Entertainment: I Never Tell Lies

Chapter 289 The schedule can still be squeezed

Ye Xiao's eyes lit up and he was a little excited, but then he thought about his schedule: "Can I still squeeze in my schedule?"

"It's hard to squeeze!""

Ji Ping shook his head: "Your own schedule is full and you can't squeeze anything! 99

"Or I could watch the money fly away!

"Then don't arrange the rest time!" Ye Xiao said: "I need to make more money! 39

"That's our two companies. I pay for it, and you pay for it. It's the same!"

"Brother, it's different, I can't let you lose money!"

Ye Xiao said.

"I give people, and I give money, but a little less! 99


Ji Ping responded.

The two bragged for a while.

After that, we made an appointment for lunch.

After waiting for lunch, they all went to work.

Ye Xiao and Sister Hong made an appointment to meet at a very private cafe.

It's just that Ye Xiao didn't feel good until he got out of the garage.

Subconsciously, he turned on the camera function of his mobile phone, and then put it in his jacket pocket, revealing the camera.

It was very quiet in the garage, and suddenly a voice rang out: "Ye Xiao!

Ye Xiao turned his head to see that it was Sister Hong, and immediately turned around: "Sister Hong!

Sister Hong smiled at Ye Xiao: "You are on time, let's go! 99

"Your phone???"

Sister Hong's eyes flashed and she clearly noticed.

Ye Xiao smiled, stretched out his hand and took out his cell phone, shook it, and stuffed it into his trouser pocket: "Isn't a cell phone a must-have!"

Sister Hong smiled and said nothing.

Only lead the way in front: "The black tea in this teahouse is not bad, just invite you to taste it."

Ye Xiao smiled: "Then thank you Sister Hong!

"Don't be so polite, I'm very supportive to the younger generation in the circle, this time, you really misunderstood me!"

Sister Hong walked in front, unable to see the expression on her face.

But you can see her steady steps, obviously, is a trainer.

"I haven't congratulated you for winning the first prize in the International Youth Piano Exchange Competition. Sister Hong smiled: "Congratulations!


The two politely exchanged dozens of sentences, but none of them came to the point.

It wasn't until she entered the box that Sister Hong's face sank: "Take it out!

Ye Xiao looked confused: "Sister Hong, what are you taking?"

"your phone!

Sister Hong knew that Ye Xiao's phone contained many secrets, and if this phone got into her hands...

Ye Xiao took a few steps back in horror: "Sister Hong, what are you trying to do, what's wrong with my phone?"

"Ye Xiao, you are a smart person, don't act stupid!"

"Give me your phone!"

Sister Hong said: "As long as you give me your mobile phone, I promise, I won't do anything to you!"

Ye Xiao put away the expression on his face: "What if I don't pay?"

"Besides, what do you want my cell phone for, Sister Hong? There are many secrets in my cell phone!

"All I want is the secret in your phone!

"Hand over it! I'll let her let go of Jiejie's side, and the matter of your Three Kingdoms trial will also be much easier!

Sister Hong is absolutely confident that she can make Ye Xiao hand over her mobile phone, which is why (cgbg) is so reckless.

"Sister Hong, are you threatening me?" Ye Xiao said, "If I don't pay, what will happen to you! 99

"Threats and intimidation?" Sister Hong sneered: "If you don't hand over your mobile phone, don't think of this door today!""

"No reporters can come in here!"

Ye Xiao took out his cell phone while he was there: "That's it! Then I don't know how the signal is in here?

Sister Hong's expression changed suddenly: "Ye Xiao, what did you do?

Ye Xiao smiled: "Sister Hong, I didn't do anything! You are threatening me!

"If I can't get out of this door, Sister Hong, you are on the verge of breaking the law. It's not that I scare you, it's that I am an honest person and don't like to tell lies. I also believe that the law can protect each of us. alone!"

Sister Hong's complexion suddenly changed, and she looked at the monitor in the room and gave a look.

After a while, Sister Hong's cell phone rang.

Listening to what was said on the phone, Sister Hong's face became more and more ugly!

Also getting darker.

Before he could even say anything to Ye Xiao, he turned around and wanted to leave.

But Ye Xiao stopped Sister Hong: "Sister Hong, what's the hurry, you threatened me, I didn't dare to move, why don't you wait?

At this time, the audience of the live broadcast room suddenly increased!

"My God, I never thought that someone would be so bold! 35

"That's a crazy temptation on the edge of the law!""

"Is it Sister Hong? Is that Sister Hong I thought?"

"Why is the screen black?"

"The one upstairs went to watch the recording and broadcast. At first, he had a face, but it seems that he was discovered later, and he lost his face! 99

"So...it was filmed secretly?"

"Do you understand upstairs, what is this secret filming, this is an upright live broadcast, okay!

"I really didn't expect the circle to be so dark, what kind of life did my brother Xiao live in the past few years!""

"I knew it was not easy for Ye Xiao to start a live broadcast suddenly!"

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