Entertainment: I Never Tell Lies

Chapter 249: The Power of Qi Lixiang

Ye Xiao's action immediately stunned everyone.

No one would have thought that Ye Xiao had a third song.

this moment.

Countless people looked at each other.

Don't know what happened.

"Why is this guy Ye Xiao so active this time? Isn't he usually very lazy?"

"Ghost knows, three songs are released in one day, and the quality of the first two hands is so high, obviously the third song won't be too bad, right?"

"Is Ye Xiao being pushed by these people? He must have wanted to get the title of God of Songs too much.

"That being said, although Dongfeng Po can help blue-and-white porcelain increase its downloads, it may not be the third song. If it's not good, it will be diverted."

"Guess slowly, I'll listen first as a respect."

"Wait upstairs and I'll go with you."

"Yeah, why do you think so much? It's a good thing that Ye Xiao has released a new song.

Compared with ordinary listeners, there are many musicians in the music circle.

Can't sleep at this moment.

They didn't go around the net like the average listener.

Because what happened in the morning is vivid in my mind.

This face has just been swollen, but it has not completely disappeared.

At this time, no one will be stupid enough to come forward and make any comments at the first time.

Instead, he directly opened the 043 Net Cloud Music Platform and found the new song released by Ye Xiao.

They had to first listen to what kind of song Ye Xiao released.

"The sparrow outside the window, talking on the telephone pole.

"When you say this, it feels like summer.""

"Pencil in hand, back and forth on paper.""

"I describe who you are to me in a few lines.

"The taste of saury, the cat wants to know about you.

"That's how we found the scent of first love.

"The warm sunshine, like freshly picked bright strawberries.""

"You said you were reluctant to eat this feeling.

All the musicians were silent.

At this moment, their hearts are complicated.

Even those who usually don't like Ye Xiao.

There is nothing to say at this time.

Ye Xiao this song...

With a very fresh style.

It is completely different from the style of the previous two songs.


Although they are extremely reluctant to admit it.

But I have to say that the quality is as good as ever.

It is not even inferior to the blue and white porcelain and Dongfengpo in front.

Originally, these people had a tacit understanding to release a new song in May.

The purpose was to stop Ye Xiao from winning 12 consecutive victories on the Billboard.

At the same time, he also made himself popular.

But it's only been a day.

Ye Xiao released three masterpieces in a row.

Does this keep people alive?

Don't they all say that the continuous release of songs will divert the flow?

How come things are completely different when you get to Ye Xiao?

Ye Xiao's continuous combination of punches made the musicians bewildered.

In the entire music circle, Ni Yaping deserves to be the number one person who hates Ye Xiao the most.

Before on the original sound.

Ye Xiao's comment on her.

Coupled with the following series of events, Ni Yaping has completely become the laughing stock of many netizens.

Don't look at how she didn't respond earlier.

She has always kept this hatred in her heart.

Originally, when he learned that Ye Xiao was going to hit the song god's crown.

Ni Yaping knew that the opportunity for revenge was coming.

So, she began to actively contact other musicians to stop Ye Xiao.

in her mind.

Ye Xiao wants to top the Billboard this month.

It's not that easy.

And Ni Yaping also spent a lot of money for the first time,

Ask a well-known musician to help her write a song.

But because of her previous performance on the original sound.

It made several song gods who had made good friends unwilling to help her write songs.

Therefore, although Ni Yaping had already promoted her new song on Weibo in advance a few days ago.

But after all day yesterday, her new song was tepid.

This made her extremely depressed.

Fortunately, Ye Xiao's result did not reach the first place.

This is the only thing she can be comforted by.

It was only after Ye Xiao released the second song Dongfeng Broken.

Ni Yaping began to be unhappy again.

Especially when I saw Ye Xiao's blue and white porcelain, it was actually squeezed to the second place.

The whole person is in a bad mood.

But she never thought of it.

In the early morning, I finally adjusted my mood (cgbg) and got ready to sleep.

But I saw the 3rd song released by Ye Xiao.

Ni Yaping also listened.

At this moment she was completely speechless.

She doesn't understand.

How can there be such horrible people in this world?

Three in a row, the first one is excellent.

Every song in this is given to any singer, and it can be regarded as a masterpiece.

But here in Ye Xiao, it was like a cabbage that was picked up at random.

Don't throw it out like money.

At this moment, Ni Yaping had some regrets.

I regret that Ye Xiao shouldn't have rejected him when he first entered the industry.

It should not be aimed at Ye Xiao on the original voice.

The results of these two times.

Ye Xiao did not suffer any loss, but her reputation dropped again and again.

To this day, she still has the title of Queen of Songs.

But her number of fans has dropped sharply to less than half of what it was before.

And that's not the point.

The point is that Ye Xiao's ability is so terrifying.

Although everyone knows that Ye Xiao's creative ability is very strong.

But until this moment, many people realized that they still underestimated Ye Xiao's creative ability.

So Ni Yaping will regret it.

If only she could applaud Ye Xiao in advance.

Just make a random song out of her.

Her career will definitely be better developed.

Not to the point where it is now.

But there is no regret medicine in the world.

The remorse in Ni Yaping's heart turned into a deep jealousy.

At this time, Ye Xiao's voice was still playing on the stereo.

"It rained all night and my love overflowed like rain. 99

"The fallen leaves in the yard are thick with my thoughts.

"A few words of right and wrong can't cool my enthusiasm."5

"You appear on every page of my poems.

"It rained all night, and my love overflowed like rain."

"Butterflies on the windowsill, like beautiful chapters in a poem.""

"I continue to write.

"Write love you forever into the end of the poem.

"You are the only understanding I want.

Listen to this eloquent voice.

Ni Yaping just found it ironic.

Annoyed, she started frantically smashing everything she could see.

It seemed that this was the only way to calm her down a bit.

Except for Nippon.

Most of the singers who participated in the competition this time.

The mood is also extremely complicated.

Chen Feng originally wanted to create some hot spots to increase the downloads of his new songs.

He didn't target Ye Xiao, but planned to target the new dark horse.

Unfortunately, the plan has not yet waited for him to implement.

Ye Xiao has already hit a series of combined punches.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that even if he could win over Jin Chi.

It doesn't seem to make any sense.

As for Jin Chi, a second-tier female singer.

At this moment, in her heart.

There is only one perception of Ye Xiao.


Except for these two words.

Jin Chi really couldn't find anything to describe her knowledge of Ye Xiao.

Originally, she still wanted to compete for the first place.

But by this time, this thought had been thrown out of her mind infinitely.

This... is not a level opponent at all.

Thinking of that thought in the morning, Jin Chi felt more and more ridiculous.

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