Neon signs, adjust the state. In the gorgeous city, waiting to wake up.

"My expression is leisurely, and I jump around. I use calligraphy to call the dynasty, and my inner power spreads.

"Have a bold stroke and give a punch to the dialogue. The ending will lie down and see who is the best."

"Squat 1.6, little zombie, squat, little zombie, squat."

"Squat again, little zombies squat, turn on the lights in the dark alley. Squat again, little zombies squat, drill into the carrot pit.

"Squat again, little zombie squatting, chanting a spell and humming.

"La la la la la la la la la la la la la...

The whole place was silent.

The tempo of Ye Xiao's song is too fast.

It's almost overwhelmed.

Haven't even recovered yet.

Ye Xiao has finished singing in one go.

The whole place was silent.

It was a rhythm that almost took no time to breathe.

That dense pile of different lyrics.

Even Li Ziming has lost his past calmness.

He stood up straight from his seat.

Obviously, Ye Xiao's style has never appeared before.

In an extremely explosive situation.

It blew everyone out at once.

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