Entertainment: I Never Tell Lies

Chapter 247 The bloated second-tier singer, Ye Xiao's second new song

Chapter 247

Inside an industrial punk-inspired music room in Kyoto.

Chen Feng's face was ashen.

The assistant next to him sat silently in the corner.

The assistant who knew Chen Feng's temper well knew it.

At this moment, Cheng Feng, who was calm on the surface, was already furious inside.

And what made him so angry.

It is because it is less than half a day.

His ranking has dropped from third to fifth.

As the leader of the rock circle.

He has high expectations from too many rockers.

And this new song is about him and a few like-minded friends.

Created together.

He is also very satisfied with this song.

Also have high hopes for it.

As he guessed, this new song was just released for the first time.

Just by virtue of the excellent quality and the support of a group of iron fans.

directly into the top three of the leaderboard.

This made a lot of fans who like rock and roll excited.

Chen Feng naturally knew that this ranking was only temporary.

But he never expected that he would be squeezed out in just half a day.

And it was surpassed by two newcomers.

One is Ye Xiao and the other is Jin Chi.

That's fine for Ye Xiao, after all, Ye Xiao's achievements in the past year are obvious to all.

The quality of the songs is not inferior to anyone else.

Losing to Ye Xiao, although Chen Feng was a little unhappy, didn't feel too surprised.

But after losing to an unknown second-tier singer, Chen Feng only felt that his face was dull.

So after half 26 rings.

After calming down a little, Chen Feng thought for a moment.

He wasn't going to sit still.

Slowly turn on the phone.

He has to do something.

at the same time.

Countless netizens are paying attention to the download ranking of the cloud platform.

Apparently today's download charts.

It really caught everyone's eyes.

The most shocking of them all.

This is the second-tier female singer.

It's just that in one night, her downloads have jumped directly to the second place. And the distance from the first Wang Kai is only 100,000.

This kind of result is really stupid for a lot of netizens.

At this moment, more and more people are paying attention to this second-tier singer.

Obviously, the dark horse of Jin Chi is just like Ye Xiao back then.

It gave people too many shocks and surprises.


Everyone wants to see this female singer who was not very famous before.

How far can it go.

Whether it can replicate Ye Xiao's previous miracle.

Not only these netizens, but also most of the musicians.

They were also shocked by Jin Chi, a little-known second-tier singer.

Obviously no one expected that a second-tier singer would be able to overwhelm a group of singers.

Even close to Wang Kai, who was in first place.

They don't know if Kim Chi can maintain that ranking until the end of the month.

But even if it's only half a day.

For a second-tier singer, it is also a big profit.

Everyone is clear at this moment.

After today, the name Jin Chi will be known in the music circle.

And his future musical path will be smooth sailing.

And some larger companies have begun to plan behind the scenes.

Whether to sign Jin Chi before he is completely famous

At this time, it was also in a house somewhere in the magic capital.

A girl who looks good in casual clothes.

The expression on his face was amazed at this time.

She is the dark horse Jin Chi discussed by netizens.

For Jin Chi, it is obvious that she did not expect that she would get such a good result.

In the early hours of yesterday, he just released a new song, because he was afraid, so he didn't dare to watch it, so he just went to sleep.

I woke up this morning and found dozens of missed calls on my phone.

All of them were called by the broker and the company's big boss.

He thought that something big had happened, and went back in a panic.

That's when I found out that my song actually exploded.

And it was inconceivable that he ranked second, beating all the kings and queens.

Even her favorite Ye Xiao ranked after her.

After learning the news, Jin Chi showed an incredible look on his face.

No matter how she thought about it, she couldn't imagine such a thing happening to her.

All morning, she was in a state of confusion.

After a while, Jin Chi came back to his senses.

Thinking of the previous boss's promise to her on the phone.

Suddenly there was a little more excitement in my heart.

She knew she was going on fire.

All afternoon.

She browsed the forum with relish.

Watching countless netizens discuss her.

And just as she indulged in this joy.

