Entertainment: I Never Tell Lies

Chapter 253 Journey to the West and Romance of the Three Kingdoms

"Is Journey to the West coming to an end?"

Hear what Ji Ping said.

Ye Xiao was obviously stunned for a moment.

Then saw Ye Xiao's reaction.

Ji Ping looked like he had known this for a long time.

Can't help but complain.

"This is an adaptation of your novel, and you are still the producer. Could you please pay more attention to it?

Ye Xiao blinked.

"Didn't I forget it because of the song god?"

Ji Ping was too lazy to pay attention to him.

Because in May, everyone's attention was on the battle for the God of Songs.

As a result, the popularity of other TV series and variety shows has declined.

After Ji Ping said it.

After returning home, Ye Xiao also started to read the discussion about Journey to the West.

Only then did he know.

Journey to the West is coming to an end.

Today's ratings have been stable at around 74 percent.

It's already a huge hit.

This time, the investment in Kyoto Taiwan has made a lot of money.

And with the hit of Journey to the West.

Several leading roles, as well as many supporting roles, have become popular one after another.

Among them, Tan Wen, who plays Sun Wukong, has become a household name.

And Duan Junyi, who was deeply involved in the black material scandal before.

It has also revived the second spring of his career.

I heard that I just picked up a new drama recently, and the other party's shot is 8 million yuan.

Although the remuneration is placed in a large number of celebrities, it is not very much.

But everyone knows that the actor who once dominated the film industry is back.

8 million is just the beginning.

As long as the new movie continues to become popular, the final paycheck will definitely increase several times.

Ye Xiao was also happy for Duan Junyi.

In any case, Duan Junyi was taken out by him.

And what surprised Ye Xiao the most was that.

The white bone spirit played by Yang Qian actually overwhelmed the others.

Got high praise.

Even some younger audiences often see the white bone spirit played by Yang Qian. They all hated it.

An actor's highest praise.

It's not how much he's paid, or what awards he's won, but whether his role is impressive.

Obviously, Yang Qian relies on the role of Baigujing.

Did it.

Don't look at her when she was still a four-year-old actress.

But there are no impressive characters.

To be exact, she was still a traffic star at that time.

But she is smarter than the other three little Huadans.

She knew the change, and even sacrificed herself to participate in Ye Xiao's audition.

In order to win such a role.

When she took over the role, many people didn't understand why Yang Qian did it.

Especially the festival between her and Ye Xiao, it didn't take long.

And look now.

Everyone has to admire Yang Qian's vision and her wisdom.


Yang Qian's interpretation path has been completely broadened.

Except for the actors.

The popularity of the entire Journey to the West is also high.

Ji Ping has already told him.

There are many TV stations and video platforms.

They all came to him to ask for a second round offer.

According to the company's assessment.

The copyright of the second round of Journey to the West can be sold for about 800 million.

In addition, as of last month, the current income of Journey to the West is about 400 million.

In other words, the total investment before Journey to the West is 300 million.

It has already been returned.

And the real money is in the second round.

If this news is released, I am afraid it will bring great shock to the entire entertainment industry.

After all, it is impossible for anyone to think that a mythical drama could make 800 million yuan.

Because, before that.

Most of the entire film and television industry is still dominated by urban dramas and romantic dramas.

Some of the colder themes are difficult to get even if they are applauded.

And new mythological themes like Journey to the West.

Although many companies were optimistic about it before.

But Hua Tian's Erlang God, and Sha Yu's Journey to the East.

Pounced one after another.

I heard that Erlang Shen didn't even take back the book, and he lost nearly 100 million.

No one understands why Journey to the West is so popular?

Others are not even able to get back the book.

So it's been almost two months.

Countless entertainment companies are analyzing the success of Journey to the West.

And soon.

Many companies have gradually noticed the special effects of Journey to the West.

After some analysis.

They think Journey to the West can succeed.

It is roughly divided into two points.

The first is the special effects of Journey to the West.

At the beginning, many companies were watching Ye Xiao's jokes again.

After all, before him, no company would spend such a large amount of special effects on a TV series.

Many people even laughed at Ye Xiao secretly.

But no one expected, but they were beaten in the face.

With 200 million special effects and a total investment of 300 million, the premiere has not yet ended, and it has already paid for itself.

Everyone has been in the entertainment industry all the year round, and naturally they know very well that the second round of Journey to the West is broadcast right, and they can still sell for a lot of prices.

Not to mention some surrounding areas of Journey to the West.

A little more.

All companies think the reason why Journey to the West can be successful.

It is also because Ye Xiao's novel is well written and famous.

Naturally, it has a huge audience base.

This also saves a lot of publicity costs.

I'm afraid this is also an important reason why Ye Xiao dared to spend 200 million on special effects.

And in their view, the latter factor is more influential.

This allowed them to discover a whole new path.

Many companies have begun to set their sights on literary fiction.

Maybe they also want to replicate the success of Journey to the West.

Start looking for some best-sellers that are suitable for adaptation in a large number of literary works.

Ye Xiao didn't know because of his own reasons.

The situation that led to the adaptation of such a big IP in the previous life appeared in advance.

So much so that authors of literary novels have recently received invitations from many entertainment companies,

Apparently want to adapt their novel.

And among them, Ye Xiao's Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

It has been targeted by countless entertainment companies for a long time.

Although these companies did not deal with Ye Xiao before.

But capital is profit-seeking.

in front of huge interests.

Even if they kill their father's enemies, their brows will not wrinkle.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms came to an end last month.

The influence brought by Romance of the Three Kingdoms has already spread all over the Internet.

Compared with the previous Journey to the West, it is even more, but not worse.

Many fans of Romance of the Three Kingdoms have also compared him with Journey to the West.

There are also two groups on the Internet.

One is a loyal fan of Journey to the West, while the other is a fan of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and its love.

The results were discussed and discussed.

No one can compete.

In the end, it was the Authors' Union side, seeing that things were a little noisy.

He simply came forward and directly stereotyped both books as extremely rare masterpieces.

This only slightly appeased the fans on both sides.

Fortunately, the two books are the same author, and there are also many book fans who love both books very much.

Among them, many professors of the History Department of Beijing University College.

After reading Romance of the Three Kingdoms, I also felt emotional.

This is indeed a rare historical novel.

Although there are quite a few that are not in line with history.

But it is also a good reference for history.

Therefore, after Journey to the West, Ye Xiao's Romance of the Three Kingdoms was proposed again as a must-read for primary and middle school students.

And this decision made countless students cry in pain.

Who would have thought that a star would actually increase their studies twice within a year.

Many students can even say "" "hatred." "Bone" to Ye Xiao


After learning all kinds of information.

Ye Xiao began to think about the next plan.

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