Entertainment: I Never Tell Lies

Chapter 229 Are you treating the audience as idiots?

Chapter 229

The two suddenly confront each other.

Somewhat unexpected.

However, under Gu Yuan's suggestion.

The program continued in an orderly manner.

Bai Ze seems to be used to this kind of situation.

It seemed that as long as Ye Xiao was around, it would be the strangest thing that such an emergency would not happen.

have to say.

Hosted several consecutive episodes of The Original Voice.

Bai Ze found that his hosting skills were more sophisticated.

This really dragged Ye Xiao's blessing!

An Huaqing saw the two facing each other.

Some frowned in displeasure.

"It's a bit too much for these two to fight directly on this stage regardless of the occasion."

It was Tang Qin who heard the words.

He chuckled softly: "Then Ke Min obviously used to be a powerful man in the past, and he was used to his arrogance. Those players in the past were obviously due to Ke Min's identity, and they didn't care about talking back, but today they are slamming hard, and this time it looks good. "

It was Lu Tianrui.

Somewhat dissatisfied, he said: "Although I don't like Ke Min, the old woman, but isn't that toad a little too arrogant, how can such words be said on such an occasion?"

"Furthermore, given his age, he obviously hasn't entered the industry for a long time, and given his status and strength, it is too unwise. If you say such angry words, after a while, you will be laughed to death.

When several other people heard the words, 043 nodded in agreement.

"Young people are easy to get overwhelmed. Obviously, this toad is also on the top. I don't care about it. It's a pity that it's such a good situation."

"You forgot, isn't there Ye Xiao behind him? Ye Xiao is not a gentle person.""

"Maybe that's why he dared to say that."

At this time, Li Ziming, who had been silent for a while.

Suddenly said:

"He's not a boss, and he's not arrogant.

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Li Ziming in unison.

The latter chuckled lightly: "Don't look at me, it's about to be revealed anyway, let's watch the show."

Several people saw that Li Ziming was selling off.

Immediately, curiosity was aroused.

The identity of the toad is even more itchy.

As for the audience.

Not many Qu Gods have so many ideas.

They saw how hard the toad was.

Just straight up Ke Min.

Excited already.

"Haha! Toad is a real man, just do it!

"Not bad! Toad's words are crazy, I like it! 95

"That old woman Ke Min, I've been disliked for a long time, so I should kill her!

"However, what is the identity of this toad? To say such a thing, if he is revealed to be a little-known character, then he will lose face."

"What the hell, the man behind him is Ye Xiao, although Ye Xiao is lazy, he's not that easy to talk to.

"That's right, the man who offended Ye Xiao, that's okay, our Ye Jiajun won't let her go!"

"When did Ye Jiajun appear, what the hell is that?"

at this time.

Live stage.

Ke Min didn't know what other people thought.

At the moment, she was really irritated by Ye Xiao.

Moreover, Ye Xiao said something without hesitation.

It made it difficult for her to ride a tiger.

Now, even if she wanted to retire, she couldn't.

Not to mention, she didn't plan to let the little guy Ye Xiao go.


In her opinion, Ye Xiao at this moment is a small person.

If you can't even handle such a small role.

He has also been in the entertainment industry for decades.

Think of this.

Ke Min spoke directly.

"I said earlier, I'm not going to comment on your piece, that piece was written by Ye Xiao, and it's a fairly good new genre.

"On this point, I am relatively certain of him. 35

"It's just that he wrote this lyrics himself, or did you change it later?

Ye Xiao heard the words and said slowly:

"First, Ye Xiao doesn't need your affirmation. Your affirmation is worthless in his eyes. He just needs to get the audience's affirmation."

"Second, what's wrong with this lyrics? What if I changed it?"

Ye Xiao is also telling the truth.

There are indeed some places in the lyrics that he has slightly changed.

After all, some names appeared in previous lives.

This world does not exist.

Obviously not to change.

At the scene, countless audiences heard Ye Xiao's first sentence (cgbg).

They applauded.

They had also seen that Ke Min was unhappy for a long time.

And Ye Xiao's words directly hit her in the face.

Another hug from the audience.

Of course the audience applauded.

Ke Min was also choked a little ugly.

Obviously, this is the first time she has met such a contestant who dares to give her face in such a way.

It's not that everyone in the circle wants to give her face.

Rather, she is smart.

Know who is not to offend.

Who can step on and pull at will.

At this time, Ke Min directly avoided Ye Xiao's first sentence.

Grab his second sentence.

He opened his mouth and said:

"Okay! Since you said you changed it, let me ask you, are you scolding the audience?

"Before you started singing, you said that you were going to swear. At first, I thought that you were going to imitate the previous Miss Rabbit and prepared to criticize your peers in the circle."

"In this way, to gain eyeballs and gain a position.

Ye Xiao blinked.

He said lightly: "You are boring, I don't have that kind of thought."

Ke Min didn't seem surprised at all.

Suddenly the palm slammed on the table.

"That's right! You don't have that kind of thought, because you're not scolding your peers, you're scolding the audience, those who love you, and your parents!"


There was an uproar.

Obviously, no one expected Ke Min to be so amazing.


Toad scolds the audience?

The audience was a little dumbfounded.

Why didn't they find out?

At this time, Ke Min saw that Ye Xiao did not answer.

Immediately full firepower.

"You used the Compendium of Materia Medica as the title of the song. I don't know if this is Ye Xiao's meaning or yours."5

Ye Xiao answered "honestly".

"A meaning. 99

Ye Xiao is him, he is Ye Xiao.

There was nothing wrong with his answer.

Ke Min sneered:

"No matter who it is, your whole song is saying from the beginning to the end that we Daxia people are sick and need to use the herbs in the Compendium of Materia Medica to heal. The lyrics are so obvious, do you think the audience is a fool? Think they can't see it?"5

Speaking of the end.

Ke Min's tone became more severe.

And as her voice fell.

The whole place was silent.

Only Ke Min's voice echoed throughout the studio.

Everyone was stunned.

Even a few Qu gods couldn't help being a little surprised.

It's just that strange thoughts appeared on their faces.

And right now.

Just when everyone thought Ye Xiao was a little overwhelmed and speechless.

Ye Xiao tilted his head suddenly.

He said innocently: "Are you talking nonsense? 39


Ke Min was taken aback.

Ye Xiao continued: "I originally wanted to sing for everyone. If the audience can't understand what I'm singing, isn't my singing a failure?"

"You treat them like idiots and think they don't understand?"

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