Then a message caught her attention

"Ye Xiao releases second new song, titled Dongfeng Po"

Jin Chi trembled when he saw the news.

without him.

Just because the word Ye Xiao had a very heavy weight in her heart.

As heavy as an insurmountable mountain.

That's why I saw the words Ye Xiao.

Jin Chi's inner joy was completely replaced by tension.

If she didn't have any idea about this month's first place.

But by this time, her mentality had quietly changed.

It turns out that the Queen of Songs is just like that!

Not insurmountable.

This is the most intuitive feeling in Jin Chi's heart now.

Jin Chi was surrounded by huge surprises all day.

The heart has gradually expanded.

And this expansion made her gradually lost.

So, as soon as I heard Ye Xiao released a new song.

She also became nervous.

At this moment, she no longer wanted to lose.

at the same time.

In the forum, there have been many discussions about Ye Xiao.

"Huh? It's really Ye Xiao's new song, what's the situation, two songs in a month?""

"This... What is Ye Xiao thinking? It's a bit unwise to sing again at this time?"9

"What's the matter, one more song, isn't it one more chance?"

"It's not necessarily, after all, the rules of this month are there, and it doesn't necessarily mean that the more songs you publish, the more you can get the first place."

"I think so too. If that's the case, then after the king of songs, if one person releases a few songs, doesn't it mean that others have no chance at all."

"That's right! The king of songs and the queen of songs are all famous old rivers and lakes for a long time. They are shrewd. They don't sing much, and they must know that it is not good for them to sing too much.

Many netizens were shocked by Ye Xiao's actions.

However, they quickly calmed down.

Because before, it was not that Ye Xiao did not release two songs in a month.

It's just that when the situation is changing in May, ordinary people will never do such a thing.

It’s easy to distribute your own traffic and resources by posting two songs in a row.

And Ye Xiao just did it like this.

With the release of his second song, the news spread on the Internet.

It also caused a lot of discussion again.

This Ye Xiao played his cards completely out of common sense.

Some well-known musicians also expressed their views one after another.

It's just that most musicians feel that Ye Xiao is being pushed.

It is really unwise to choose such an approach out of desperation.

After all, May has only just begun.

And his results can not be said to be the best, but at least in the top three.

And this huge advantage relies on the later propaganda and efforts.

Want to win the crown.

The opportunity is still great.

Maybe it's because he cares too much about the title of God of Songs, so he is so anxious?

Countless musicians have thought so.

I also understand Ye Xiao's behavior.

Bi 043 was only one step away from the God of Songs.

This time to be any singer.

Even those long-established singer-songwriters may not be able to keep their composure.

It's just that everyone understands Ye Xiao's mood.

But the number of entertainment behind him, and his agent.

But I agree that he is so foolish, it is really too foolish.

That's not going to happen in a big company.

Of course, said the last sentence.

That is, the big companies on the front line.

As for why they say that?

As long as you're not stupid. You can probably see it.

After all, Ye Xiao's ability to print money today has already killed blockbuster stars.

Don't look at Ye Xiao is not very likable in the eyes of many people.

But in front of the capitalists.

Ye Xiao is undoubtedly Xiang Momo.

at this time.

Ji Ping naturally also saw this information.

In this regard, sneer.

"A group of idiots, such a clumsy trick, also brought out shame?"5

The staff next to him heard the words.

Also chuckled.

Obviously they are very aware of the relationship between their boss and Ye Xiao.

After all, Ye Xiao is also one of the shareholders of Shuyu.

Those people want to dig the foundations of Shuyu.

Obviously wishful thinking was wrong.

However, Ji Ping had to admire Ye Xiao's previous bold ideas.

Even a plan such as a continuous release of songs can be worked out, and it has such an effect.

It was obviously beyond Ji Ping's expectations.

Ji Ping also had to give Ye Xiao a thumbs up.

"Lao Ye, you are still awesome, it's a pity that you don't do marketing.

Ye Xiao blinked.

For this wicked capitalist.

Ye Xiao said with a look of disdain:

"You bastard, you want to exploit my labor force again, if I do everything by myself, what's your business?

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